Session 1 - Defect and Material Characterization
- Ioana Pintilie (NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
Ioana Pintilie
(NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania),
Michael Moll
11/06/2014, 09:05
Roxana Radu
(National Institute of Materials Physics NIMP, Bucharest, Romania)
11/06/2014, 09:10
Silicon samples of n-type have been irradiated with electrons in the range 1.5 – 27 MeV and different fluences. The Mott cross section as function of silicon recoils kinetic energy revealed that the threshold for the production of cluster related defects is 1.2 keV. For the characterization of the radiation induced defects the Thermally Stimulated Current (TSC) and Deep Level Transient...
Leonid Makarenko
11/06/2014, 09:30
New experimental data have been presented on substitutional boron removal under irradiation and its restoration under thermal and recombination annealing in epitaxial Si structures.
Kevin Lauer
(CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik und Photovoltaik GmbH)
11/06/2014, 09:50
New possibilities in the field of silicon characterization (low-temperature PL spectroscopy and low-temperature FTIR) at CiS are presented.
Furthermore recent results on investigations regarding a defect, which appears due to electron or photon injection and degrades the charge carrier lifetime in boron doped silicon, are shown. The defect is known since the 1970s. First it was found to...
Gunnar Lindstroem
(University of Hamburg)
11/06/2014, 10:10
The maximum Si-recoil energy is strongly dependent on the electron energy, reaching values at e.g. 30 MeV, which are also specific for MeV neutron irradiation. A systematic investigation of the damage on the electron energy could therefore reveal a tool to distinguish between point and cluster effects, see report given ba Roxana Radu. Supporting calculations are presented here. Recoil energy...
Ernestas Zasinas
(Vilnius University)
11/06/2014, 11:00
High energy particle bombarding creates both point defects and clusters of defects within the target material. We model such a cluster of defects in silicon crystal as a few nanometer size region of randomly displaced ions which may be understood also as an aggregate of vacancy and interstitial defects. The electronic states within the cluster and its environment are calculated using density...
S.V. Nistor
(NIMP - Magurele (RO))
11/06/2014, 11:20
The presence and nature of the paramagnetic point defects produced in single crystalline samples of high resistivity (3-4 kOhm cm) n-type silicon (FZ- Wacker), doped with 17O enriched isotope, after irradiation with 27MeV electrons (2 x 1016 cm-2), has been investigated by Q-band (34 GHz) electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy in the 10- 296 K temperature range. Changes in the nature and...
Leona Nistor
(NIMP Bucharest-Magurele (RO))
11/06/2014, 11:40
The formation and evolution of extended defects following irradiation with 15 and 27 MeV electrons and further thermal annealing treatments have been observed by HRTEM on a high resolution analytical JEOL ARM 200F electron microscope. Clusters of point defects (vacancies and interstitials) with dimensions smaller than 3 nm are observed subsequent to irradiation. Their density increases with...
Ioana Pintilie
(NIMP Bucharest-Magurele, Romania)
11/06/2014, 12:00