23–29 Mar 2015
Marriott Georgetown Hotel
US/Eastern timezone
See you in Rome next year! Note down April 11-15, 2016

Preliminary Power Estimates for the FCC-hh

26 Mar 2015, 09:30
ROOM C (Marriott Georgetown Hotel)


Marriott Georgetown Hotel


Rende Steerenberg (CERN)

Abstract title

For the Future Circular Colliders under study at CERN both hadron (FCC-hh) and lepton (FCC-ee) collider options are being investigated. In anticipation of more detailed design of the machine lattice, magnets and different systems preliminary power requirements for the FCC-hh have been estimated by intelligent scaling from the LHC, for which a high level of return on experience is available. The scaling assumptions used will be outlined and the preliminary power estimates of the different systems, services and circuits will be discussed. Finally an outlook on further steps and requirements towards refining these estimates will be proposed for the FCC-hh together with an approach for estimating the power requirements for the FCC-ee design.

Presentation materials