Sep 2 – 9, 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Role of Digital Forensics in Service Oriented Architectures

Sep 3, 2007, 5:50 PM
Carson Hall C (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall C

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Grid middleware and tools Grid middleware and tools


Dr Syed Naqvi (CoreGRID Network of Excellence)


Security requirements of service oriented architectures (SOA) are reasonably higher than the classical information technology (IT) architectures. Loose coupling – the inherent benefit of SOA – stipulates security as a service so as to circumvent tight binding of the services. The services integration interfaces are developed with minimal assumptions between the sending and receiving parties. This services aggregation approach is highly beneficial for achieving higher performance level; however, bookkeeping and logging of various events of such dynamic architecture are very complex issues. Security architecture requires these trails of events to establish clearly what happened and why in the post-accident scenario. The techniques employed to determine the reasons of security architecture’s failure to prevent an incident are collectively known as Digital Forensics. It is necessary to develop digital forensics techniques for SOA so that necessary actions can be taken in the wake of a security breach. In this article we explore the role of digital forensics in SOA especially in the mission-critical SOA applications. We envision digital forensics as a sub-service of the security service in SOA. We propose the use of a monitoring service to generate these logs. We then present a mechanism of efficiently managing the logs of various actions based on the lifecycle of these logs. We finally conclude with the open issues and areas for further improvements.


Dr Syed Naqvi (CoreGRID Network of Excellence)


Prof. Michel Riguidel (TELECOM PARIS)

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