Vladimir Konotop
(Universidade de Lisboa)
02/12/2014, 17:00
Spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates (SO-BECs), which in the meanfield approximation are governed by two linearly coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations, allow for the existence of many types of localized nonlinear excitations: fundamental and multipole solitons, soliton half-vortices, etc. In the first part of the talk, such excitations will be considered in the presence of so-called...
Vincenzo Branchina
(University of Catania)
02/12/2014, 17:35
The renormalization group properties of a PT-symmetric $\phi^3$
theory are discussed and compared to the corresponding properties
of the conventional theory. In d=6 dimensions, the theory turns
out to be energetically stable, perturbatively renormalizable,
and trivial (the conventional one being asymptotically free and
unstable). Moreover, in $d =6-\epsilon$ dimensions, the theory
Philip Mannheim
(University of Connecticut)
02/12/2014, 18:15
We discuss some recent applications of PT symmetry to fundamental physics. We show that the recognition (Bender and Mannheim) that fourth-order derivative theories are PT symmetric theories rather than Hermitian ones enables one to show that such theories are ghost free and unitary. This then permits the fourth-order derivative conformal gravity theory to be a consistent quantum theory of...
Jean Alexandre
(King's College London)
02/12/2014, 18:50
I will show the consistency of a non-Hermitian Lagrangian describing free fermions, and perform the Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation in order to map the Hamiltonian on a Hermitian one.