Online Computing
OCCPU farms for high-level triggering; Farm configuration and run control; Describing and managing configuration data and conditions databases; Online software frameworks and tools; online calibration procedures.
Event Processing
EPEvent simulation and reconstruction; Physics analysis; Event visualization and data presentation; Toolkits for simulation and analysis; Event data models; Specialized algorithms for event processing
Software components, tools and databases
SCProgramming techniques and tools; Software testing; Configuration management; Software build, release and distribution tools; Quality assurance; Documentation; Foundation and utility libraries; Mathematical libraries; Detector geometry models; component models; Object dictionaries; Scripting; Graphics.
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
CFGrid operations, monitoring and user support; management and operation of grid-wide services; Experience with opera-tional grids; Technology evolution; Global network status and outlook; Networks and their relation to grid systems; The digital divide and issues of access, readiness and cost.
Grid middleware and tools
GMGrid software and monitoring tools; Global usage and management of resources; Grid technology and its exploitation in distributed computing models; Grid middleware interoperability; Grid middleware reliability; Data challenges; Evolution and perspective of Grid middleware; Experiment specific middleware applications.
Distributed data analysis and information management
DDDevelopment of the distributed computing models of experiments; Real experience in prototypes and production systems; Interactive analysis over wide area network; Mobile computing; Tools for supporting distributed analysis; Remote access to and control of data acquisition systems and experiment facilities.
Collaborative initiatives with other sciences
CIAreas of mutual collaboration in computing between HEP and other disciplines; Shared computing facilities and grids.
Collaborative tools
CTCollaborative systems, progress in technologies and applications; Advanced videoconferencing systems; Experience in the usage of vide-conferencing tools.
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