Matthew Tamsett
(University of Sussex)
The recently completed NuMI Off-Axis Nu_e Appearance (NOvA) long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, will use an upgraded NuMI neutrino source at Fermilab in conjunction with a 300-ton near-detector and a 14-kton far-detector to explore the neutrino sector. NOvA uses a fully active, finely segmented detector design that offers superb event identification capability, allowing precision measurements of electron (anti-)neutrino appearance and muon (anti-)neutrino disappearance. Through these NOvA will provide constraints on theta_13, theta_23, the atmospheric mass splitting, the neutrino mass hierarchy, and the CP-violating phase. This talk reviews NOvA's uniquely broad physics scope, including sensitivity updates, presents some early measures of the detector performance and discusses the experiment's construction and operation timeline.
Matthew Tamsett
(University of Sussex)