Danilo Domenici
(Istituto Nazionale Fisica Nucleare (IT))
Three new subdetectors are being installed in the KLOE apparatus of the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati of INFN, for a new data taking period due to start in late summer 2013.
Photon detection is upgraded by means of a small crystal calorimeter in the very forward direction and of a tungsten-scintillating tiles sampling device instrumenting the low-beta quadrupoles of the accelerator.
A new tracking device, the first cylindrical GEM ever built, is inserted to extended tracking capabilities closer to the interaction point.
The novel idea of a Cylindrical GEM was developed at the Frascati Laboratory exploiting the kapton properties to build a transparent and compact Inner Tracker.
The Inner Tracker is composed by four tracking layers with diameters from 260 mm to 410 mm and an active length of 700 mm. Each layer is realized as a cylindrical triple-GEM detector, a solution that allows to keep the total material budget under 2\% of the radiation length $X_0$, of utmost importance to limit the multiple
scattering of low-momentum tracks at KLOE-2, and to minimize dead spaces. The peculiar readout pattern with XV strips provides a spatial resolution of about 200 micrometer on both views.
Primary author
Fabio Bossi
(Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF))