Matthew Wing
28/04/2015, 09:00
WG7 Future experiments
Based on current CERN infrastructure, an electron-proton collider is proposed at a centre-of-mass energy of about 9 TeV. A 7 TeV LHC bunch is used as the proton driver to create a plasma wakefield which then accelerates electrons to 3 TeV, these then colliding with the other 7 TeV LHC proton beam. The basic parameters of the collider are presented, which although of very high energy, has...
He Zhang
(Jefferson Lab)
28/04/2015, 09:25
WG7 Future experiments
At Jefferson Lab, the conceptual design of a next generation facility, the medium energy electron ion collider (MEIC), to reach the frontier in Quantum Chromodynamics has been carried on for years. The MEIC will provide an electron beam with energy up to 10 GeV, a proton beam with energy up to 100 GeV, and heavy ion beams with corresponding energy per nucleon with the same magnetic rigidity. ...
Emilia Cruz Alaniz
(University of Liverpool)
28/04/2015, 09:50
WG7 Future experiments
An intense electron beam, when combined with the LHC (LHeC) or, in the further future, the FCC hadron beams (FCC-he), can lead to a unique, energy frontier DIS collider at CERN. This talk presents a summary of recent studies, including those about the design of the SCRF cavities and an initial Energy Recovery Linac Test Facility.
Yuhong Zhang
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
28/04/2015, 10:45
WG7 Future experiments
The proposal of Construction of CepC and SppC, the next generation energy frontier e+e- and pp circular colliders, in a common accelerator complex provides an opportunity to realize collisions of protons or ions with electrons or positrons in an ultra high center-of-mass energy range up to 4.2 TeV. This paper presents a preliminary design study of this e-p/A collider based on the CepC-SppC...
Ilkka Helenius
(Helsinki Institute of Physics (HIP)-Univ. of Helsinki, Fac. of S), Mr
Ilkka Helenius
(Lund University)
28/04/2015, 11:10
WG7 Future experiments
An intense electron beam, when combined with the LHC (LHeC) or, in the further future, the FCC hadron beams (FCC-he), can lead to a unique, energy frontier DIS collider at CERN. New results are shown of evaluations of the potential of eA physics at the energy frontier, including, for the first time, a determination of nuclear parton distributions based on only (simulated) eA data input.
Zhenyu Ye
(University of Illinois at Chicago)
28/04/2015, 11:35
WG7 Future experiments
The STAR collaboration proposes to construct a Forward Calorimeter System and Forward Tracking System for future polarized p+p, polarized p+A, and A+A beam operations at RHIC. The main scientific goals are to study Quantum Chromo Dynamics (QCD) in the high and low Bjorken-x domain and to explore the properties of the strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). The proposed upgrades will...
Flera Rizatdinova
(Oklahoma SU)
28/04/2015, 12:00
WG7 Future experiments
Run-I at the LHC has been very successful, including the
discovery of a new particle with a mass of about 125 GeV and with
properties compatible with those of the Standard Model Higgs boson
within uncertainties. Precise measurements of the properties of this
boson, and the discovery of new physics beyond the Standard Model, are
primary goals of future running at the LHC. The physics...
Zhiwen Zhao
(JLab & Old Dominion University)
28/04/2015, 14:00
WG7 Future experiments
The Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) is envisioned as the next-generation US facility for exploring the strong interaction. The Medium-energy EIC (MEIC) is the first stage of the EIC at Jefferson Lab (JLab). aimed at mapping the spin and spatial structure of the quark and gluon sea in the nucleon, understanding the emergence of hadronic matter from color charge, and probing the gluon fields in...
Nils Feege
(Stony Brook University)
28/04/2015, 14:25
WG7 Future experiments
The Electron Ion Collider (EIC, arXiv:1212.1701.v3) will allow for precision measurements of the partonic and spin structure of nucleons and the partonic structure of nuclear matter using e+p and e+A collisions, respectively. One of the realizations of the EIC, the eRHIC at BNL, plans to utilize the existing RHIC storage rings (polarized proton and other ion beams) and a high-intensity...
Alexander Kiselev
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
28/04/2015, 14:50
WG7 Future experiments
Construction of an Electron-Ion Collider with luminosities exceeding $10^{33}~cm^{-1}s^{-1}$ is becoming a project of highest priority for the US
Nuclear Physics community.
The main physics topics to be explored at this new facility are (i) the polarized sea quark and gluon distributions
in the nucleon, (ii) QCD dynamics of the low-x, high density gluon regime,
(iii) hadronization and...
Max Klein
(University of Liverpool (GB))
28/04/2015, 15:15
WG7 Future experiments
An intense electron beam, when combined with the LHC (LHeC) or, in the further future, the FCC hadron beams (FCC-he), can lead to a unique, energy frontier DIS collider at CERN. Updates of the LHeC ep/A detector configuration are presented with a view to optimising Higgs physics and to extend the concept to the FCC-he.
Iouri Smirnov
(Northern Illinois University (US))
28/04/2015, 16:15
WG7 Future experiments
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) of the ATLAS experiment at the LHC is the hadronic calorimeter designed for energy reconstruction of hadrons, jets, tau-particles and missing transverse energy. A summary of performance results for TileCal using pp collisions from the LHC Run I will be presented. For Run 2, which will start this summer, the expected effects of increasing pile-up with rising...
28/04/2015, 16:40
Franco Grancagnolo
(INFN Lecce)
29/04/2015, 10:45
WG7 Future experiments
The Mu2e Experiment at Fermilab will search for coherent, neutrinoless
conversion of muons into electrons in the field of a nucleus with a
sensitivity improvement of a factor of 10,000 over previous experiments.
Such a lepton flavor-violating reaction probes new physics at a scale
inaccessible with direct searches at either present or planned high energy
colliders. The experiment both...
Bruno Angelucci
(University of Glasgow (GB))
29/04/2015, 11:10
WG3 Electroweak Physics and Beyond the Standard Model
The rare decays K+ ->pi+ nu nu are excellent processes to make tests of new physics at the highest scale complementary to LHC thanks to their theoretically cleaness.
The NA62 experiment at CERN SPS aims to collect of the order of 100 events in two years of data taking, keeping the background at the level of 10%.
Part of the experimental apparatus has been commissioned during a technical run...
Christian Schwanenberger
(Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)),
Christian Schwanenberger
(University of Manchester (GB))
29/04/2015, 11:35
WG7 Future experiments
An intense electron beam, when combined with the LHC (LHeC) or, in the further future, the FCC hadron beams (FCC-he), can lead to a unique, energy frontier DIS collider at CERN. Recent measurements at the LHC and the Tevatron have lead to a very precise determination of m_top with, however, sizeable theoretical and phenomenological uncertainties inherent to hadron-hadron scattering. High...
Anne Norrick
(The College of William and Mary)
29/04/2015, 14:00
WG7 Future experiments
Neutrino Nucleon Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) events in MINERvA provide a probe into the structure of nucleons within the nucleus that is different, due to the axial-vector component, than charged-lepton nucleon interactions. The MINERvA experiment is stationed in the Neutrinos from the Main Injector (NuMI) beam line at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. With the recent increase in...
Xinchun Tian
(Univesrity of South Carolina)
29/04/2015, 14:25
WG7 Future experiments
The reference design of the near detector for the LBNE/F experiment is a high-resolution Fine-Grained Tracker (FGT)
capable of precisely measuring all four species of neutrinos: ฮฝฮผ, ฮฝe, ฮฝ ฬฮผ and ฮฝ ฬe. The goals of the FGT is to
constrain the systematic errors, below the corresponding statistical error in the far detector,
for all oscillation studies; and to conduct a panoply of precision...
Annarita Buonaura
29/04/2015, 14:50
WG7 Future experiments
SHIP is a new general purpose fixed target facility, proposed at the CERN SPS accelerator.
In its initial phase the 400GeV proton beam will be dumped on a heavy target with the aim of integrating $2\times 10^{20}$ pot in 5 years.
A dedicated detector downstream the target will allow to probe a variety of models with light long-lived exotic particles and masses below O(10)...
Simona Malace
29/04/2015, 15:15
WG7 Future experiments
The Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade ensures the continuation of experimental programs dedicated to the understanding of nuclear medium modifications of the quark and gluon structure of the nucleon. The origin of the EMC effect is still a matter of controversy thirty years after its initial observation. The path forward in achieving a conclusive understanding of how the medium modifications of the...
Claire Gwenlan
(University of Oxford (GB))
30/04/2015, 10:45
WG7 Future experiments
An intense electron beam, when combined with the LHC (LHeC) or, in the further future, the FCC hadron beams (FCC-he), can lead to a unique, energy frontier DIS collider at CERN. New simulations are shown on the potential of measuring the full set of parton distributions in the proton and of their effect on the Higgs cross section in pp collisions.
Anna Stasto
(Penn State)
30/04/2015, 11:20
Rolf Ent
(Jefferson Lab)
30/04/2015, 11:45
WG7 Future experiments
Inclusive and semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering (DIS and SIDIS) are important tools for understanding the structure of nucleons and nuclei. Spin asymmetries in polarized SIDIS are directly related to transverse momentum dependent parton distributions (TMDs) and fragmentation functions. The usual collinear parton distribution functions depend on the fraction of hadron momentum carried by...