1354 / 1354
Lana Abadie
- Author in DPM Status and Next Steps
- Author in GFAL and LCG-Util
- Author in Medical Data Management Status and Plans
- Author in Recent Developments in LFC
- Brad Abbot (University of Oklahoma)
- David Abbott (Jefferson Lab)
- David Abbott (JEFFERSON LAB)
Marcello Abbrescia
(Universita’ di Bari, Politecnico di Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy)
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Jalal Mohamad Abdallah (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) Universidad de Valencia)
- Esther Acción (Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
- Ichiro Adachi (KEK)
Jörn Adamczewski
- Co-author in Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC
- Andy Adamson (University of Michigan)
Marco Adinolfi
(H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
Tim Adye
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, United Kingdom)
- Co-author in Data management in BaBar
Anzar Afaq
- Co-author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
- Ashok Agarwal (University of Victoria)
- Osman Aidel (IN2P3/CNRS Computing Centre, Lyon, France)
Cristina Aiftimiei
(INFN Padova)
- Author in Design Principles of a Web Interface for Monitoring Tools
- Author in Job Submission and Management Through Web Services: the Experience with the CREAM Service
- Author in Monitoring the user/application activities on the grid
- Author in Next Steps in the Evolution of GridICE: a Monitoring Tool for Grid Systems
Takashi Akagi
(Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Center, JST CREST)
- Co-author in A GEANT4 based simulation for proton therapy
Maria Alandes Pradillo
- Co-author in Modular grid middleware configuration system
Merina Albert
- Co-author in Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
- Solveig Albrand (LPSC/IN2P3/UJF Grenoble France)
- Tumanov Alexander (T.W. Bonner Nuclear Laboratory)
- David Alexander (Tech-X Corporation)
- Arshad Ali (NUST Institute of Information Technology)
- Joao Almeida Simoes (Universidade de Lisboa)
Torsten Alt
(Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- Co-author in HLT Online Calibration framework in ALICE
- Mohammad Al-Turany (GSI)
Mohammad Al-Turany
- Co-author in Use of GEANE for tracking in Virtual Monte Carlo
- Daniel Alvarez (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
- Vasco Amaral (UNL (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Portugal)
Filippo Ambroglini
(Universita’ di Perugia, INFN-Perugia, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Azher Amin (National University of Science and Technology)
- Antonio Amorim (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
- Antonio Amorim (Faculdade de Ciencias - Universidade de Lisboa)
- Antonio Amorim (Universidade de Lisboa CFNUL - FCUL)
- Balamurali Ananthan (Tech-X Corporation)
Csaba Anderlik
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Author in ALICE - ARC integration
- Paolo Andreetto (INFN Padova)
- Julia Andreeva (CERN)
Sergio Andreozzi
- Author in Design Principles of a Web Interface for Monitoring Tools
- Author in Enabling a priority-based FairShare in the EGEE Infrastructure
- Author in Experiences with the GLUE information schema in the LCG/EGEE production Grid
- Author in Monitoring the user/application activities on the grid
- Author in Next Steps in the Evolution of GridICE: a Monitoring Tool for Grid Systems
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Author in Towards GLUE 2: Evolution of the Computing Element Information Model
- Author in Towards the Integration of StoRM on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
Chuck Andrews
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
Andre Anjos
(University of Wisconsin)
- Co-author in Alignment data streams for the ATLAS Inner Detector.
- Ashiq Anjum (UWE)
Tome Anticic
(Ruder Bošković Institute, Zagreb, Croatia)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
- Torsten Antoni (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
Harald Appelshäuser
(Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Frankfurt, Germany)
- Co-author in HLT Online Calibration framework in ALICE
- Robert Appleby (University of Manchester)
Ignacio Aracena
(LHEP University of Bern)
- Co-author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
- Silvia Arezzini (INFN Pisa)
- Stefano Argiro (INFN and University of Torino)
- Stefano Argiro' (Universita' di Torino)
- Dmitry ARKHIPKIN (Particle Physics Laboratory - Dubna)
- Christian Arnault (LAL Orsay)
- Trunov Artem (CC-IN2P3 (Lyon) and EKP (Karlsruhe))
- Tsukasa Aso (Toyama National College of Maritime Technology, JST CREST)
Ketevi Assamagan
(Brookhaven National Lab)
- Co-author in ATLAS Analysis Model
Giuseppe Avellino
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Paul Avery (University of Florida)
- Tofigh Azemoon (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Sebastian Robert Bablok (Department of Physics and Technology, University of Bergen)
William Bacchi
(INFN and University of Bologna)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Konstantinos Bachas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
William Badgett
- Author in CMS Online Web Based Monitoring
- Paolo Badino (CERN)
Giuseppe Bagliesi
(INFN Sezione di Pisa)
- Author in Real-time dataflow and workflow with the CMS Tracker data
- Author in Reconstruction and identification of Tau decays at CMS
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Paolo Bagnaia (Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza" & INFN Roma)
Stefano Bagnasco
(INFN Torino)
- Author in AliEn2: the ALICE grid Environment
- Julio Bahilo (University of Granada)
- Vlado Bahyl (CERN)
- David Bailey (University of Manchester)
Robert Bainbridge
(Imperial College London)
- Author in Low-level reconstruction software and regional unpacking for the CMS strip tracker
- Author in Online and offline software for the CMS strip tracker data acquisition system
- Author in Real-time analysis of the operational state of the CMS strip tracker readout system
- Co-author in Real-time dataflow and workflow with the CMS Tracker data
John Baines
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Co-author in Alignment data streams for the ATLAS Inner Detector.
- John Baines (RAL UK)
Jon Bakken
- Co-author in Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
Maarten Ballintijn
- Co-author in Latest Developments in the PROOF System
- Sunanda Banerjee (Fermilab/TIFR)
- Swagato Banerjee (University of Victoria)
- Maria Del Carmen Barandela Pazos (University of Vigo)
Alex Barchiesi
(Università di Roma I "La Sapienza")
- Co-author in The ATLAS Software Installation System for LCG/EGEE
- Artur Barczyk (Caltech)
- Pedrame Bargassa (Rice University)
Marianne Bargiotti
- Author in DIRAC Data Management: consistency, integrity and coherence of data
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Roger Barlow (University of Manchester)
Luciano Barone
(Universita’ di Roma-1 and INFN-Roma, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Olof Barring (CERN)
- Sergio Barroso (Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas)
Vasco Barroso
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Paolo Bartalini
(University of Florida, Gainesville, USA)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Joao Batista (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
Jean-Philippe Baud
- Author in DPM Status and Next Steps
- Author in GFAL and LCG-Util
- Author in Medical Data Management Status and Plans
- Author in Recent Developments in LFC
- Co-author in Storage Resource Manager version 2.2: design, implementation, and testing experience
- Gerry Bauer (MIT)
- Keith Beattie (LBNL)
- Guillaume Beaulieu (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon)
- Guillaume BEAULIEU (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon)
Hans Peter Beck
(LHEP University of Bern)
- Co-author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
Jacek Becla
- Co-author in PetaCache: Data Access Unleashed
- Co-author in Real-time Data Access Monitoring in Distributed, Multi-Petabyte Systems
Stefano Beco
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Marc-Ellian Begin (CERN)
- Ulf Behrens (DESY)
Gerd Behrmann
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Author in A Distributed Storage System with dCache
- Author in ATLAS DDM Integration in ARC
- Sebastien Bel (CERN)
- Sebastien Bel (CERN)
Stefano Belforte
(Universita' di Trieste and INFN-Trieste, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
- Paul Bell (Manchester University, UK)
Bertrand Bellenot
- Co-author in Latest Developments in the PROOF System
- Marco Bencivenni (INFN-CNAF)
- Nectarios Benekos (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik)
- Nectarios Benekos (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
- Douglas Benjamin (Duke University)
- David Berge (CERN, Switzerland)
Nicolas Berger
- Co-author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
Eileen Berman
- Co-author in FermiGrid - Experience and Future Plans
Roland Bernet
(Universität Zürich)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
Denis Bertini
- Co-author in Use of GEANE for tracking in Virtual Monte Carlo
- Denis Bertini (GSI)
- Sara Bertocco (INFN Padova)
Latchezar Betev
- Author in AliEn2: the ALICE grid Environment
- Parminder Bhatti (RAL)
Massimo Biasotto
(Universita’ di Padova, INFN-Legnaro and Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- John Bigrow (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Sebastien Binet (LBNL)
- Markus Bischofberger (University of Melbourne)
Kenneth Bloom
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Author in US CMS Tier-2 Computing
Johan Blouw
(Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Michal Bluj (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies - Warsaw)
Barry Blumenfeld
(Johns Hopkins University)
- Co-author in CMS Conditions Data Access using FroNTier
- Ulrike Blumenschein (Inst. de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE) Universidad Autonoma de Barcellona)
- Martin Bly (STFC/RAL)
Andrey Bobyshev
- Co-author in Use of Alternate Path WAN Circuits for CMS
- Andrey Bobyshev (FERMILAB)
- Andrey Bobyshev (FERMILAB)
- Andrey Bobyshev (FERMILAB)
Andrey Bobyshev
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
Tommaso Boccali
(INFN Sezione di Pisa)
- Author in Real-time dataflow and workflow with the CMS Tracker data
- Author in Software for CMS Reconstruction
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Brian Bockelman
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
- Co-author in Scaling CMS data transfer system for LHC start-up
Chuck Boeheim
- Co-author in PetaCache: Data Access Unleashed
Tomasz Bold
(University of California, Irvine)
- Co-author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
- Daniele Bonacorsi (INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
- Federico Bonifazzi (Italian INFN National Center for Telematics and Informatics (CNAF))
Stefan Borovac
(University of Wuppertal)
- Co-author in A Job Monitoring System for the LCG Computing Grid
Daniela Bortolotti
(Università & INFN, Bologna)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Diana Bosio (CERN)
- Jonathan BOUCHET (Subatech, France)
- Alain Boudard (CEN, Saclay)
- Dimitri Bourilkov (Department of Physics, University of Florida)
- Mark Bowden (FERMILAB)
- Vincent Boyer (CERN)
- Scott Bradley (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Miguel Branco (CERN)
- James Branson (UCSD)
Frederic BROCHU
(University of Cambridge)
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
- Frederic Brochu (University of Cambridge)
Nicolas BROOK
(H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Bristol)
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
Nick Brook
(University of Bristol)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Rene Brun (CERN)
Rene Brun
- Co-author in Latest Developments in the PROOF System
- Riccardo Brunetti (INFN-Torino, Italy)
- Andy Buckley (Durham University)
Cristina Bulfon
(Universita’ di Roma-1 and INFN-Roma, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Predrag Buncic
- Author in AliEn2: the ALICE grid Environment
- Karol Bunkowski (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw)
- Julian Bunn (Caltech)
- Julian Bunn (Caltech)
- Stephen Burke (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK)
- Toby Burnett (University of Washington)
- Frank Burstein (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Jonathan Butterworth (University College London)
- Jose Caballero (CIEMAT)
- Ibán Cabrillo (Insitituto de Física de Cantabria)
- Paolo Calafiura (LBNL)
Enrico Calloni
(University of Naples "Federico II")
- Co-author in A Login Shell interface for INFN-GRID
Federico Calzolari
(Universita’ di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Pisa, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- David Cameron (Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Simone Campana (CERN/IT/PSS)
Simone Campana
- Author in Large-scale ATLAS Production on EGEE
- Philippe Canal (FERMILAB)
- Eric Cano (CERN)
Paolo Capiluppi
(Universita’ di Bologna, INFN-Bologna, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Mihai CAPRINI (“Horia Hulubei” National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN/HH, Bucharest))
Angelo Carbone
(Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN-Bologna), Italian INFN National Center for Telematics and Informatics (CNAF))
- Author in LHCb experience with LFC database replication
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Angelo Carbone (INFN-CNAF)
- Andrea Carboni (CERN)
- Gabriele CARCASSI (Sun MicroSystem)
Franco Carena
- Co-author in ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
Franco Carena
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Wisla Carena
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Wisla Carena
- Co-author in ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
Federico Carminati
- Author in AliEn2: the ALICE grid Environment
- Author in The ALICE Offline Environment
Adrian Casajus Ramo
(Universitat de Barcelona)
- Author in DIRAC Agents and Services
- Author in DIRAC Framework for Distributed Computing
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- James Casey (CERN)
Tony Cass
- Author in The Tier0 road to LHC Data Taking
Ron Cassell
- Co-author in Intelligent Design
Gianluca Castellani
- Author in DIRAC Job Prioritization and Fair Share in LHCb
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Author in Monitoring of Grid Behaviour by LHCb
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Alessandro Cavalli (INFN/CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
Andrea Cavallini
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Richard Cavanaugh (Department of Physics, University of Florida)
- Rick Cavanaugh (University of Florida)
- Andrea Ceccanti (INFN)
- Marco Cecchi (INFN-CNAF)
- Paola Celio (INFN Roma Tre)
- Daniele Cesini (INFN-CNAF)
- Antonio Chan (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Sylvain Chapeland (CERN)
Sylvain Chapeland
- Co-author in ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
- Andre Charbonneau (National Research Council of Canada)
Claude Charlot
(Ecole Polytechnique)
- Author in Electron reconstruction in CMS
Philippe Charpentier
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
- Stephane Chauvie (INFN Genova)
- Sergey Chechelnitskiy (Simon Fraser University)
- Tao-Sheng Chen (ASGC)
- Gang Chen (IHEP, China)
- Yaodong Cheng (Institute of High Energy Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
- Laurent Chevalier (DAPNIA)
- Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)
- Andrea Chierici (INFN-CNAF)
- Ashot Chilingarian (Cosmic Ray Division of Yerevan Physics Institue)
- Suren Chilingaryan (The Institute of Data Processing and Electronics, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Vincenzo Chiochia (Universitat Zurich)
- Shih-Chun Chiu (ASGC)
- Vitaly Choutko (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT))
- Jiri Chudoba (CESNET)
- Alberto Ciampa (INFN Pisa)
- Vincenzo Ciaschini (INFN CNAF)
- Marek Ciganek (CERN)
Carmine Cioffi
(University of Oxford)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
Carmine CIOFFI
(Oxford University)
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Manuela Cirilli (University of Michigan)
- Pablo Cirrone (INFN LNS)
- Catalin Cirstoiu (CERN)
Catalin Cistoiu
- Author in AliEn2: the ALICE grid Environment
- Sergio Cittolin (CERN)
- Vitaliano Ciulli (Università di Firenze e INFN Sezione di Firenze)
Allan Clark
(DPNC Universite de Geneve)
- Co-author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
- Author in LHCb Distributed Conditions Database
Joel Closier
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Author in Ensuring GRID resource availability with the SAM framework in LHCb
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
Tracker Group CMS
- Co-author in Alignment strategy for the CMS tracker
Ozgur Cobanoglu
(INFN Turin, on leave from Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Giuseppe Codispoti
(INFN and University of Bologna)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Miguel Coelho Dos Santos
- Author in Portable Monitoring for Castor2
- Author in Streamlining and Scaling Castor2 Operations
- Joanne Cole (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Joanne COLE (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Joanne Cole (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Jeremy Coles (RAL)
- Nicanor Colino (CIEMAT)
Orlando Colon
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
- Gabriele Compostella (University Of Trento INFN Padova)
- Patricia Conde Muíño (LIP-Lisbon)
- Co-author in GRATIA, a resource accounting system for OSG
- Geraldine Conti (EPFL)
- Brice Copy (CERN)
Thijs Cornelissen
- Author in The global chi2 track fitter in ATLAS
- Ezio Corso (ICTP)
- Ezio Corso (ICTP-EGRID)
- Alina Corso-Radu (University of California Irvine)
Juan Cortina
(Institut de Física d'Altes Energies (IFAE))
- Co-author in Initial results from the MAGIC-II Datacenter at PIC
- Fabio Cossutti (INFN)
- Maria Jose Costa (Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) UV-CSIC)
- Les Cottrell (Stanford Linear Acclerator Center)
Olivier Couet
- Author in ROOT Graphics: status and future.
- Rodrigo Coura Torres (UFRJ)
- Greig Cowan (University of Edinburgh)
Kyle Cranmer
(Brookhaven National Lab)
- Co-author in ATLAS Analysis Model
- Co-author in ATLAS's EventView Analysis Framework
- Kyle Cranmer (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Jack Cranshaw (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Matt Crawford (FERMILAB)
- Matt Crawford (FERMILAB)
- Matt Crawford (Fermi National Laboratory)
Matt Crawford
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
- Matt Crawford (FERMILAB)
Matt Crawford
- Author in HEP grids face IPv6: A readiness study
Matt Crawford
- Co-author in Use of Alternate Path WAN Circuits for CMS
- Nicholas Cripps (Imperial College London)
- Nicholas CRIPPS (Imperial College London)
Guido Cuscela
(Universita’ di Bari, Politecnico di Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Guido Cuscela (INFN-Bari)
- Guido Cuscela (INFN-BARI)
- Giacomo Cuttone (INFN)
- Giacomo Cuttone (INFN LNS)
Inder Daftari
- Co-author in A GEANT4 based simulation for proton therapy
- Simone Dalla Fina (INFN Padova)
- Stefano Dal Pra (INFN-Padova, Italy)
- Jose Miguel Dana Perez (CERN)
- Varuzhan Danielyan (Cosmic Ray Division of Yerevan Physics Institue)
- Saverio Da Ronco (INFN Padova)
- Sridhara Dasu (University of Wisconsin)
- Tomas Davidek (Institute of Particle & Nucl. Phys. Faculty of Mathematics and Physics Charles University Prague)
- Maurizio Davini (Universita' di Pisa)
- Chris Day (LBNL)
- Kaushik De (UT-Arlington)
- Joao De Almeida Simoes (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
- João José de Almeida Simões (UNIVERSIDADE DE LISBOA SIM - FCUL)
Gergely Debreczeni
- Co-author in Modular grid middleware configuration system
- Georgios Dedes (Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik)
- Nicola De Filippis (INFN - Sezione di Bari)
Nicola De Filippis
(Universita’ di Bari, Politecnico di Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Nicola De Filippis (INFN Bari)
- Nicola De Filippis (INFN - Sezione di Bari)
- Donato Degirolamo (INFN-CNAF)
- Christophe DELAERE (CERN)
- Christophe Delaere (CERN)
- Manuel Delfino Reznicek (Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
- Antonio Delgado Peris (CIEMAT)
- Luca dell'Agnello (INFN-CNAF)
- Giuseppe Della Ricca (Univ. of Trieste and INFN)
- francesco delli paoli (INFN of Padova)
- Philip DeMar (FERMILAB)
- Philip DeMar (FERMILAB)
- Philip DeMar (FERMILAB)
- Philip DeMar (FE)
- Philip DeMar (FERMILAB)
Ervin Dénes
(KFKI-RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Rosario De Rosa
(University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN)
- Co-author in A Login Shell interface for INFN-GRID
- Rafael Derradi de Souza (Instituto de Fisica da Universidade de Sao Paulo)
- Alessandro De Salvo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)
- Ron Desmarais (University of Victoria)
- John DeStefano (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Stijn De Weirdt (VUB)
- Shaun De Witt (RAL)
- Guillermo Diez-Andino Sancho (CERN)
- Alessandro Di Girolamo (CERN)
- Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)
- Gancho Dimitrov (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab)
- Francesco Dirosa (INFN LNS)
Roberto Divià
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Roberto Divià
- Co-author in ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
- Ciprian Dobre (Polytechnic University of Bucharest)
- Marc Dobson (CERN)
- Thomas Doherty (University of Glasgow)
- Andrew Dolgert (Cornell University)
Andrew Dolgert
(Cornell University)
- Co-author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
- Andrew Dolgert (Cornell University)
- Massimo Donatelli (INFN-CNAF)
- Flavia Donno (CERN)
- Mark Donszelmann (SLAC)
- Mark Donszelmann (SLAC)
Giacinto Donvito
(Universita’ di Bari, Politecnico di Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Giacinto Donvito (INFN-BARI)
- Alvise Dorigo (INFN Padova)
Alvise Dorise
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Andrea Dotti (INFN)
- Craig Dowell (Univ. of Washington)
- Frederic DROUHIN (Universite de Haute Alsace)
- Frederic Drouhin (Universite de Haute Alsace)
Alexandre Duarte
(CERN/Federal University of Campina Grande)
- Author in Monitoring the EGEE/WLCG Grid Services
- Gregory Dubois-Felsmann (SLAC)
- Vihang Dudalkhar (INFN-BARI)
- Vihang Dudhalkar (INFN-Bari)
- Dirk Duellmann (CERN)
- Alastair Duncan (RAL)
- Frantisek Dvorak (CESNET)
David Dykstra
- Co-author in CMS Conditions Data Access using FroNTier
Katarzyna Dziedziniewicz
(Warsaw University of Technology)
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
Alasdair EARL
- Author in A Light-weight Intrusion Detection System for clusters
- Author in Portable Monitoring for Castor2
- Author in Streamlining and Scaling Castor2 Operations
- May Edward (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Ulrik Egede (Imperial College London)
(Imperial College London)
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
Ricky Egeland
(University of Minnesota)
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
- Co-author in Scaling CMS data transfer system for LHC start-up
- Felix Ehm (CERN)
- Wolfgang Ehrenfeld (Univ. of Hamburg/DESY)
Till Eifert
(Universite de Geneve)
- Co-author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
Till Eifert
(DPNC Universite de Geneve)
- Co-author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
- Mattias Ellert (Nordic Data Grid Facility)
Peter Elmer
(Princeton University)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Author in The life cycle of HEP offline software
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
- Co-author in HyperNews use in HEP - bigger and better
- Peter Elmer (Princeton University)
- Johannes Elmsheuser (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München)
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
- Markus Elsing (CERN)
- Andrew Elwell (University of Glasgow)
- Obreshkov Emil (INRNE/CERN)
- Ryan Enge (University of Victoria)
- Daniel Engh (Vanderbilt University)
- Uwe Ensslin (DESY)
Ursula Epting
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Co-author in Beyond Grid Security
Antonio Ereditato
(LHEP University of Bern)
- Co-author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
- Samim Erhan (CERN, UCLA)
Michael Ernst
- Co-author in BNL dCache Status and Plan
- Michael Ernst (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Xavier Espinal
- Author in Large-scale ATLAS Production on EGEE
Hans G. Essel
- Author in Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC
Giulio Eulisse
(Northeastern University)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Author in CMS packaging system or: how I learned stop worrying and love RPM spec files
- Co-author in Analysing CMS software performance using IgProf, OProfile and callgrind
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
Dave Evans
(Fermi National Laboratory)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
Francesco Fabozzi
(INFN Napoli)
- Co-author in Physics Analysis Tools for CMS experiment at LHC
David Fagan
- Co-author in Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
Alessandra Fanfani
(INFN and University of Bologna)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Author in CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
Livio Fano'
(Universita’ di Perugia, INFN-Perugia, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Sergio Fantinel (INFN-Padova/Legnaro)
Amir Farbin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
- Author in ATLAS Analysis Model
- Author in ATLAS's EventView Analysis Framework
- Alexandre FARIA DE MELO (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
- Enrico Fattibene (INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy)
Derek Feichtinger
(Paul Scherrer Institut)
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
Derek Feichtinger
- Co-author in Scaling CMS data transfer system for LHC start-up
- Armando Fella (INFN-CNAF)
- Javier Fernandez (Insitituto de Física de Cantabria)
- Andrea Ferraro (INFN CNAF)
- Matthias Feyerabend (GSI)
Laurence Field
- Author in Experiences with the GLUE information schema in the LCG/EGEE production Grid
- Author in Grid Information system for EGEE, scalability and performance assessment and plans
- Author in Towards GLUE 2: Evolution of the Computing Element Information Model
- Co-author in Grid Interoperability: Joining Grid Information Systems
- Co-author in Release Management - the EGEE project's approach
- Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute, Dept. for Experimental Particle Physics)
- Jiri Filipovic (CESNET)
- Felipe Fink Grael (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
- Luca Fiorini (Inst. de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE) Universidad Autonoma de Barcellona)
- Luca Fiorini (IFAE Barcelona)
Gordon Fischer
(Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
- Co-author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
Lars Fischer
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Author in A Distriuted Tier-1 for WLCG
- Steve Fisher (RAL)
- Ian Fisk (FNAL)
Joachim Flammer
- Co-author in Release Management - the EGEE project's approach
Dan Flath
- Author in The GLAST Data Handling Pipeline
- Martin Flechl (IKP, Uppsala Universitet)
- Josep Flix (PIC/CIEMAT)
- Alexander Flossdorf (DESY)
- Teresa Maria Fonseca Martin (CERN)
- Andrea Fontana (INFN-Pavia)
- Alberto Forti (INFN-CNAF)
- Alessandra Forti (University of Manchester)
- Leandro Franco (CERN)
- Leandro Franco (CERN)
- Markus Frank (CERN)
- Giovanni Franzoni (University of Minnesota)
Akos Frohner
- Author in DPM Status and Next Steps
- Author in GFAL and LCG-Util
- Author in Medical Data Management Status and Plans
- Author in Recent Developments in LFC
- Tomasz Maciej Frueboes (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw)
Rudolf Frühwirth
(Inst. of High Energy Physics, Vienna)
- Author in The LiC Detector Toy Program
- Co-author in Full-scale CMS Tracker application of the Kalman Alignment Algorithm
Steve Fry
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
Ulrich Fuchs
(CERN & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen)
- Author in ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Patrick Fuhrmann
- Author in A Distributed Storage System with dCache
- Author in dCache, the Challenge.
- Co-author in Optimized tertiary storage access in the dCache SE
- Patrick Fuhrmann (DESY)
(LPSC/IN2P3/UJF Grenoble France)
- Co-author in Integration of the ATLAS VOMS system with the ATLAS Metadata Interface
- Jonathan Fulcher (Imperial College London)
- Jonathan FULCHER (Imperial College London)
- Jonathan Fulcher (Imperial College London)
- Fabrizio Furano (INFN sez. di Padova)
- Fabrizio Furano (INFN-PADOVA)
- Ian Gable (University of Victoria)
Sven Gabriel
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Author in GridKa Tier1 Site Management
Szymon Gadomski
(LHEP University of Bern)
- Author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
- Frank Gaede (DESY IT)
Benjamin GAIDIOZ
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
- Benjamin Gaidioz (CERN)
- Benjamin Gaidioz (CERN)
- Luciano Gaido (INFN-Torino, Italy)
- Irwin Gaines (FNAL)
- Manuel Venancio Gallas Torreira (CERN)
- Philippe Galvez (California Institute of Technology)
Carlos Gamboa
- Co-author in BNL dCache Status and Plan
- Carlos Gamboa (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Gerardo Ganis
- Co-author in Latest Developments in the PROOF System
- Francisco Garcia (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
- Rosa Maria Garcia Rioja (CERN)
- Robert Gardner (University of Chicago)
- Nick Garfield (CERN)
- Hegoi Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta (Instituto de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE))
- Vincent Garonne (CERN)
Fabio Garufi
(University of Naples "Federico II")
- Co-author in A Login Shell interface for INFN-GRID
ugo gasparini
(Universita’ di Padova, INFN-Legnaro and Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Padova, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Martin Gasthuber (DESY)
- Martin Gasthuber (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
- Andreas Gellrich (DESY)
Simone Gennai
(Universita’ di Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN-Pisa, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Pablo Genova
- Co-author in Use of GEANE for tracking in Virtual Monte Carlo
Simon George
(Royal Holloway)
- Author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
- Alan George (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineeering, University of Florida)
- Andrei Gheata (CERN/ISS)
- Mihaela Gheata (CERN/ISS)
- Alessio Ghezzi (Universita' and INFN, Milano Bicocca & ETH Zurich)
- Antonia Ghiselli (INFN)
- Antonia Ghiselli (INFN-CNAF)
Lisa Giacchetti
- Co-author in Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
- Francesco Giacomini (INFN-CNAF)
- Alessio Gianelle (INFN Padova)
Alessio Gianelle
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Alessandro GIASSI (INFN, Sezione di Pisa)
- Alessandro Giassi (INFN, Sezione di Pisa)
- Gerald Gieraltowski (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Jerry Gieraltowsky (Argonne National Laboratory)
- Dominique Gigi (CERN)
- Domenico Giordano (INFN & Università di Bari)
- Domenico GIORDANO (INFN & Università di Bari)
- Domenico Giordano (INFN & Università di Bari)
- Domenico Giordano (Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica)
- Maria Girone (CERN)
Borge Kile Gjelsten
(LHEP University of Bern)
- Co-author in The Swiss ATLAS Grid
- alexander glazov (DESY)
- Frank Glege (CERN)
Kondo Gnanvo
(Queen Mary and Westfield College)
- Co-author in The ATLAS Software Installation System for LCG/EGEE
- Benigno Gobbo (INFN, Trieste)
- Horst Goeringer (GSI)
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik Muenchen)
- Co-author in Track based alignment of the ATLAS inner detector
- Klaus Goetzen (GSI Darmstadt)
Steven Goldfarb
(University of Michigan)
- Author in Collaborative Tools and the LHC: An Update
- Author in Implementation of chamber mis-alignments and deformations in the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer description and estimate of the muon reconstruction performance reconstruction performance
- Author in Shaping Collaboration 2006: Action Items for the LHC
- Nils Gollub (University of Uppsala)
Sergio Gomez
(Universitat de Barcelona)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
(University Rovira i Virgili)
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Robert Gomez-Reino (CERN)
- Javier Gonalez (Louisiana State University)
- Isidro Gonzalez (Insitituto de Física de Cantabria)
- Rebeca Gonzalez (Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria)
Sergio Gonzalez-Sevilla
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (IFIC) UV-CSIC)
- Co-author in Track based alignment of the ATLAS inner detector
Luc Goossens
- Author in Building a Scalable Event-Level Metadata System for ATLAS
- Author in The ATLAS T0 Software Suite
- Sergey Gorbunov (GSI)
- Erik Gottschalk (Fermilab)
- Giacomo Govi (CERN)
Pietro Govoni
(Universita’ degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, INFN-Milano, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Ricardo Graciani Diaz
(Universidad de Barcelona)
- Author in DIRAC Agents and Services
- Author in DIRAC Framework for Distributed Computing
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
Ricardo Graciani Diaz
(Universitat de Barcelona)
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
Norman Graf
- Author in Extra Dimensions
- Author in Individual Particle Reconstruction
- Author in Intelligent Design
Norman Graf
- Co-author in LCGO - geometry description for ILC detectors
- Eric Grancher (CERN)
Ugo Grandinetti
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Christopher Green (FERMILAB)
- Xavier Grehant (CERN)
- Vyto Grigaliunas (FERMILAB)
- Vyto Grigaliunas (FERMILAB)
- Vyto Grigaliunas (FERMILAB)
Vyto Grigaliunas
- Co-author in Use of Alternate Path WAN Circuits for CMS
- Vyto Grigaliunas (FERMILAB)
Vyto Grigaliunas
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
- Costin Grigoras (CERN)
- Maxim Grigoriev (FERMILAB)
- Maxim Grigoriev (FERMILAB)
- Maxim Grigoriev (FERMILAB)
- Maxim Grigoriev (FERMILAB)
Maxim Grigoriev
- Co-author in Use of Alternate Path WAN Circuits for CMS
- David Groep (NIKHEF)
Michael Grønager
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Author in A Distriuted Tier-1 for WLCG
- Laurent GROSS (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, CNRS)
- Laurent Gross (Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien, CNRS)
- Jan Fiete Grosse Oetringhaus (CERN)
- David Grundy (University of Victoria)
- Junmin Gu (LBNL)
- Wen Guan (IHEP)
- Andrea Guarise (INFN TO)
- Volker Guelzow (DESY)
- Juan Manuel Guijarro (CERN)
- Fernando Guimaraes Ferreira (Instituto de Fisica Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
- Michele Gulmini (INFN Legnaro)
Yuyi Guo
- Co-author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
- Esteban Gutierrez Mlot (MIT)
- Johannes Gutleber (CERN)
- Oliver Gutsche (FERMILAB)
Claude Guyot
(DAPNIA, Centre d'Etudes de Saclay (CEN Saclay))
- Author in Assessment of Data Quality in ATLAS
Carl Gwilliam
(University of Liverpool)
- Co-author in The ATLAS Software Installation System for LCG/EGEE
- Vardan Gyurjyan (Jefferson Lab)
- Haleh Hadavand (Southern Methodist University)
- Kristian Hahn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Kristian HAHN (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
- Johannes Haller (Hamburg University, Germany)
Johannes Haller
(Universitaet Hamburg)
- Co-author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
Silke Halstenberg
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK))
- Co-author in An interface to tape for disk pool managers
- Co-author in Data storage layout and architecture of the German T1
- Gregory Hammad (ULB)
- Kael Hanson (UW Madison)
- Andrew Hanushevsky (SLAC - Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Andrew HANUSHEVSKY (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Robert Harakaly (CERN)
- Torsten Harenberg (University of Wuppertal)
- Robert Harrington (Boston University)
(High Energy Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory)
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
- Karl Harrison (High Energy Physics Group, Cavendish Laboratory)
- Karl Harrison (University of Cambridge)
- Samira Hassani (CEA-Dapnia,SACLAY)
- Sigve Haug (LHEP University of Bern)
- Michael Hauschild (CERN)
Richard Hawkings
- Author in Alignment data streams for the ATLAS Inner Detector.
- Author in An Inconvenient Truth: file-level metadata and in-file metadata caching in the (file-agnostic) ATLAS distributed event store
- Author in Assessment of Data Quality in ATLAS
- Author in Relational databases for conditions data and event selection in ATLAS
- Simon Head (Manchester University, UK)
Benedikt Hegner
- Co-author in Physics Analysis Tools for CMS experiment at LHC
Benedikt Hegner
- Co-author in Analysis Environments for CMS
Karen Heidenreich
- Co-author in The GLAST Data Handling Pipeline
- Aatos Heikkinen (Helsinki Institute of Physics, HIP)
Beate Heinemann
(Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. (LBNL))
- Author in Assessment of Data Quality in ATLAS
- Andreas Heiss (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
Håvard Helstrup
(Faculty of Engineering, Bergen University College, Norway)
- Co-author in HLT Online Calibration framework in ALICE
Marc Hemberger
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Author in GridKa Tier1 Site Management
- Sven Hermann (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Jose Hernandez (CIEMAT)
- Fabio Hernandez (IN2P3/CNRS)
- Jeremy Herr (University of Michigan)
- Juha Herrala (CERN)
Ted Hesselroth
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
- Author in gPlazma in dCache
- Graham Heyes (Jefferson Lab)
- Graham Heyes (JEFFERSON LAB)
- Adlene Hicheur (EPFL)
Per Thomas Hille
(Department of Physics, University of Oslo, Norway)
- Co-author in HLT Online Calibration framework in ALICE
- Peter R. Hobson (School of Design and Engineering - Brunel University, UK)
Andreas Hoecker
(CERN, Switzerland)
- Author in Assessment of Data Quality in ATLAS
- Author in The configuration system of the ATLAS Trigger
- Author in TMVA - Toolkit for Multivariate Data Analysis
Andreas Hoecker
- Co-author in The ATLAS High Level Trigger Steering
Bruno Hoeft
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Author in Beyond Grid Security
- Carsten Hof (RWTH)
Rudolf Höfler
(Inst. of High Energy Physics, Vienna)
- Author in The LiC Detector Toy Program
- Jonathan Hollar (LLNL)
- Christopher Hollowell (BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LAB)
Christopher Hollowell
- Co-author in BNL dCache Status and Plan
- Burt Holzman (FNAL)
Burt Holzman
- Co-author in Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
John Hover
- Author in Mapping GRID to Site Credentials using GUMS
- Co-author in BNL dCache Status and Plan
- Julius Hrivnac (LAL)
Ivana Hrivnacova
(IPN, Orsay, France)
- Author in The Geant4 Virtual Monte Carlo
- Author in The Virtual Geometry Model
- Dirk Hufnagel (for the CMS Offline/Computing group)
- Richard Hughes-Jones (University of Manchester)
Terry Hung
(Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Co-author in HyperNews use in HEP - bigger and better
- Julio Ibarra (Florida International University)
Yoshimi Iida
- Co-author in The Status of Grid for Belle Experiment
- Sebastien Incerti (CENBG-IN2P3)
- Vincenzo Innocente (CERN)
- A Isaev (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
- Alessandro Italiano (INFN-CNAF)
Hiro Ito
- Co-author in BNL dCache Status and Plan
- Vladimir Ivantchenko (CERN, ESA)
Go Iwai
- Author in The Status of Grid for Belle Experiment
Jan Iwaszkiewicz
- Co-author in Latest Developments in the PROOF System
- Pavel Jakl (Nuclear Physics Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
- Boyd Jamie (CERN)
- Sverre Jarp (CERN)
- Ed Jastrzembski (JEFFERSON LAB)
- Edward Jastrzembski (Jefferson Lab)
- Stephane Jezequel (LAPP)
- Ming Jiang (RAL)
Tony Johnson
- Co-author in Intelligent Design
- Tony Johnson (SLAC)
Tony Johnson
- Co-author in LCGO - geometry description for ILC detectors
Roger Jones
(Lancaster University)
- Author in The ATLAS Computing Model
- Christopher D. JONES (Cornell University)
Christopher Jones
(Cornell University)
- Author in Analysis Environments for CMS
- Author in HEPTrails: An Analysis Workflow and Provenance Tracking Application
- Author in The life cycle of HEP offline software
- Co-author in Physics Analysis Tools for CMS experiment at LHC
- Co-author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
- Chris Jones (Cornell University)
- Michel Jouvin (LAL / IN2P3)
- Ryszard Jurga (CERN)
Joseph Kaiser
- Co-author in Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
- Pekka Kaitaniemi (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
- Pekka Kaitaniemi (Helsinki Institute of Physics, HIP)
- Umar Kalim (NUST Institute of Information Technology)
- Sergey Kalinin (RWTH)
- Artur Kalinowski (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw)
Satoru Kameoka
- Co-author in A GEANT4 based simulation for proton therapy
- Kaio Karam Galvao (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
- Veikko Karimaki (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
- A Karyukhin (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
- Lashkar Kashif (Harvard University)
- Nobuhiko Katayama (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)
- Dimitrios Katramatos (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Carlos Kavka (INFN Trieste)
Carlos Kavka
(INFN Sezione di Trieste)
- Author in CMS MC Production System Development & Design
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
Setsuya Kawabata
- Co-author in The Status of Grid for Belle Experiment
- Andrei Kazarov (PNPI)
- Dorian Kcira (University of Louvain)
Tahar Kechadi
(University College Dublin (UCD), School of Computer Science)
- Co-author in Feicim: A browser for data and algorithms.
Oliver Keeble
- Author in Release Management - the EGEE project's approach
- Co-author in Modular grid middleware configuration system
- Robert Kehoe (Southern Methodist University)
Chadwick Keith
- Author in FermiGrid - Experience and Future Plans
- Yves Kemp (DESY)
John Kennedy
(LMU Munich)
- Author in Monitoring the ATLAS Production System
- Co-author in The ATLAS Software Installation System for LCG/EGEE
- Michael Kenyon (University of Glasgow)
- Akram Khan (Brunel University)
- Shahryar Khan (Stanford Linear Acclerator Center)
- Andrei Khomitch (RWTH)
- Bockjoo Kim Kim (University of Florida)
- Peter Kim (Stanford Linear Accelerator Center)
- Jin Cheol Kim (Kyungpook National University)
Akinori Kimura
(Ashikaga Institute of Technology, JST CREST)
- Co-author in A GEANT4 based simulation for proton therapy
- Mikhail Kirsanov (Institute for Nuclear Research (INR))
Tivadar Kiss
(KFKI-RMKI, Budapest, Hungary)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Josva Kleist
(Nordic Data Grid Facility)
- Author in A Distributed Storage System with dCache
- Author in A Distriuted Tier-1 for WLCG
- Author in ALICE - ARC integration
- Author in ATLAS DDM Integration in ARC
- Alexei Klimentov (BNL)
- Markus Klute (MIT)
- Birger Koblitz (CERN)
- Adam Kocoloski (MIT)
- Clemens Koerdt (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
- Oscar Koeroo (NIKHEF)
Georges Kohnen
(Université de Mons-hainaut)
- Author in Computing in IceCube
- Piotr Kolet (CERN)
- Serguei Kolos (University of California Irvine)
- Marcin Konecki (Institute of Experimental Physics, Warsaw University)
- Balazs Konya (Lund University)
- Mikhail KOPYTINE (Kent State University, USA)
- Matti Kortelainen (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
Sergey Kosyakov
- Co-author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
- Ivan KOTOV (Ohio State University, USA)
- Tomas Kouba (Institute of Physics - Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR)
- Ales Krenek (CESNET)
- Anna Kreshuk (CERN)
- Peter Kreuzer (RWTH)
Gernot Krobath
(Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
- Co-author in The ATLAS Software Installation System for LCG/EGEE
Wilko Kroeger
- Author in Xrootd in BaBar
- Co-author in Developments in BaBar simulation - life without a database
Andrea Krop
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Wolfgang Kuehn (Univ. Giessen, II. Physikalisches Institut)
- Alexander Kulyavtsev (FNAL)
- Tibor Kurca (IN2P3)
Nikolaus Kurz
- Co-author in Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC
- Adebiyi Kuseju (RAL)
Valentin Kuznetsov
(Cornell University)
- Author in A multi-dimensional view on information retrieval of CMS data
- Author in Searching for CMS data: Rapid web development using python and AJAX
- Co-author in CMS Offline Web Tools
- Co-author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
Gennady Kuznetsov
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
- Author in DIRAC: A community grid solution
- Co-author in The LHCb Computing Data Challenge DC06
Michal Kwiatek
- Author in Automatic processing of CERN video, audio and photo archives
- Co-author in Printing at CERN
- Jose Afonso Lajas Sanches (UERJ)
- Massimo Lamanna (CERN)
(LPSC/IN2P3/UJF Grenoble France)
- Co-author in Integration of the ATLAS VOMS system with the ATLAS Metadata Interface
Donna Lamore
- Co-author in Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
- Tapio Lampen (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
- Elisa Lanciotti (CERN)
- David Lange (LLNL)
- Jean Francois Laporte (Centre d'Etudes de Saclay)
- Marco La Rosa (The University of Melbourne)
- Mario Lassnig (CERN & University of Innsbruck, Austria)
Chiara Latini
(Universita’ di Bologna, INFN-Bologna, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
- Author in An SSH Key management system: easing the pain of managing key/user association
- Author in Electronic Shift and handover log and much more, STAR Elog
- Author in Grid data storage on widely distributed worker nodes using Scalla and SRM
- Author in Integrating Xgrid technology into HENP distributed computing model
- Author in Interfacing with Sun Utility Computing, experience with on demand physics simulations on SunGrid
- Author in Overview of the Inner Silicon detector alignment procedure and techniques in the RHIC/STAR experiment
- Author in Replication and load Balancing strategy of STAR's RDBM
- Author in User Centric Monitoring (UCM) information service for the next generation of Grid-enabled scientists
Lia Lavezzi
(Dept. of Nuclear and Theoretical Physics, University of Pavia)
- Co-author in Use of GEANE for tracking in Virtual Monte Carlo
- Wim Lavrijsen (LBNL)
- David Lawrence (Jefferson Lab)
- Christos Lazaridis (University of Wisconsin)
- Christos Lazaridis (UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN)
- Anton Lechner (Tech. Univ. Wien)
- Hurng-Chung Lee (ASGC, Taipei and CERN)
- Minsun Lee (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
Hurng-Chun LEE
(ASGC, Taipei and CERN)
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
Iosif Legrand
- Author in Advances in Integrated Storage,Transfer and Network Management
- Author in Circuit Oriented End-to-End Services for HEP Data Transfers
- Author in Efficient, Large Scale Data Transfers in Wide Area Network
- Author in MonALISA: An Agent Based, Dynamic Service System to Monitor, Control and Optimize Distributed Systems
- Author in The US LHCNet Network for HEP
- Author in VINCI : Virtual Intelligent Networks for Computing Infrastructures
- Giovanna Lehmann Miotto (CERN)
- Sami Lehti (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
David Leith
- Co-author in PetaCache: Data Access Unleashed
Sophie Lemaitre
- Author in DPM Status and Next Steps
- Author in GFAL and LCG-Util
- Author in Medical Data Management Status and Plans
- Author in Recent Developments in LFC
- Co-author in Storage Resource Manager version 2.2: design, implementation, and testing experience
- Jean-Yves Le Meur (CERN)
- Piergiulio Lenzi (Dipartimento di Fisica)
- Christos Leonidopoulos (CERN)
- Birgit Lewendel (DESY)
- CHUANG LI (Tech-X Corporation)
- Ying Ying Li (University of Cambridge)
- Rafal Lichwala (PSNC, Poznan, Poland)
- Dietrich Liko (CERN)
- Dietrich Liko (CERN)
Dietrich LIKO
- Co-author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
- Tomas Linden (Helsinki Institute of Physics HIP)
Volker Lindenstruth
(Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, University of Heidelberg, Germany)
- Co-author in HLT Online Calibration framework in ALICE
Serguey Linev
- Co-author in Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC
- Elliot David Lipeles (MIT)
- Luca Lista (INFN Napoli)
Luca Lista
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Co-author in Analysis Environments for CMS
- Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
- Zhenping Liu (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
Aigui Liu
- Co-author in Sharing LCG files across different platforms
Zhenping Liu
- Co-author in BNL dCache Status and Plan
- William Lockman (University of California, Santa Cruz)
- Ivan Logachenko (Boston University)
- Lourenco Lopes (Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
- Raul H. C. Lopes (School of Design and Engineering - Brunel University, UK)
- Juan Antonio Lopez Perez (CERN)
- Sebastian Lopienski (CERN)
- Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN/INFN)
Roberto Lops
(INFN cnaf)
- Author in The gLite Workload Management System
- Giuseppe Lo Re (INFN-CNAF)
- Cyril L'Orphelin (IN2P3/CNRS Computing Centre, Lyon, France)
- Donatella Lucchesi (INFN Padova)
Lee Lueking
- Author in CMS Conditions Data Access using FroNTier
- Author in The CMS Dataset Bookkeeping Service
Else Lytken
(European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN))
- Author in Assessment of Data Quality in ATLAS
- Vassily Lyutsarev (Microsoft Research)
- Hong Ma (Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL))
Jeff Mack
- Co-author in GRATIA, a resource accounting system for OSG
- Tadashi Maeno (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
- Joris Maes (VUB)
- Kaori Maeshima (Fermilab)
- Giorgio Maggi (INFN-BARI -- Politecnico di Bari)
Giorgio Maggi
(Universita’ di Bari, Politecnico di Bari and INFN-Bari, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Steve Magill
(Argonne National Lab)
- Author in Individual Particle Reconstruction
- Nicolò Magini (CERN)
Luca Magnoni
- Author in An effective XML based name mapping mechanism within StoRM
- Author in Enriched namespace to support content-aware authorization policies
- Author in Towards the Integration of StoRM on Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
- Co-author in Storage Resource Manager version 2.2: design, implementation, and testing experience
- Carmen Maidantchik (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ))
- Gerhild Maier (CERN)
William Maier
- Co-author in Rapid-response Adaptive Computing Environment
Andrew Maier
- Author in Distributed Data Analysis in LHCb
- Author in Ganga - a job management and optimising tool
Irina Makhlyueva
- Co-author in ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
Irina Makhlyueva
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
- Co-author in Commissioning of the ALICE Data-Acquisition System
Martina Malberti
(Universita’ degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, INFN-Milano, Italy)
- Co-author in CMS CSA06 experience at INFN
Luca Malgeri
- Author in Calibration workflow and dataflow in CMS
- Usman Ahmad MALIK (NCP, Quaid-E-Azam University)