Tiziano Peraro
(Max Planck Institute for Physics - Munich)
I will present a novel approach for reduction of scattering amplitudes, based on multivariate polynomial division.
This technique extends the one-loop integrand reduction yielding the complete integrand decomposition for arbitrary amplitudes,regardless of the number of loops. It allows for the determination of the residue at any multi-particle cut, whose knowledge is a mandatory prerequisite for applying the integrand-reduction procedure. The method relies on the division modulo Groebner basis, and leads to a simple integrand recurrence relation generating the multi-particle pole decomposition for arbitrary multi-loop amplitudes.
Applications at one and two loops will be discussed as well.
Primary authors
Edoardo Mirabella
Giovanni Ossola
(City University of New York (US))
Pierpaolo Mastrolia
Tiziano Peraro
(Max Planck Institute for Physics - Munich)