Future long baseline neutrino experiments

Lecture Theatre (ground floor) (G.O.Jones building)

Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

G.O.Jones building

Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
The aim of this workshop is to present a review of the current long baseline future experiments, their designs and proposed physics reaches, and to highlight the current UK contributions and interests. An overview of the status of the running or soon to be running long baseline neutrino experiments is presented before discussing the future projects in Europe, Japan and US, where both the status of the design and the expected reaches will be shown. After each talk there will be plenty of time for discussion. The meeting starts at 12:55. Lunch is served from 12:00. A wireless connection through Eduroam is available at QMUL. The meeting can also be attended through EVO: "Future Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment" on the Universe Community. Use QMUL2012 to access the virtual room.
Contact: Francesca Di Lodovico
    • 12:00
      Lunch Museum (first floor)

      Museum (first floor)

      G.O.Jones building

    • 1
      Welcome Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Francesca Di Lodovico (University of London (GB))
    • 2
      2012 Neutrino oscillation landscape and near term future experiments Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Jeff Hartnell
    • 3
      Detector technologies for long baseline neutrino experiments Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Lee Thompson
    • 4
      Cross Sections: the Beginning and End Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Ryan Terri
    • 5
      Hyper-Kamiokande Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Tsuyoshi Nakaya
    • 15:00
      Coffee break Museum (first floor)

      Museum (first floor)

      G.O.Jones building

    • 6
      LAGUNA-LBNO Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Neil McCauley
    • 7
      The US Long Baseline Neutrino Programme Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Justin Evans
    • 8
      Outlook of neutrino factories Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Ken Long
    • 9
      Phenomenological Overview Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Silvia Pascoli
    • 10
      Outlook Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      Lecture Theatre (ground floor)

      G.O.Jones building

      Queen Mary, University of London. Mile End E1 4NS
      Speaker: Dave Wark