Vasil Georgiev Vasilev
(Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski (BG))
11/03/2013, 11:40
ROOT 6 contains a revolution: cling, a new interpreter and reflection
database that is built on top of a state-of-the-art compiler
infrastructure. We introduce cling, its motivation, requirements and key
We explain how cling enables C++11 support and we will discuss ways of
making C++ more dynamic and interactive.
We show future perspectives that can enhance the user...
Barthelemy Von Haller
11/03/2013, 17:30
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is a heavy-ion detector studying the physics of strongly interacting matter and the quark-gluon plasma at the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider).
Given its strong requirements in terms of event rate and efficiency, as well as the limited heavy-ion beam time, the online Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) plays an essential role to ensure the good quality of the...
Markus Frank
11/03/2013, 17:50
The online system in the LHCb experiment uses ROOT in various areas.
ROOT is used in all processes participating in event data processing.
The degree of usage varies quite significantly - from the very
rudimentary usage of the ROOT plugin mechanism to fully equipped
applications filling histograms with data describing online the
detector status for monitoring purposes and the display...
Masaharu Goto
(Agilent Technologies International Japan)
11/03/2013, 18:30
Legacy C++ interpreter CINT was developped in Hewlett-Packard Japan in 1991 as an internal tool to support C/C++ language in scientific computation. It was integrated into ROOT framework in 1995. Since then, CINT played a key role as dictionary generator and C++ scripting engine in ROOT.
In this presentation, author of the CINT presents retrospective view; background and motivation of...
Cinzia Luzzi
(Universita di Ferrara (IT))
11/03/2013, 19:20
For high-energy physics experiments, in addition to the data analysis part, a very high precision in the description of the detector geometry is essential to achieve excellent results.
The physicists team which performs the simulation of the detector needs to strictly collaborate with the engineers team that works on the mechanical design of the detector. Often, this collaboration is made...
Thomas Lauf
(Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics)
11/03/2013, 19:40
The ROOT based (Offline) Analysis (ROAn) framework was developed to perform data analysis on data from Depleted P-channel Field Effect Transistor (DePFET) detectors, a new type of active pixel sensors developed at the MPI semiconductor laboratory (HLL). It is highly
flexible and extensible, thanks to ROOT’s features like run-time type information and reflection.
ROAn provides an analysis...
Philippe Canal
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
12/03/2013, 09:00
The introduction of cling in ROOT opens several opportunities for I/O including full support for multi-thread I/O and additional performance gains. This presentation will review several of the enhancements introduced in the last few ROOT releases. We will cover the enhancements to TTreeCache that made practical the reading of ROOT file over wide are networks, the introduction of a parallel...
Bertrand Bellenot
12/03/2013, 09:30
A JavaScript version of the ROOT I/O subsystem is being developed, to browse (inspect) ROOT files in a platform independent way. This allows the content of ROOT files to be displayed in most web browsers, without having to install ROOT, hence giving a direct access to ROOT files from new (e.g. portable) devices in a light way. This presentation will show how to browse ROOT files and display...
Wim Lavrijsen
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (US))
12/03/2013, 10:00
With the advent of ROOT 6 and Cling, PyROOT is getting an overhaul of its internals. It will be split in a ROOT-dependent portion (the familiar PyROOT) and two supporting back-ends: PyCling for CPython and Cppyy for PyPy. Through Cling, PyCling gets to be one of the first (if not the first) automatic bindings generator for Python to support C++11. For Cppyy, Cling can deliver the low level...
Andrew Hanushevsky
12/03/2013, 11:00
As the XRootD storage system nears it's first decade, it has not ceased to
make continuous improvements in reliability, scalability, security, and
overall usability. The effort is managed by a small but very active collaboration.
Today we see XRootD and second party implementations of the XRootD protocol
deployed at most LHC sites as well as significant penetration in the
Lukasz Janyst
12/03/2013, 11:20
Thanks to its scalability and modular structure, the XRootD framework has been successfully integrated into the data storage infrastructure of CERN and many other WLCG sites. Being a key component of EOS and CASTOR systems it provides access to bulk of the LHC data and serves petabytes of storage space for physics data analysis. Extensive usage over several years has revealed many...
Peter Waller
(University of Liverpool-Unknown-Unknown)
12/03/2013, 12:00
Sometimes you have a lot of plots. And you want to show them to people.
WebOOT is a vision and an experimental python application which allows looking inside ROOT files and objects (e.g, trees and histograms) from a web browser. The main idea is that a plot you want to make is generated on demand from a URL. WebOOT blurs the distinction between the ROOT file and the file system, allowing...
Serguei Bityukov
(Institute for High Energy Physics (RU))
12/03/2013, 12:15
In note [1] is proposed a method for statistical comparison of histograms. The program which allows to estimate "the statistical distance" between two histograms on the base of this method is realized in frame ROOT system. The first experience of using this program in data analysis is presented in this report.
1. S. Bityukov, N. Krasnikov, A. Nikitenko, V. Smirnova
"A method for...
Ivana Hrivnacova
(Universite de Paris-Sud 11 (FR))
12/03/2013, 17:30
While the Geant4 framework itself is independent from any choice of analysis tool, the Geant4 user developing his own application can include ROOT analysis in several ways. The simplest is use of g4tools integrated directly in Geant4 since 9.5 release that hides the chosen persistency technology to the user, then the application can use directly classes from ROOT package and finally users can...
Andrei Gheata
12/03/2013, 17:50
Concurrency became lately a valuing goal for HEP software for performing better on modern computer architectures. Speeding up the simulation of particle transport is a major R&D objective to cope with the foreseen increase in luminosity for the LHC by 2018. Features like track-level parallelism and vectorization are important levers to move towards high-performance particle transport. The...
Rolf Andreassen
(University of Cincinnati (US))
12/03/2013, 18:10
The GooFit framework is a tool for parallelising the evaluation of arbitrary PDFs. By exploiting the massive parallelism of nVidia GPUs, speedup factors of 2-300 can be achieved for real-world physics problems.
Ruggero Turra
(Università degli Studi e INFN Milano (IT))
12/03/2013, 18:30
ROOT is the standard for high-energy experiments, as ATLAS where it is
widely used in data analysis. This talk will describe the usage of
ROOT and some related toolkit, as proof, from non-expert users,
focusing on the most frequent problems experienced by newcomers and
the benefit from the python interface. In addition a comparison to
other some new tools is briefly discussed.
Petya Tsvetanova Petrova
(Plovdiv University Paisii Hilendarski (BG))
12/03/2013, 18:45
Savannah bug-tracking system retires. A new system – JIRA will replace it. I will report the current status of ROOT project migration in JIRA. Also I am going to describe details of how to use JIRA and what are the advantages of it. I will give details of the new functionalities that can facilitate ROOT users in the working process.
Romain François
(R Enthusiasts)
12/03/2013, 19:00
The R environment and language for statistical computing (R Core, 2012) has become the lingua franca of statistical research and applied work, both in academia and industry. The language has evolved from its start at Bell Labs in 1980s to its current form as an established Open Source project with a (closed) core group of committers and a wider (open) group of contributors relying on a common...
Masaharu Goto
(Agilent Technologies)
12/03/2013, 19:40
Abstract: In Agilent Technologies Tokyo site, we develop test and measurement equipment for semiconductor industry. Dielectric material is a key element to build semiconductor device and high performance measurement equipment. We use ROOT in a physics research of such material. 2D/3D graphics is a powerful tool to visualize simulation result. Fitting function is used to validate charge...
Olivier Couet
13/03/2013, 09:00
ROOT 2D and 3D graphics have seen many new developments since the last workshop.
We will summarize them, emphasizing the most recent and noticeable ones:
ROOT's new default style, new palettes, and its new latex-style text
output. We will also give an overview on ongoing and planned projects.
Timur Pocheptsov
(Joint Inst. for Nuclear Research (RU))
13/03/2013, 09:30
Mac OS X traditionally provides a very rich set of APIs and frameworks,
particularly in area of 2D/3D graphics. Until recently, ROOT did not have
access to these native graphics libraries on Mac OS X.
During 2012 a new graphical back-end was developed for ROOT, as an
alternative choice, to the more than 15 year-old X11 based version. It's a
complete implementation of ROOT's GUI, 2D...
Florian Uhlig
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
13/03/2013, 10:00
FairRoot is a software framework for detector simulation, reconstruction, and data analysis based on ROOT. It provides basic infrastructure services (e.g: I/O, geometry handling, visualization, etc…) which allow fast prototyping of detector simulation, reconstruction and analysis codes.
Modular reconstruction and/or analysis is easily achieved by the usage of ROOT TTasks.
Started as a...
Attila Krasznahorkay
(New York University (US))
13/03/2013, 10:50
Data Analysis
The analysis model has changed a fair bit in ATLAS since the beginning of data taking in 2009. Our original model, in which analysers would start their analysis from centrally produced Analysis Object Data (AOD) files, which they could process on the grid using the ATLAS offline software, Athena, and then use the Athena environment until the very last steps of the analysis, was only used in a...
Matthias Ulrich Mozer
(University of Wisconsin (US))
13/03/2013, 11:10
Data Analysis
The presentation will address the experience of non-expert root users in the context of CMS data-analysis. Common workflows will be described and the corresponding challenges discussed. The use of RooFit will take a prominent place due to its importance in several analyses. Suggestions for improvements will be given.
Conor Fitzpatrick
13/03/2013, 11:30
Data Analysis
The LHCb Experiment relies upon ROOT and ROOT-based applications such as TMVA and ROOFIT for many analysis tasks. This talk will describe how LHCb analysts interact with ROOT in order to obtain results. Physics analysts at LHCb are made up of a broad range of programming experience: Topics presented in this talk will attempt to cover the experiences of seasoned programmers and non-experts...
Andrei Gheata
13/03/2013, 11:50
Data Analysis
ALICE is the first experiment at CERN that adopted officially ROOT as baseline from the early beginnings. The whole AliRoot framework is built on top of ROOT classes and profits from its features like: trees, containers, geometry, I/O and histogramming packages. While the skeleton for ALICE data analysis has been formalized by a dedicated framework on top of the TSelector functionality, the...
Christian Pulvermacher
13/03/2013, 12:10
Belle II is a high-luminosity B physics experiment being built at the
SuperKEKB B factory in Japan.
Until the planned beginning of data taking in 2016, we aim to provide
developers with a stable and user-friendly environment for implementing detector simulation, reconstruction and analysis software.
A new software framework, the Belle Analysis Software Framework 2 (basf2) is under...
Thomas Gahr
13/03/2013, 15:30
While the advantages of using interpreted C++, especially using cling, in ROOT are obvious, it also has great potential for applications outside the ROOT community.
My motivation for doing so, as well as the experience of doing that will be outlined in this talk.
Elvin Alin Sindrilaru
13/03/2013, 15:45
Optimizing ROOT reading performance over the WAN has become a priority given the various use cases in which analysis is performed on data at remote locations. The presentation focuses on two main techniques for achieving a better WAN performance, first by implementing asynchronous pre-fetching and secondly by providing a simple local caching mechanism which has a dramatic impact on certain...
Philippe Canal
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
13/03/2013, 16:00
Bart Butler
(Harvard University (US))
13/03/2013, 16:40
ProofAna is a ROOT-based framework designed to be flexible, fast, and simple to use. Developed at SLAC and now used in several university and lab groups within ATLAS, it combines all the standard analysis framework features with a runtime-modifiable, persistable event data model, templated on-demand branch loading, a simple package system for third-party and user code, and seamless switching...
Nathalie Rauschmayr
13/03/2013, 17:00
x32-ABI is an application binary interface, which has been introduced in Linux kernel 3.4. This interface bases on the x86-64 instruction set but uses 32-bit as size for pointers and C-datatype long instead of 64-bit. Thus software can profit from lower memory footprint but also form faster system calls. Several Root-benchmarks have been evaluated in this context and results regarding memory...
Benjamin Bannier
(Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University, SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11794-3400, USA)
13/03/2013, 17:20
ROOT as a platform is positioned at a demanding intersection of requirements:
Data acquisition and analysis in modern HENP asks for often highly optimized
implementations, while at the same time many typical users of ROOT are
non-experts and are interested in getting correct answers to their scientific
questions easily.
The C++11 standard updated the core C++ language with a number of...
Noel Dawe
(SFU Simon Fraser University (CA))
13/03/2013, 17:45
Python has become the language of choice for high-level applications where fast prototyping and efficient development are important, while glueing together low-level libraries for performance-critical tasks. The PyROOT bindings introduced ROOT into the Python arena, however, interacting with ROOT in Python should not "feel" like you are writing C++. Python also offers a multitude of powerful...
Anar Manafov
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
13/03/2013, 18:10
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
Git is easy to learn and has a tiny footprint with lightning fast performance. It outclasses SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase with features like cheap local branching, convenient staging areas, and multiple...
Gerardo Ganis
14/03/2013, 09:00
The use of the PROOF technology for LHC data analysis has been increasing steadily during the last years. PROOF on Demand (PoD) significantly simplified the use of the system on non-dedicated resources, whereas PROOF-Lite provides a quick way to get in touch with the system and an efficient way to exploit the many cores today available on desktops and laptops. Integration with analysis...
Anar Manafov
(GSI - Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung GmbH (DE))
14/03/2013, 09:30
PROOF on Demand (PoD) is a tool-set, which dynamically sets up a PROOF cluster at a user’s request on any resource management system (RMS). It provides a plug-in based system, in order to use different job submission front-ends.
PoD is currently shipped with gLite, LSF, PBS (PBSPro/OpenPBS/Torque), Grid Engine (OGE/SGE), Condor, LoadLeveler, PanDA and SSH plug-ins. It makes it possible just...
Sebastian White
(Rockefeller University (US))
14/03/2013, 10:10
"Mathematica with ROOT" was released on the ROOT pages 2 years ago. It imports data into Mathematica by linking to the CERN libraries with MATHLINK.
It is capable of dealing with all of the commonly used data generated by the large
Physics and Astronomy community that has adopted the CERN technologies.
This project coincided with release 8 of Mathematica so we benefitted from...
Lorenzo Moneta
14/03/2013, 11:00
The ROOT Mathematical library have evolved and consolidated in the last few years since the previous workshop. We will present the major new developments such as those in fitting and minimization and the on-going consolidation of the histogram classes. We will show as well the
current work on improving performances of the mathematical libraries using parallelization and vectorization...
Helge Voss
(Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (DE))
14/03/2013, 11:30
TMVA, the Toolkit for Multivariate Analysis, is a machine learning
package which is integrated into the ROOT framework for ease of use by
the HEP physicist. Employing and comparing different, sophisticated
machine learning algorithms in your data selection of regression tasks
has never been easier. In this presentation we will give a short
introduction to TMVA and show how to get the most...
Wouter Verkerke
14/03/2013, 11:50
The RooFit toolkit has become a standard tool to formulate probability densitity functions and likelihood function in HEP. In particular, the development of the 'workspace' concept to persist models has greatly advanced the ability to share and combined models, and is the foundation of the RooStats tools and the LHC Higgs discovery analysis. I will review
the current state of RooFit, the...
Lorenzo Moneta
14/03/2013, 12:10
RooStats is a project providing advanced statistical tools required for the analysis of
LHC data, with emphasis on discoveries, confidence intervals on measurement or exclusions, and combined measurements.
After a brief review of the different statistical tools and their implementation in RooStats,
we will show the experience gained of using them in producing results for physics...