17–24 Jul 2013
KTH and Stockholm University Campus
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Studies of hadronic B decays to final states containing open charm mesons at LHCb

20 Jul 2013, 11:30
D1 (KTH Campus)


KTH Campus

Talk presentation Flavour Physics and Fundamental Symmetries Flavour Physics and fundamental symmetries


Dr Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Warwick (GB))


The LHCb experiment is a general purpose forward spectrometer operating at the Large Hadron Collider, optimized for the study of B and D hadrons. LHCb has collected unprecedented large samples of B hadron decays to final states involving charmed hadrons. These decays offer many complementary measurements of CP violation and CKM matrix parameters, and serve as a laboratory for testing effective theories of hadron decays. We present a selection of new world leading results in these types of decays, including first observations of new decay modes, world best branching ratio measurements and studies of resonant structure.


Dr Mark Peter Whitehead (University of Warwick (GB))

Presentation materials