17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Measurement of Cosmic Rays with the AMS-02 detector on the ISS

18 Jul 2013, 16:30
D2 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Talk presentation Astroparticle Physics Astroparticle Physics


Melanie Heil (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))


The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS-02) is a state of the art particle detector, measuring the cosmic rays on the International Space Station (ISS) since May 19th 2011. AMS-02 measures all the compounds of cosmic rays up to iron in an energy range from MeV to TeV. The seven subsystems of the detector allow for redundant particle identification with unprecedented accuracy. With its proton rejection in the order of 10^6 a very high purity of the antiparticle spectra can be obtained. The talk will give insight on the detector operation, particle identification and an overview of the first results and its various astroparticle physics interpretations.

Primary author

Melanie Heil (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))

Presentation materials