2–6 Dec 2014
King's College London, Strand Campus
Europe/London timezone

Summary and prospects of the LHCb Experiment

5 Dec 2014, 12:30
Great Hall

Great Hall

Experimental results from and prospects at LHC and new facilities. PLENARY 4


Prof. Neville Harnew (University of Oxford (GB))


The physics highlights of the LHCb experiment will be reviewed, based on results from up to 3 fb^-1 of pp-collision data. Measurements of the angles of the unitary triangle will be highlighted, together with limits on new physics from rare b-decays, plus the observation of new baryonic states. Physics prospects for the upcoming Run-2 and the LHCb upgrade will also be summarized.


Prof. Neville Harnew (University of Oxford (GB))

Presentation materials