4. Conclusions / Future plans
The pilot project is now deployed to the high speed CESNET2 network as a site-level service. The interconnection is being treated between existing Metropolitan PACS in Brno and Central Military Hospital in Prague. There is planned other distribution of the grid nodes of the pilot project into the Central Military Hospital in Prague and into the First Medical Faculty of Charles University in Prague.
3. Impact
The pilot project uses the Globus MEDICUS project as a test DICOM interface build upon the OGSA Globus Toolkit - opensource grid implementation. This integration provides replication service and failure recovery and allows to integrate federalized authorization.
The main services of the pilot project follows SOA principle to allow flexible evolution of these services.
These follows the idea to enhance the existing Metropolitan PACS using the new concepts and allowing key features of reliability the access to the data.
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Provide a set of generic keywords that define your contribution (e.g. Data Management, Workflows, High Energy Physics)
PACS, DICOM, medical imaging grid
1. Short overview
The aim of this paper is to introduce the pilot project of enterprise PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) in the Czech Republic which is deployed next to the existing Metropolitan PACS MeDiMed (Metropolitan Digital Imaging System in Medicine) using the service oriented architecture (SOA) style and grid technologies for distributed systems. This project follows the idea to build decentralized system used to exchange medial images.