A prototype camera for one of the CTA projects for the small size telescopes, the single mirror Small Size Telescope (SST-1m), has been designed and is under construction. The camera is a hexagonal matrix of 1296 large area (95 mm^2) hexagonal silicon photomultipliers. The sensors are grouped into 108 modules of 12 pixels each, hosting a pre-amplifier board and a slow-control board. Among its various functions, this latter implements a compensation logic that adjusts the bias voltage of each sensor as a function of temperature. The – fully digital – readout and trigger system, DigiCam, is based on the latest generation of FPGAs, featuring a high number of high speed I/O interfaces, allowing for high data transfer rates in an extremely compact design. The camera will be installed on a 4m dish diameter telescope prototype in summer 2015. In this presentation, the status of the project will be reported.