9:15 AM
Zbigniew Andrzej Was
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
10:15 AM
RChL currents in Tauola: implementation and fit parameters
- Ms
Olga Shekhovtsova
(University of Valencia Spain)
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
11:15 AM
Resonace Chiral Lagrangians and hadronic currents theoretical uncertainty
- Mr
Pablo Roig
(UAB Barcelona Spain,)
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
9:15 AM
Using spin of tau to constrain hard interactions.
Zbigniew Andrzej Was
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
10:15 AM
TauSpinner and its application to data analysis
Zofia Czyczula Rudjord
(Yale University (US))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
11:15 AM
2HDM(II) radiative corrections in leptonic tau decays
- Prof.
Maria Krawczyk
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University)
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
9:15 AM
(N)NLL+(N)NLO QCD predictions and QED FSR for a novel variable which probes the low Z pT domain
Thi Kieu Oanh Doan
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
10:15 AM
Measurement of polarization in B to D^* tau nu decays
Karol Adamczyk
(IFJ PAN Krakow)
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
11:15 AM
Marcin Jakub Chrzaszcz
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
9:15 AM
Tau reconstruction and identification at CMS
Vladimir Cherepanov
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
10:15 AM
Tau identification and recosntruction at ATLAS
Martin Flechl
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
11:10 AM
Physics searches with tau leptons at ATLAS
Stan Lai
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg (DE))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
10:15 AM
Advanced analysis methods: today and tomorrow
Marcin Wolter
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
11:15 AM
Software organization of the projects related to TAUOLA
Tomasz Przedzinski
(Jagiellonian University (PL))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
9:15 AM
Confronting Theoretical Models with Experimental Data - Perspectives on tau^- to h^- h^- h^+ nu
Ian Michael Nugent
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
10:15 AM
Belle pion form factor in tauola
- Dr
Denis Epifanov
(Tokyo University and Budker Intitute Novosibirsk)
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)
11:15 AM
What next?
Zbigniew Andrzej Was
(Polish Academy of Sciences (PL))
(Sala Rady Naukowej 5301)