Stefan Olejnik
(Institute of Physics, Slovak Acad. Sci., Bratislava)
03/12/2014, 14:30
Beside anniversaries of the important discoveries celebrated at this workshop, there is another worth to mention: The first paper attempting direct calculation of the Yang-Mills vacuum wave-functional was published in 1979 [J. Greensite, Nucl. Phys. **B158** (1979) 469]. I will review some recent results of the determination of the vacuum wave-functional in Monte Carlo simulations of SU(2)...
Arlene Cristina Aguilar
(University of Campinas)
03/12/2014, 15:05
In this talk we present a new method for determining the nonperturbative
quark-gluon vertex, which constitutes a crucial ingredient for a variety of theoretical and phenomenological studies. This new method relies heavily on the exact all-order relation connecting the conventional quark-gluon vertex with the corresponding vertex of the background field method, which is Abelian-like. The...
Peter Millington
(Technische Universität München (TUM))
03/12/2014, 15:40
We illustrate a number of interesting features of a nominal departure from standard quantum field theory, constructed so as to permit momentum eigenstates of both positive and negative energy. Postulating an additional discrete symmetry of the free field theory under the interchange of positive- and negative-frequency modes, we show that one can obtain tree-level source-to-source amplitudes...