17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Study of baryonic decays of B mesons at BaBar

20 Jul 2013, 09:15
D1 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Talk presentation Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries Flavour Physics and fundamental symmetries


Roland Waldi (Universitaet Rostock (DE))


Baryonic decays account for about 7% of the B-meson width, and have been studied in recent years by the B factories. These studies reveal properties of hadronization at low q^2, such as s anti-s suppression known from jet fragmentation, and phase space relations between the baryon and antibaryon. The measurement and comparison of exclusive branching fractions of baryonic B decays as well as studies on the dynamic of the decay, may allow better understanding of the aforementioned properties. We present the most recent measurements of B-meson decays with two or four baryons in the final state performed with the BABAR detector.


Fabio Anulli (Universita e INFN, Roma I (IT))

Presentation materials