Claude Dehavay
Marc Vanden Eynden
Marine Gourber-Pace
Sylvestre Catin
Zornitsa Zaharieva
The Controls Group (BE-CO) is responsible for the specification, design, procurement, integration, installation, commissioning and operation of the Controls infrastructure for all CERN Accelerators, their transfer lines and the Experimental Areas. Support is also provided to the technical infrastructure services that rely on standard controls facilities provided by the group.
The CERN Accelerators Controls System Renovation project (ACCOR) was launched in 2009 in order to renovate both the hardware infrastructure and the software part of the Accelerators Controls System. The Controls Group has decided to cease this opportunity and to improve at the same time the maintenance management for the controls equipment as well as the overall asset management processes and the links between the information systems supporting those.
The presentation will cover the renovation of the Controls hardware infrastructure and the migration to the CERN standard Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) – Infor/MTF, Engineering Documentation Management System (EDMS) for documentation management as well as it will present the links to other domains, which are important for the Controls System, such as the Controls Configuration. The presentation will give the user point of view and the experience with the introduction of the new Maintenance Management practices – the challenges that were overcome, the good points and those that need to be improved.
Claude Dehavay
Marc Vanden Eynden
Marine Gourber-Pace
Sylvestre Catin
Zornitsa Zaharieva