11–22 Aug 2014
Europe/Zurich timezone

General instanton counting and 5d SCFT

19 Aug 2014, 14:00
4/3-006 - TH Conference Room (CERN)

4/3-006 - TH Conference Room


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Jaemo Park (Postech)


Instanton partition functions of 5d N=1 gauge theories are Witten indices for the ADHM gauged quantum mechanics with (0,4) SUSY. We derive the integral contour prescriptions for these indices using the Jeffrey-Kirwan method, for gauge theories with hypermultiplets in various representations. The results can be used to study various 4d/5d/6d QFTs. In this paper, we study 5d SCFTs which are at the UV fixed points of 5d SYM theories. In particular, we focus on the Sp(N) theories with N_f <8 fundamental and 1 antisymmetric hypermultiplets, living on the D4-D8-O8 systems. Their superconformal indices calculated from instantons all show E type symmetry enhancements.It is crucial to understand the UV incompleteness of the 5d SYM, coming from small instantons in our problem. We explain in our examples how to fix them.

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