LHCb workshop on quantum interference effects, QCD measurements and generator tuning

222/R-001 (CERN)



Show room on map
Florin Maciuc (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Enginee), Marcin Kucharczyk (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))

This is to be a workshop between the LHCb collaboration and interested theorists as well as other experiments.

One purpose of the workshop is to discuss previous and recent results on the Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac correlations and its possible interpretations as well as to identify the most important theoretical frameworks to be tested in LHCb. Another important issue to be covered are recent QCD measurements with respect to the tuning of related generators.

The meeting will be arranged in three main streams, listed below

  • Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac correlations
  • QCD measurements
  • Tuning of related generators

All interested theorists and experimentalists are welcome to participate, and are encouraged to register at the workshop INDICO page (there is no registration fee).  To express interest in giving a presentation, please contact the conveners of the relevant stream.

Each participant should arrange their own accommodation (e.g. at the CERN hostel).  For any administrative matters (e.g. concerning external access to CERN), please contact the LHCb Secretariat.

For general matters, please contact the organising committee:
Marcin Kucharczyk (kuchar@mail.cern.ch), Florin Maciuc (florin.maciuc@cern.ch)
