Owe Philipsen
(Goethe-University Frankfurt)
03/12/2014, 16:35
QCD thermodynamics is crucial for the physics
of the early universe, heavy ion collisions and compact stars.
However, predictions by lattice simulations are very costly
or, in the case of finite baryon density, even impossible because
of a sign problem.
Starting from Yang-Mills theory, it is shown how to use strong
coupling methods to construct a 3d effective theory which
Fabio Siringo
(Università degli Studi di Catania)
03/12/2014, 17:10
> The principle of stationary variance is advocated as a viable variational approach
to gauge theories where the simple Gaussian Effective Potential (GEP) is known to be
useless. The method can be regarded as a second-order extension of the GEP and seems
to be suited for describing the strong coupling limit of non-Abelian gauge theories.
The single variational parameter of the GEP is...
José Rodriguez Quintero
(University of Huelva)
03/12/2014, 17:45
We sketch an approach to a computation of the pion's valence dressed-quark GPD based upon a Rainbow-Ladder truncation of the QCD Dyson-Schwinger equations. In particular, our starting point is the appropriate recasting of the computed GPD as the well-known double distribution ansatz, which automatically fulfils all the constraints required by the observing of discrete and Lorentz symmetries.