2–4 Jun 2008
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Europe/Zurich timezone

C-V/IV and CCE measurements of MCz and FZ p and n type diodes after mixed irradiations

2 Jun 2008, 15:40
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Defect Engineering and Pad Detector Characterization Defect Engineering & Pad Detector Characterization I


Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute)


The set of MCz and Fz p and n type diodes was irradiated first with fast charged hadrons (200 MeV pions or 24 GeV protons) and afterwards with reactor neutrons. The measurements showed that damage of both irradiation particles adds for Neff and leakage current. The space charge of MCz-n detectors after charged hadron irradiations should be positive as the additional irradiation with neutrons reduces the Vfd. The measurements of CCE confirm above observations.

Primary author

Gregor Kramberger (Jozef Stefan Institute)


Igor Mandić (Jozef Stefan Institute) Marko Mikuž (Jozef Stefan Institute) Vladimir Cindro (Jozef Stefan Institute)

Presentation materials