Takanori Yoshikoshi
(Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, University of Tokyo)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
We have been setting up a 3-meter diameter atmospheric Cherenkov telescope in Akeno, Japan, for various R & D studies mainly on very high energy gamma-ray astrophysics. This Davies-Cotton type telescope (Akeno telescope, hereafter) was manufactured in 1998 and has been recommissioned at low cost. A low power consumption imaging camera system has been developed for a future gamma-ray...
T.Brian Humensky
(Columbia University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an international next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory. CTA will be implemented as one or more arrays of tens of small, medium and large-sized imaging Cherenkov telescopes with the goal of improving the sensitivity of the current-generation experiments by an order of magnitude. CTA will provide energy coverage from ~20 GeV to more than 300...
Shoushan Zhang
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory (LHAASO) will be constructed at Mt. Haizi in Sichuan Province, China. Among several detector components of the LHAASO, the Water Cherenkov Detector Array (WCDA) is of great importance for low-to-middle energy gamma ray astronomy. The WCDA has an area of 90,000 m2 in total, which is sub-divided into 3600 cells by curtains, with a PMT resided in...
Henrike Fleischhack
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
VERITAS is an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope array that is sensitive to very-high energy gamma-rays from 85 GeV to 30 TeV. We present a high-performance shower-image analysis. The algorithm is based on the likelihood fitting of the charge amplitude in the camera pixels to an expected image template. The templates are generated by performing Monte-Carlo simulations of a large number of...
Joshua Wood
(University of Maryland, College Park)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory is a ground-based, TeV gamma-ray observatory in the state of Puebla, Mexico at an altitude of 4100m. Its 22,000 m$^2$ instrumented area, wide field of view (~2 sr), and >95% uptime make it an ideal instrument for discovering gamma-ray burst (GRB) emission at ~100 GeV. Such a discovery would provide key information about the origins of prompt...
Michael Zacharias
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The LBL AP Librae is a fascinating blazar, since its spectrum contains a few peculiarities, which are not easy to explain. First, the H.E.S.S. collaboration has announced the detection of VHE $\gamma$-ray emission from AP Librae. This results in an unusually broad inverse Compton component, since the X-rays are also inverse Compton dominated. Coupled with the narrow synchrotron component, the...
Bruno Khelifi
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The LAT telescope on board of the Fermi satellite provides the deepest survey of the gamma-ray sky in the 100 MeV to 300 GeV energy range. Recently published, the 3FGL catalog contains 3033 sources obtained from the analysis of 4 years of data. While 2043 of these sources are associated with objects identified at other wavelengths, the most numerous populations corresponding to blazars (1145)...
Daniel Nieto Castano
(Columbia University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is an international project for a next-generation ground-based gamma-ray observatory. CTA, conceived as
an array of tens of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, comprising small, medium and large-size telescopes, is aiming to improve on the sensitivity of current-generation experiments by an
order of magnitude and provide energy coverage from 20 GeV...
Marcos Santander
(Barnard College, Columbia University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
A medium-sized Schwarzchild-Couder Telescope (SCT) is being developed as a possible extension for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The Cherenkov camera of the telescope is designed to have 11328 silicon photomultiplier pixels capable of capturing high-resolution images of air showers in the atmosphere. The combination of the large number of pixels and the high trigger rate (> 5 kHz)...
Pierre Colin
(Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, D-80805 München, Germany), Dr
Roberta Zanin
(Universitat de Barcelona (ICC, IEEC-UB), E-08028 Barcelona, Spain)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The W44 region includes the supernova remnant SNR G34.7-0.4 and two additional surrounding GeV sources, revealed with Fermi Large Area Telescope (LAT); the whole system is embedded in the giant molecular cloud G34.8-0.6.
In the hypothesis that hadrons are accelerated at the SNR shock, the geometry of the system suggests a possible signature of their diffusion and interaction with the cloud...
Leonid Kuzmichev
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
DAQ and time synchronization system for the Tunka-HiSCORE array has been developed. The system consists of 8-channel optical station board (OSB) for digitization of anode and dynode signals of 4 PMTs of the optical station and synchronization boards (SB) placed in the DAQ center. All boards are designed on the basis of DRS-4 chip and FPGA Xilinx Spartan-6. The OSB and SB boards are connected...
Ira Jung-Richardt
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The number of very high-energy-gamma-ray (VHE; > 100 GeV) sources has increased steadily in the last decades. The majority of these sources are extended and exhibit detailed structures. These structures and especially their correlations with data from different wavelengths may unveil the processes responsible for the gamma-ray emission.
Multi wavelength studies, however, are hampered by the...
Adrian Rovero
(Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio (IAFE, CONICET-UBA))
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Very high energy (VHE > 100 GeV) gamma rays coming from blazars can produce pairs when interacting with the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL), initiating an electromagnetic cascade. For a non-null Intergalactic Magnetic Field (IGMF), this cascade may result in an extended isotropic emission of photons around the source (halo), or in a broadening of the emission beam, depending on the IGMF...
(Nagoya University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Gamma-Ray Astro-Imager with Nuclear Emulsion (GRAINE) is a project of cosmic gamma-ray observation using a balloon-borne emulsion detector. The angular resolution of the emulsion gamma-ray telescope (0.08$^{\circ}$ @ 1-2 GeV) is one order of magnitude better than that of the Fermi-LAT. In addition, it has the polarization sensitivity using the pair creation mode. GRAINE aims at high-resolution...
Michał Ostrowski
(Astronomical Observatory of the Jagiellonian University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The prototype of a Davies-Cotton small size telescope (SST-1M) has been designed and developed by a consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions and proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory. The main purpose of the optical subsystem is to focus the Cherenkov light emitted by extensive air showers in the atmosphere onto the focal plane detectors. The main component of the...
Masahiro Teshima
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Development of Slow Control Boards for the Large Size Telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array
Daniela Hadasch (1), Yusuke Konno (2), Takayuki Saito (2), Hideyuki Ohoka (1), Hidetoshi Kubo (2), Daisuke Nakajima (1), and Masahiro Teshima (1,3) for the CTA Consortium
Emails: hadasch@icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp, konno@cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp, tysaito@cr.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp,...
Shu Masuda
(Kyoto University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation ground-based very high energy gamma-ray observatory. The Large-Sized Telescope (LST) of CTA targets 20 GeV – 1 TeV gamma rays and has 1855 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) installed in the focal plane camera. With the 23 m mirror dish, the night sky background rate amounts to ~200 MHz per pixel. In order to record clean images of gamma-ray...
Michal Dyrda
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) very high-energy gamma-ray observatory will consist of about a hundred of imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs) of different sizes, with a total reflective area of about 10,000 m2. Here we present a novel technology for the production of IACT mirrors that has been developed in the Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS in Krakow, Poland. The mirrors are...
Cyril Trichard
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
For the current generation of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), with their large mirrors and their cameras with fine segmentation of photodetectors, the focusing capability is a relevant issue. The optical system of an IACT has a limited depth of field. Therefore, focusing the telescopes close to the shower maximum in the atmosphere has a significant impact on the data...
Igor Oya
(DESY Zeuthen)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The 4 kyr-old supernova remnant (SNR) Puppis A shows strong evidence of interaction between the forward shock and a molecular cloud. The results from Fermi-LAT indicate extended HE gamma-ray emission with a 0.2-100 GeV spectrum that does not significantly deviate from a power law, in contrast to most of the GeV-bright SNRs known to be interacting with molecular clouds. In order to characterize...
Alexander Moiseev
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The gamma-ray energy range from a few hundred keV to a few hundred MeV has remained largely unexplored, mainly due to the challenging nature of the measurements, since the pioneering, but limited, observations by COMPTEL on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory (1991-2000). This energy range is a transition region between thermal and nonthermal processes, and accurate measurements are critical for...
Jens Buß
(TU Dortmund)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The First G-APD Cherenkov telescope (FACT) is dedicated to monitor bright TeV blazars on the northern sky. The use of silicon photon detectors allows for a larger duty cycle, which results in a huge amount of allocated data (~800 GB/night). In order to satisfy its monitoring purpose, changes in the flux of the observed sources have to be registered without delay. This requires a data analysis...
marcos López Moya
(University Complutense of Madrid)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The last 20 years have seen the development of new techniques in Astroparticle Physics providing access to the highest end of the electromagnetic spectrum. It has been shown that some sources emit photons up to energies close to 100 TeV. Yet the fluxes of these photons are incredibly low and to go higher in energy new detection techniques are needed.
A new technique that would use the new...
Gerd Puehlhofer
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The FlashCam group is currently preparing photomultiplier-tube based cameras proposed for the medium-sized telescopes (MST) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The cameras are designed around the FlashCam readout concept which is the first fully-digital readout system for Cherenkov cameras, based on commercial FADCs and FPGAs as key components for the front-end electronics modules and a...
Maxim Pshirkov
(SAI Moscow State University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Theories of galaxy formation predict the existence of extended gas halo around spiral galaxies. If there are 10-100 nG magnetic fields at several ten kpc distances from the galaxies, extended galactic cosmic ray (CR) haloes could also exist. Galactic CRs could interact with the tenuous hot halo gas to produce observable $\gamma$-rays. In this paper we have performed search for such a halo...
Axel Donath
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg),
Christoph Deil
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
In the past decade imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope arrays such as H.E.S.S.,
MAGIC, VERITAS, as well as the Fermi-LAT space telescope have provided us with detailed images and spectra of the gamma-ray universe for the first time. Currently the
gamma-ray community is preparing to build the next-generation Cherenkov Telecope Array (CTA),
which will be operated as an open...
Christoph Deil
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Collaborations managing Cherenkov telescope arrays (presently H.E.S.S., VERITAS,
and MAGIC) own their data and software in private servers, only accessible to
their members. However, the upcoming Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will
operate as an observatory, calling for powerful high-level science tools usable
by the whole astronomical community.
We report on the efforts within the...
Robert Parsons
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The H.E.S.S. VHE gamma-ray telescope has added a fifth telescope of 600 m^2 mirror area to the centre of the 4 existing telescopes, lowering its energy threshold to the sub-100 GeV range and becoming the first operational IACT array using multiple telescope designs. In order to properly access this low energy range however, some adaptation must be made to the existing event analysis.
Bruno Khelifi
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The H.E.S.S. (High Energy Stereoscopic System) experiment is dedicated to the observation of very high energy gamma-rays using the Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Technique. Since 2012, the array of 4 telescopes of 12m diameter (CT1-4) is functioning with a fifth telescope, CT5, of 23m diameter. The full array allows now to observe gamma-rays down to few tens of GeV. With this hybrid array of...
Alain Delbart
(CEA/IRFU,Centre d'etude de Saclay Gif-sur-Yvette (FR))
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Gamma-ray astronomy allows us to explore the non-thermal emissions and magnetic field configuration of objects such as Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), Gamma Ray Bursts (GRB) and pulsars.
Presently, there is a sensitivity gap for gamma rays between 1 MeV and 100 MeV.
Additionally, there is no polarisation measurement above 1 MeV, although such a measurement could shed light on emission...
Igor Oya
(DESY Zeuthen)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
HESS J1641-463 is a unique source discovered by the H.E.S.S. telescope array in the very-high energy (VHE, E >= 0.1 TeV) domain. The source had been previously hidden in the extended tail of emission from the bright nearby source HESS J1640-465. However, the analysis of the VHE data from the region at energies above 4 TeV revealed this new source at a significance level of 8.5 sigma. HESS...
Barbara Patricelli
(University of Pisa and INFN Pisa)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Second-generation gravitational interferometers, such as Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo, will soon reach sensitivities sufficient to detect gravitational waves directly for the first time and open a new era in the multi-messenger investigations of the cosmos. The most violent and energetic astrophysical phenomena, including the mergers of compact objects or the core collapse of massive...
Igor Yashin
(National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute))
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The key advantage of the TAIGA gamma-ray observatory is a hybrid operation of wide-angle and narrow-angle detectors of the Tunka-HiSCORE and Tunka-IACT. The first IACT telescope of TAIGA project is under construction. The reflector of the telescope will have area of 10 m2 and a focus of 4.75 m. Imaging camera consists of about 540 PMT-based pixels with 0.36 degree field of view. Total FOV...
Francois Brun
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs), with their high sensitivity and large field-of-views, are ideal instruments to study the universe in VHE $\gamma$-rays. IACTs image Cherenkov light emitted by $\gamma$-rays from induced particle cascades, developing in the atmosphere. The sensitivity of the IACTs depends critically on their capability to reduce the background caused by the much...
Jean Ballet
(CEA Saclay)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Fermi Large Area Telescope has been routinely gathering science data since August 2008, surveying the full sky every three hours. The current source catalog (3FGL, Acero et al. 2015, arxiv 1501.02003) is based on four years of data.
Besides a longer time interval, the next source catalog will be based on the new Pass 8 data, which introduces a number of improvements at all energies, and...
Andreas Haungs
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),
Donghwa Kang
(Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg),
Zhaoyang Feng
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Diffuse ultra-high energy gamma radiation can arise from a variety of astrophysical sources.
Using the data collected by the KASCADE air shower array, the 90\% C.L.
upper limit to the flux of ultra-high energy gamma-rays in the primary
cosmic-ray flux is determined from 200 TeV up to 20 PeV. The upper limit
on the fraction of gamma-rays to cosmic-rays in energy range 1.5 and 3.7
Jill Chevalier
(Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules, Université de Savoie, CNRS/IN2P3, F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux, France)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Time variability of the photon flux is a known feature of AGN and in particular of blazars. The high frequency peaked BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 is one of the brightest source in the TeV band and has been monitored regularly with different instruments and in particular with the H.E.S.S. experiment above 200 GeV for more than 11 years. These data together with the observations of other...
David Kieda
(University of Utah)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
One of the most enigmatic TeV binary systems, LS I +61 303 exhibits a high degree of modulation from optical to TeV over a single orbit of ~26.5 days. LS I +61 303 also exhibits a ~4.5 year modulation in radio, X-Ray and GeV emission which is yet to be seen in TeV gamma rays. LS I +61 303 has been observed by both VERITAS (85 GeV-30 TeV) and multi-wavelength partners (optical - GeV). The...
Ibrahim Daniel Torres Aguilar
Tomás Capistrán
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) gamma-ray observatory is located at an altitude of 4100 meters in Sierra Negra, Puebla, Mexico. HAWC is an air shower array of 300 water Cherenkov detectors (WCDs), each with 4 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). Because the observatory is sensitive to air showers produced by cosmic rays and gamma rays, one of the main tasks in the analysis of gamma-ray...
(University of North Florida)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Many early universe theories predict the creation of Primordial Black Holes (PBHs). PBHs could have masses ranging from the Planck mass to 10^5 solar masses or higher depending on the size of the universe at formation. Due to quantum-gravitational effects, a black hole is expected to have a temperature which is inversely proportional to its mass. Hence a sufficiently small black hole will...
Christoph Deil
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), a ground-based facility for very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray astronomy, will operate as an open observatory serving a wide scientific community to explore and to study the non-thermal universe. Open community access is a novelty in this domain, putting a challenge on the implementation of services that make VHE gamma-ray astronomy as accessible as any other...
Ralph Bird
(UCD Dublin)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Earth is subjected to an isotropic flux of very-high-energy cosmic rays (VHE, E > 100 GeV) unless they are obscured by an object, such as the Moon. The Moon creates a deficit in the uniform flux and, since cosmic rays are charged, this deficit is deflected by the Earth's magnetic field, enabling the rigidity of the obstructed cosmic rays to be determined. Measurement of the relative...
Christopher Bochenek
(University of Chicago)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
It is well known that, for bright gamma-ray pulsars with high statistics above a few GeV, the phase averaged spectral energy distribution (SED) is harder than a simple exponential cutoff above the break. We perform phase-resolved spectral analyses of bright gamma-ray pulsars and demonstrate that, even over narrow phase ranges, the SEDs of gamma-ray pulsars above the break energy are harder...
Alessio Porcelli
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The single mirror small-size telescope (SST-1M) is one of the telescope projects being proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) observatory by a sub-consortium of Polish and Swiss institutions. The SST-1M prototype structure is currently being constructed at the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Cracow, Poland, while the camera will be assembled at the University of Geneva, Switzerland....
nahee park
(University of Chicago)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
VERITAS is a ground-based gamma-ray instrument operating at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in southern Arizona. With an array of four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov technique (IACT) telescopes, VERITAS is designed to measure gamma rays between ~85 GeV and ~30 TeV with a sensitivity to detect a point source with a flux of 1% of the Crab nebula flux within 25 hours. Since its first light...
John Pretz
(Pennsylvania State University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Isotropic diffuse gamma-ray emission above 100 GeV is produced by unresolved extragalactic objects such as active galactic nuclei, as well as source of truly diffuse emission such as the electromagnetic cascades produced by very high energy gamma rays and cosmic rays. Isotropic diffuse gamma-ray emission has been observed up to nearly 1 TeV. An Observation or limit above this energy can...
Akira Okumura
(Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Reflective light concentrators with hexagonal entrance and exit apertures are frequently used at the focal planes of gamma-ray telescopes in order to reduce their dead area caused by the geometries of the photodetectors, as well as to reduce stray light entering at large incident angles. The focal planes of the Large-Sized Telescopes (LSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) will also be...
Ralph Bird
(UCD Dublin)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Crab Nebula has long been the standard reference point source for very-high-energy (VHE, E > 100 GeV) gamma-ray observatories such as VERITAS. It has enabled testing and improvement of analysis methods, validation of techniques, and has served as a calibration source. No comparable extended source is known with a high, constant flux and well understood morphology. In order to artificially...
Sebastian Diebold
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) is the next generation very high energy gamma-ray air-shower Cherenkov observatory. It will consist of a large number of segmented-mirror telescopes of three different diameters, placed in two locations, one in the northern and one in the southern hemisphere, thus covering the whole sky. The total number of mirror tiles will be of the order of 10.000,...
Donghwa Kang
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Extensive air showers with primary energies around 300 TeV were measured with a large detector array and a muon tracking detector of KASCADE. Using all events in the full KASCADE data set, a search of a pointlike source of high-energy cosmic rays for the northern hemisphere are performed. In addition, a subset of muonless events, i.e., extensive air showers which are more similar to gamma ray...
Avery Archer
(Washington University in St. Louis)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Since the 2011 VERITAS discovery of very high energy emission (VHE; E>100 GeV) from the Crab pulsar, there has been concerted effort by the gamma-ray astrophysics community to detect other pulsars in the VHE band in order to place better constraints on emission models. Pulsar modeling demonstrates that much of the magnetosphere is opaque to very high energy photons, limiting emission regions...
César Alvarez
(Facultad de Ciencias en Física y Matemáticas, Universidad Autonóma de Chiapas, México.)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
There are currently over 150 known gamma-ray pulsars. While most of them are detected only from space, at least two are now seen also from the ground. MAGIC and VERITAS have measured the gamma ray pulsed emission of the Crab pulsar up to hundreds of GeV and more recently MAGIC has reported > 1TeV emission. Furthermore, in the southern hemisphere, H.E.S.S. has detected the Vela pulsar above 30...
(University of North Florida)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Primordial Black Holes (PBHs) are gravitationally collapsed objects that may have been created in the early universe and could have arbitrarily small masses down to the Planck scale. Due to quantum gravitational effects, it is believed that a black hole has a temperature inversely proportional to its mass and will emit all species of fundamental particles thermally. PBHs with initial masses of...
Alessio Porcelli
(Universite de Geneve (CH))
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The Small-Size Telescopes with single-mirror (SST-1M) is 4 m Davies-Cotton telescope and is among the proposed designs for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). It is conceived to provide the high-energy ($>$ few TeV) coverage. The SST-1M comprises proven technology for the telescope structure and innovative electronics and photosensors for the camera. Its design is meant to be simple,...
Lea Jouvin
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Spectral extraction in the VHE range is usually performed using the
ON-OFF likelihood statistics which is based on the profile likelihood
technique. The latter is known to lead to inconsistent estimators in
some situations. We present here a systematic MC study of the
distribution of fitted spectral parameters for typical observations with
the HESS observatory and show that, in some...
Alexander Ziegler
(ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Current arrays of Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (IACTs) routinely achieve an astrometric point-source location accuracy of 20-30 seconds of arc (given large photon statistics), which is well below the angular resolution obtained for individual photons. The location accuracy is mainly limited by systematic uncertainties due to possible deformations of the telescopes’ structures,...
Yoshida Kenji
(Shibaura Institute of Technology)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Symmetric and triangle-shaped flux variability in X-ray and gamma-ray light curves has been observed in many blazars. A statistical study of X-ray and gamma-ray variability in blazars suggests that the rise time of flares are nearly equal to the decay time on the average. It is usually believed that the X-ray emission of many blazars arises as synchrotron emission of electrons accelerated at a...
Amanda Weinstein
(Iowa State University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The process of gathering and associating data from multiple sensors or sub-detectors due to a common physical event (the process of event-building) is used in many fields, including high-energy physics and gamma-ray astronomy. The problem of fault tolerance in event-building is a difficult one, and one that becomes increasingly difficult with higher data throughput rates and increasing numbers...
Francisco Salesa Greus
(The Pennsylvania State University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The HAWC collaboration has recently completed the construction of a gamma-ray observatory at an altitude of 4100 meters on the slope of the Sierra Negra volcano in the state of Puebla, Mexico. In order to achieve an optimal angular resolution, energy reconstruction, and cosmic-ray background suppression for the air showers observed by HAWC, it is crucial to obtain good timing and charge...
Axel Donath
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg),
Christoph Deil
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
We will present a high-resolution image of the H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey with interesting sources and features highlighted. This poster is complementary to the talk "The H.E.S.S. Galactic plane survey". Come talk to us about sources of interest to you or any questions you might have how to properly use the HESS survey significance, flux and upper limit maps and source catalog in FITS...
Robert Parsons
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are some of the most energetic and exotic events in the Universe, however their behaviour at the highest energies (>10 GeV) is largely unknown. Although the Fermi-LAT space telescope has detected several GRBs in this energy range, it is limited by the relatively small collection area of the instrument. The H.E.S.S. experiment has now entered its second phase by adding a...
Daniel Gottschall
(Institut für Astronomie und Astrophysik Tübingen)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The High Energy Stereoscopic System (H.E.S.S.) experiment is one of the leading observatories for gamma-ray astronomy. It consists of four telescopes with a reflecting dish diameter of 12 m (CT1-4) and a newer large telescope (CT5) with a reflecting dish diameter of 28 m. On CT5 876 mirror facets are mounted, all of them equipped with a computerised system for their alignment. The design of...
Robert Lauer
(University of New Mexico)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Astrophysical sources are now observed by many different instruments at different wavelengths, from radio to high-energy gamma-rays, with an unprecedented quality. Putting all these data together to form a coherent view, however, is a very difficult task. Each instrument has its own data format, software and analysis procedure, which are difficult to combine. It is for example very challenging...
Lukas Nellen
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The framework of relativistic quantum-field theories requires Lorentz Invariance, which among other things implies a constant velocity of light. Many theories of quantum gravity, on the other hand, include violations of Lorentz Invariance at small scales and high energies. This generates a log of interest in establishing limits on such effects, and, if possible, observe them directly. Gamma...
Anna O'Faolain de Bhroithe
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
In 1989, the Whipple 10m Telescope achieved the first indisputable detection of a TeV gamma-ray source, the Crab Nebula. Until its decommissioning in 2011, the Whipple Telescope took regular measurements of the nebula. With the recent discovery of GeV gamma-ray flaring activity in the Crab Nebula, it is an opportune time to return to the Whipple Telescope data set and search its extensive...
Elena Orlando
(Stanford University), Dr
Eugenio Bottacini
(Stanford University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
All-sky exploration by Fermi-LAT has revolutionized our view of the gamma-ray Universe. While its ongoing all-sky survey counts thousands of sources, essential issues related to the nature of unassociated sources call for more sensitive all-sky surveys at hard X-ray energies that allow for their identification. This latter energy band encodes the hard-tail of the thermal emission and the...
Ralf Wischnewski
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
Upcoming Gamma-Ray and Cosmic-Ray experiments require relative time calibration of all detector components with (sub-)nanosecond precision.
White Rabbit, an established technology for time- and frequency transfer, can be applied here.
We describe a White Rabbit (WR) based design for Tunka-HiSCORE - a timing array for Gamma-Ray astronomy now under construction.
Sub-nsec synchronization...
Heike Prokoph
(Linnaeus University)
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
VER J0521+211 (RGB J0521.8+211) is one of the brightest and most powerful blazars detected in the TeV gamma-ray regime. It is located at a redshift of z=0.108 and since its discovery in 2009, VER J0521+211 has exhibited an average TeV flux exceeding 0.1 times that of the Crab Nebula, corresponding to an isotropic luminosity of 3e44 erg s-1. We present data from a comprehensive multiwavelength...
Cyril Trichard
04/08/2015, 16:00
Poster contribution
The identification of gamma-rays against the dominant background of hadronic cosmic rays is very challenging for Imaging Air Shower Telescopes such as H.E.S.S. Xeff is a multivariate particle classification approach successfully applied to the H.E.S.S. data analysis enabling a significant gain in sensitivity. It is based on the combination of three shower reconstruction methods currently under...