2–6 Dec 2014
King's College London, Strand Campus
Europe/London timezone

Measurements of CP violation at Belle

5 Dec 2014, 15:35
Great Hall

Great Hall


Luka Santelj (KEK, Japan)


We present some of the recent measurements of $CP$ violation in $B$ decays based on the full data sample containing 772 million $B$ meson pairs collected at the $\Upsilon(4S)$ resonance using the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy $e^+e^-$ collider. In particular, we present measurements of time-dependent $CP$ violation parameters in $B^0 \to \eta'K^0$, $B^0 \to \omega K^0_S$ and $B^0\to K^0_S \eta \gamma$ decays. In the Standard Model these decays only proceed through the $b\to s$ quark transition penguin diagrams and are as such very sensitive to new CP violating phases carried by potential new heavy particles in the loops. In addition we also present measurement of direct $CP$ violation in $B^0 \to \eta' K^{\ast 0}$, and measurement of branching fraction of $B^0\to \pi^0\pi^0$ decay. The latter result plays an important role in determinations of $\phi_2$ angle of the unitarity triangle.


Luka Santelj (KEK, Japan)

Presentation materials