12–14 Nov 2014
Japan timezone
Dear participants, Thank you very much for your valuable contributions to the successful workshop! (by organizers)

The 2014 Kyoto Workshop on HTS Magnet Technology for High Energy Physics – The 2nd Workshop on Accelerator Magnet in HTS (WAMHTS-2) – will take place on Thursday and Friday, November 13 – 14, 2014.
This workshop is the second of a series of workshops dedicated to high Tc superconductor (HTS) technology development for accelerator magnets. The workshop focuses on HTS magnet technology, whereas the first one, WAMHTS-1 in Hamburg last May organized by FP7-EuCARD-2, focused on HTS conductors. We are emphasizing HTS accelerator magnet technology, but high field HTS coil technology in general as well as related technology is within the scope of the workshop. The workshop aims to provide a forum where researchers interested in HTS accelerator magnets can exchange ideas and information and build synergies among various R&D programs. The participants will include those working for HTS accelerator magnets, working for accelerator magnets in general and working in related areas. The workshop is “by invitation only”.

List of Topics:
- Design studies of HTS accelerator magnets
- Coil fabrication technologies for HTS accelerator magnets and/or more general high field HTS magnets
- Demonstration coils and R&D coils: construction and test results
- Magnetization and field quality of magnets
- Quench detection and protection
- Conductor issues closely related to accelerator magnets

- High field HTS magnet projects whose technologies can be transferred to HTS accelerator magnets

We will not publish proceedings.

November is one of the most beautiful periods in Kyoto. We look forward to seeing you in beautiful Kyoto with its spectacular autumn color.

Naoyuki Amemiya
On behalf of the International Organizing Board, Program Co-Chairs, and Local Organizing Committee





Workshop Chair: Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University)

Program Co-Chairs: Luca Bottura (CERN) and Toru Ogitsu (KEK)

International Organizing Board: Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University), Lucio Rossi (CERN), Bruce Strauss (US DOE)

Local Organizing Committee: Naoyuki Amemiya (Kyoto University), Toru Ogitsu (KEK),  Tatsushi Nakamoto (KEK), Michinaka Sugano (KEK), Yukiko Okada (Kyoto University), Yuko Kurokawa (Kyoto University)

Local Organizing Committee and secretary: 2014KWS@t.kyoto-u.ac.jp
International Organizing Board and Program Co-Chairs: 2014KWS-IOBPCC@t.kyoto-u.ac.jp


This workshop is supported by SPIRITS Program of Kyoto University and by The Kyoto University Foundation.


Exhibitors:  Fujikura Ltd., Furukawa Electric Co. Ltd. Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.

Sponsors:  SuNAM Co., Ltd., SuperOx