18–21 Sept 2013
Yerevan, Armenia
Europe/Moscow timezone

The CasA a Hybrid-Neutron star?

Not scheduled
Yerevan, Armenia

Yerevan, Armenia

Guesthouse of Yerevan State University, Mashtots ave. 52


Dr Hovik GRIGORIAN (Yerevan State University)


It is demonstrated that the highly accurate measured data for the temperature of the young neutron star in the supernova remnant Cassiopeia A over the past 10 years--as well as all other reliably known temperature data of neutron stars--could have their naturally explanation within the "nuclear medium cooling" scenario. The explanation is that the thermal conductivity, resulting from a suppression of both the electron and nucleon contributions to it by medium effects is substantially reduced. The successful description of the observed data is possible not only for the star models made of hadronic matter but also for the so called hybrid models, for which one assumes to have a deconfined state of quark matter in the core.

Primary author

Dr Hovik GRIGORIAN (Yerevan State University)

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