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<span style="color:red;">This session will take place at the Council Chamber 503-1-001.</span>[Map]
During the SPSC meeting the five experiments: AD2 (ATRAP), AD3 (ASACUSA) , AD4 (ACE), AD5 (ALPHA), and AD8 (BASE) will be presented and are part of our ADUC/ELENA meeting.
Link to the SPSC meeting:
<span style="color:red;">This session will take place at the Conference room 13-2-005.</span>[Map]
<span style="color:red;">This session will take place at the Conference room 13-2-005.</span>[Map]
<span style="color:red;">This visit will take place at the Buildings 193 and 393.</span>[Map]
<span style="color:red;">This session will take place at the Conference room 13-2-005.</span>[Map]