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The 8th Workshop of the LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group

222/R-001 (CERN)



Show room on map
Alexandre Nikitenko (Imperial College), Charalampos Anastasiou (ETH, Zurich), Chiara Mariotti (INFN Torino), Christophe Grojean (ICREA, Barcelona), Daniel de Florian (Universidad de Buenos Aires), Fabio Maltoni (Universite Catholique de Louvain), Markus Schumacher (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg), Reisaburo Tanaka (LAL, Orsay)
      The LHC Higgs cross-section working group (HXSWG) was created in January 2010. The aim of this group was to produce agreements on cross sections, branching ratios and pseudo-observables relevant to SM and MSSM Higgs boson(s). In spring 2012, the group was restructured and new subgroups were added with the goal of discussing Higgs property/measurement and BSM extensions. Three CERN Reports have been completed, "Inclusive Observables" (CERN-2011- 002), "Differential Distributions" (CERN-2012-002), and "Higgs Properties" (CERN-2013-004). These achievements facilitated the comparison and combination of Higgs results at LHC since the beginning of the LHC physics programme.
      After 4 years of activities, our group is being reorganized in view of long LHC shutdown 2013-2014 (LS1) and in order to prepare the future run at higher energy. This new kick-off meeting will pave the way of the work to be carried over to crystallize the various theoretical ideas and predictions into actual recommendations to the experiments.
     In the meeting, we will have the opportunity to develop an action plan for three working groups (Higgs XS&BR, Higgs Properties, BSM Higgs),  and to discuss an efficient subgroup structure. In the three physics sessions of Thursday and Friday morning we will have review talks by the TH&EXP WG conveners.  In addition, we would like to welcome open contributions by anyone who wishes to offer ideas and suggestions. We therefore call for short physics presentations that will be scheduled during one of these three physics sessions. In addition, the afternoon session on Friday will be devoted to general discussions on the way the group should operate and what should be its priorities for the next two years. Anyone will also have the opportunity to present his/her ideas either in a form of a short talk at the meeting (~1 slide, 4 minutes max.)  or in a form of a short written contribution (1 page) that will be circulated and commented during the meeting.  We invite you to contact us  if you are interested in presenting something.
Proposal by ATLAS and CMS
  • Achilleas Lazopoulos
  • Alessandro Ballestrero
  • Alexander Karlberg
  • Alexander Mueck
  • Alexandre Nikitenko
  • Analu Custodio
  • Andrea Rizzi
  • Andreas Hoecker
  • Andreas Papaefstathiou
  • André David
  • Babis Anastasiou
  • Biagio Di Micco
  • Bill Murray
  • Bruno Mansoulié
  • Camila Jose Rangel Smith
  • Camilo Andres Carrillo Montoya
  • Carlo Carloni Calame
  • Carlo Enrico Pandini
  • Carlo Oleari
  • Chiara Mariotti
  • Chris Hays
  • Christoph Englert
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Christopher Neu
  • Daniel Enrique de Florian
  • Daniela Rebuzzi
  • Dieter Zeppenfeld
  • Eleni Vryonidou
  • Elisabetta Pianori
  • Emanuele Bagnaschi
  • Emanuele Re
  • Ezio Maina
  • Fabien Tarrade
  • Fabio Maltoni
  • Fabiola Gianotti
  • Florian Goertz
  • Frank Tackmann
  • Franz Herzog
  • G Carrillo Montoya
  • Gavin Salam
  • Georg Weiglein
  • Giancarlo Ferrera
  • Gino Isidori
  • Giulia Zanderighi
  • Giuliano Panico
  • Haifeng Li
  • Heather Logan
  • Hendrik Mantler
  • Jana Schaarschmidt
  • Jason Nielsen
  • Javier Mazzitelli
  • Jean-Baptiste De Vivie De Regie
  • Joey Huston
  • Jose Santiago
  • José Francisco Zurita
  • Juan Rojo
  • Julien Baglio
  • Jérémy Bernon
  • Jürgen Kroseberg
  • Karl Jakobs
  • Laura Reina
  • Magdalena Slawinska
  • Marco Zaro
  • Margherita Ghezzi
  • Maria Vittoria Garzelli
  • Markus Schumacher
  • Marta Felcini
  • Martin Gonzalez-Alonso
  • Marumi Kado
  • Massimiliano Grazzini
  • Matteo Cacciari
  • Michael Duehrssen-Debling
  • Michael Spira
  • Milada Margarete Muehlleitner
  • Monica Vazquez Acosta
  • Nazila Mahmoudi
  • Nicolas Chanon
  • Nikolas Kauer
  • pamela ferrari
  • Patricia Rebello Teles
  • Peter Onyisi
  • Pietro Govoni
  • Pietro Slavich
  • Predrag Milenovic
  • Qiang Li
  • Reisaburo Tanaka
  • Robert Thorne
  • Roberto Contino
  • Roberto Covarelli
  • Roberto Salerno
  • Rosy Nikolaidou
  • Sabine Kraml
  • Stefan Liebler
  • Stefano Boselli
  • Stefano Pozzorini
  • Susan Shotkin Gascon-Shotkin
  • Sven Heinemeyer
  • Tania Robens
  • Tatjana Lenz
  • Thomas Gehrmann
  • Tilman Plehn
  • Ursula Laa
  • Veronica Sanz
  • Zoltan Kunszt
  • Thursday 12 June
    • 09:00 09:20
      Introduction 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      Convener: Steering Committee
      • 09:00
        Introduction 20m
        Speaker: Chiara Mariotti (INFN Torino)
    • 09:20 12:30
      WG2: Higgs Properties 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      Convener: WG2 Conveners
      • 09:20
        Prospects of Higgs Property Measurements in RUN-2 and Beyond 25m
        Speakers: André David (CERN), Michael Duehrssen-Debling (CERN)
      • 09:45
        HH Phenomenology 25m
        • Higgs selfcoupling extraction 10m
          Speaker: Julien Baglio (Karlsruhe)
        • Pinning down the hhVV coupling from Higgs boson pair production in vector-boson fusion 10m
          Speaker: Juan Rojo (CERN, Oxford)
        • Discussion 5m
      • 10:10
        Higgs Effective Field Theory 50m
        • EFT analysis of inclusive rates 15m
          Speaker: Francesco Riva (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne)
        • EFT analysis of kinematical distributions 20m
          Speaker: Veronica Sanz Gonzalez (Sussex)
        • Discussion 15m
      • 11:00
        Tools for Higss Coupling Measurements 45m
        • aMC@NLO and Higgs characterization 10m
          Speaker: Marco Zaro (LPTHE-Paris VI)
        • eHDECAY 10m
          Speaker: Margherita Ghezzi (Torino)
        • Higgs signals 10m
          Speakers: Georg Ralf Weiglein (DESY), Sven Heinemeyer (CSIC, Santander)
        • Lilith 10m
          Speaker: Jeremy Bernon (LPSC, Grenoble)
        • Discussion 5m
      • 11:45
        General Discussion on Higgs Coupling Extraction 45m
        • Higgs data presentation 10m
          Speaker: Sabine Kraml (LPSC, Grenoble)
        • A novel approach to Higgs coupling measurements* 10m
          Speakers: Kyle Stuart Cranmer (New York University), Tilman Plehn (Heidelberg University)
        • Discussions on Physics and Organization (subgroup structure) 20m
    • 12:30 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 30m 222/R-001



      Show room on map
    • 14:00 18:35
      WG1: Higgs XS&BR 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      Convener: WG1 Conveners
      • 14:00
        Experimental Needs on Higgs XS, BR, (N)NLO MC, Jets and PDF 25m
        Speakers: Bruce Mellado (University of the Witwatersrand), Pasquale Musella (CERN), Reisaburo Tanaka (LAL, Orsay)
      • 14:25
        ggF 45m
        • The gluon fusion Higgs cross-section in N3LO QCD at threshold. 15m
          Speaker: Franz Herzog (ETH Zurich)
        • ggH at N3LO (approximately) 15m
          Speaker: Richard Ball (Edinburgh University)
        • Constraints on the Higgs N3LO cross section from the physical kernel 15m
          Speaker: Javier Mazzitelli (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
      • 15:10
        VBF and VH 30m
        • Recent theory progress 15m
          Speaker: Giancarlo Ferrera (Milan)
        • VBF Higgs production and VBS 15m
          Speaker: Dieter Zeppenfeld (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
      • 15:40
        Off-shell Effects, Width and Interference 45m
        • Width determination from VBF 15m
          Speaker: Roberto Covarelli (University of Rochester)
        • Off-shell coupling measurements 15m
          Speaker: Christoph Englert
        • Bounding the Higgs width* 15m
          Speaker: John Campbell
      • 16:25
        Coffee/Tea Break 20m
      • 16:45
        ttH 30m
        • ttH signal 10m
          Speaker: Maria Vittoria Garzelli (MTA-DE particle physics research group, Hungary)
        • ttbar + HF/V + jets backgrounds 15m
          Speaker: Stefano Pozzorini
        • Discussion 5m
      • 17:15
        HH Production 15m
        • Higgs pair production at NNLO 15m
          Speaker: Daniel De Florian
      • 17:30
        Higgs Decay 15m
        • Updates of Higgs branching ratios 15m
          Speaker: Alexander Mück (Aachen)
      • 17:45
        Monte Carlo 15m
        • NNLOPS 15m
          Speaker: Giulia Zanderighi (CERN & Oxford)
      • 18:00
        PDF 15m
        • News from PDF 15m
          Speaker: Robert Thorne (University College London)
      • 18:15
        General Discussion on Higgs XS&BR 20m
        • Discussions on Physics and Organization (subgroup structure) 20m
    • 19:30 22:30
      Workshop Dinner 500 Chemin de Baizenas, 01710 Thoiry (Ferme Auberge du Pré Velard)

      500 Chemin de Baizenas, 01710 Thoiry

      Ferme Auberge du Pré Velard

    • 09:00 12:20
      WG3: BSM Higgs 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      Convener: WG3 Conveners
      • 09:00
        BSM Higgs Search Prospects in RUN-2 and Beyond 30m
        Speakers: German Carrillo Montoya (University of the Witwatersrand), Mario Pelliccioni (Torino), Nikolaos Rompotis (University of Washington)
      • 09:30
        2HDM 15m
        • Report on recent activities* 15m
          Speaker: Howard Haber (University of California, Santa Cruz)
      • 09:45
        MSSM Higgs 30m
        • Higgs-mass calculations in the MSSM 5m
          Speaker: Pietro Slavich (LPTHE, Jussieu)
        • Neutral-Higgs production 20m
          Speaker: Stefan Liebler (Hamburg)
        • Charged-Higgs production 5m
          Speaker: Michael Spira (Paul Scherrer Institut)
      • 10:15
        Higgs with Light New Physics 25m
        • Latest theory developments 20m
          Speaker: Gino Isidori (Zurich & Frascati)
        • Discussion 5m
      • 10:40
        Coffee Break 20m
      • 11:00
        Higgs Exotic Decays 40m
        • Exotic Higgs searches* 25m
          Speaker: Matthew Strassler (Rutgers University)
        • Discussion 15m
      • 11:40
        General Discussion on BSM Higgs 40m
        • Higgs singlet extension* 5m
          Speaker: Tania Robens (TU Dresden)
        • Discussions on Physics and Organization (subgroup structure) 35m
    • 12:20 14:00
      Lunch Break 1h 40m 222/R-001



      Show room on map
    • 14:00 16:00
      General Discussion 222/R-001



      Show room on map
      Convener: Steering Committee
      • 14:00
        Open Discussions 1h 30m
        With presence of CERN (S. Bertolucci), ATLAS and CMS directions
        • Proposal 1 5m
          Speaker: Nikolas Kauer (Royal Holloway, University of London)
      • 15:30
        WG1: Higgs XS&BR Group Structure* 10m
        Speakers: Bruce Mellado (University of the Witwatersrand), Pasquale Musella (CERN)
      • 15:40
        WG2: Higgs Properties Group Structure 10m
        Speakers: André David (CERN), Michael Duehrssen-Debling (CERN)
      • 15:50
        WG3: BSM Higgs Group Structure 10m
        Speakers: German Carrillo Montoya (University of the Witwatersrand), Mario Pelliccioni (INFN Torino), Nikolaos Rompotis (University of Washington)