8:00 AM
Poster 1
(until 6:10 PM)
8:00 AM
`Anvil' a case study of the Unified Software Development Process
- Dr
Simon Patton
8:00 AM
A distributed approach for a regional grid operation centre
- Dr
Sven Hermann
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
8:00 AM
A Light-weight Intrusion Detection System for clusters
Alasdair Earl
8:00 AM
A Scientific Overview of Network Connectivity and Grid Infrastructure in South Asian Countries
- Mr
Shahryar Khan
(Stanford Linear Acclerator Center)
8:00 AM
A Search Engine for the Engineering and Equipment Data Management System (EDMS) at CERN
- Mr
Andrey Tsyganov
(Moscow Physical Engineering Inst. (MePhI))
8:00 AM
A study of the accuracy of Network Time Protocol client synchronization in large computing clusters
- Dr
Nick Garfield
8:00 AM
ALICE DAQ Online Transient Data Storage
- Mr
Ulrich Fuchs
(CERN & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen)
8:00 AM
Alignment data streams for the ATLAS Inner Detector.
- Mr
Belmiro Antonio Venda Pinto
(Faculdade de Ciencias - Universidade de Lisboa)
8:00 AM
An Inconvenient Truth: file-level metadata and in-file metadata caching in the (file-agnostic) ATLAS distributed event store
- Dr
David Malon
(Argonne National Laboratory)
8:00 AM
An interface to tape for disk pool managers
Jos Van Wezel
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK/GridKa))
8:00 AM
ATLAS Computing System Commissioning - Simulation Production Experience
Kaushik De
8:00 AM
ATLAS Conditions Database Experience with the LCG COOL Conditions Database Project
- Dr
Monica Verducci
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
8:00 AM
ATLAS Detector Maintenance And Operation Management Tool
- Mr
Brice Copy
8:00 AM
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter on-line monitoring system based on the Event Filter
Nils Gollub
Nils Gollub
(University of Uppsala)
8:00 AM
ATLAS's EventView Analysis Framework
- Dr
Amir Farbin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
8:00 AM
Beyond Grid Security
- Mr
Bruno Hoeft
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
8:00 AM
Building a production-grade Grid infrastructure at DESY
- Dr
Andreas Gellrich
8:00 AM
Circuit Oriented End-to-End Services for HEP Data Transfers
Artur Barczyk
8:00 AM
CMS Software Deployment on the Open Science Grid (OSG)
- Dr
Bockjoo Kim Kim
(University of Florida)
8:00 AM
CMS Tier0 - design, implementation and first experiences
Dirk Hufnagel
(for the CMS Offline/Computing group)
8:00 AM
cMsg - A general purpose, publish-subscribe, interprocess communication implementation and framework
- Dr
Carl Timmer
8:00 AM
Commissioning with cosmic rays of the Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Rosy Nikolaidou
8:00 AM
Computationally efficient algorithms for the two-dimensional Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
- Dr
Ivan D. Reid
(School of Design and Engineering - Brunel University, UK)
8:00 AM
Computing in IceCube
- Mr
Georges Kohnen
(Université de Mons-hainaut)
8:00 AM
Construct an LHC scale national analysis facility
- Mr
Martin Gasthuber
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
8:00 AM
Control and monitoring of alignment data for the ATLAS endcap Muon Spectrometer at the LHC
Craig Dowell
(Univ. of Washington)
8:00 AM
COOL Performance Tests and Optimization
Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
8:00 AM
Creating End-to-End Guaranteed Bandwidth Network Paths Across Multiple Domains with TeraPaths
- Dr
Dantong Yu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr
Dimitrios Katramatos
(Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr
Shawn McKee
(University of Michigan)
8:00 AM
Data Acquisition Backbone Core DABC
- Dr
Hans G. Essel
8:00 AM
Data Quality Monitoring for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
- Dr
Giuseppe Della Ricca
(Univ. of Trieste and INFN)
8:00 AM
Data storage layout and architecture of the German T1
- Dr
Doris Ressmann
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
8:00 AM
Data Stream handling in the LHCb experiment
- Dr
Niko Neufeld
8:00 AM
Database architecture for the calibration of ATLAS Monitored Drift Tube Chambers
- Dr
Manuela Cirilli
(University of Michigan)
8:00 AM
Dataharvester - a library for reading and writing ``hierarchic tuples'' from/to various file formats
- Dr
Wolfgang Waltenberger
(Hephy Vienna)
8:00 AM
Development of the Tier-1 Facility at Fermilab
Ian Fisk
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
8:00 AM
Distributed database services in PHENIX - what it takes tosupport a Petabyte experiment.
Irina Sourikova
8:00 AM
Efficient, Large Scale Data Transfers in Wide Area Network
- Dr
Iosif Legrand
Ramiro Voicu
8:00 AM
Embedding Python- a new approach to specifying program options
- Prof.
Toby Burnett
(University of Washington)
8:00 AM
End-to-End Network/Application Performance Troubleshooting Methodology
- Dr
Wenji Wu
8:00 AM
ETICS Meta-Data Software Editing - From Check Out To Commit Operations
Elisabetta Ronchieri
8:00 AM
Evaluating Disk Hardware for Small Deployments of PostgreSQL
- Mr
Alexander Withers
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8:00 AM
Evaluation of Goodness-of-Fit tests in physical use cases
- Dr
Maria Grazia Pia
(INFN Genova)
8:00 AM
EVIO - A Lightweight Object-Oriented Event I/O Package
- Dr
Elliott Wolin
(Jefferson Lab)
8:00 AM
Exercising CMS dataflows and workflows in computing challenges at the Spanish Tier-1 and Tier-2 sites
- Dr
Jose Hernandez
8:00 AM
Experience Running a Distributed Tier-2 for the ATLAS Experiment
- Mr
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
8:00 AM
Experience with monitoring of Prague T2 Site
Tomas Kouba
(Institute of Physics - Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR)
8:00 AM
Farm Logbook, a tool to keep/trace all operations on a big computing farm
- Mr
Alessandro Italiano
8:00 AM
FermiGrid - Experience and Future Plans
- Dr
Chadwick Keith
8:00 AM
Fluka and Geant4 simulations using common geometry source and digitization algorithms
Manuel Gallas
8:00 AM
FPGA based Compute Notes for High Level Triggering in PANDA
- Prof.
Wolfgang Kuehn
(Univ. Giessen, II. Physikalisches Institut)
8:00 AM
Glance Project: a database retrieval mechanism for the ATLAS detector
Kathy Pommes
8:00 AM
GridKa Tier1 Site Management
- Dr
Sven Gabriel
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
8:00 AM
HEPTrails: An Analysis Workflow and Provenance Tracking Application
- Dr
Christopher Jones
(Cornell University)
8:00 AM
High Performance Storage Tests At The INFN Pisa Computing Centre
- Dr
Enrico Mazzoni
(INFN Pisa)
8:00 AM
High-Performance Stream Computing for Particle Beam Transport Simulations
- Dr
David Bailey
(University of Manchester) Dr
Robert Appleby
(University of Manchester)
8:00 AM
HLRmon: a Role-based Grid Accounting Reporting Web Tool
- Mr
Stefano Dal Pra
(INFN-Padova, Italy) Mr
Enrico Fattibene
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy) Mr
Giuseppe Misurelli
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy) Mr
Federico Pescarmona
(INFN-Torino, Italy)
8:00 AM
Implementation and Performance of the ATLAS Second Level Jet Trigger
- Dr
Patricia Conde Muíño
8:00 AM
Implementing a Modular Framework in a Conditions Database Explorer for ATLAS
Antonio Amorim
(Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
8:00 AM
INFN Tier-1 status report
Luca dell'Agnello
8:00 AM
Initial results from the MAGIC-II Datacenter at PIC
- Prof.
Manuel Delfino Reznicek
(Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
8:00 AM
Integrated RT-AT-Nagios system at BNL USATLAS Tier1 computing center
Tomasz Wlodek
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
8:00 AM
JetWeb: A library and server for Monte Carlo validation and data comparisons
Jonathan Butterworth
(University College London)
8:00 AM
Large Scale Access Tests and Online Interfaces to ATLAS Conditions Databases
Antonio Amorim
(Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
8:00 AM
Lorentz Angle Calibration for the CMS Pixel Detector
Vincenzo Chiochia
(Universitat Zurich)
8:00 AM
Low-level reconstruction software and regional unpacking for the CMS strip tracker
- Dr
Robert Bainbridge
(Imperial College London)
8:00 AM
Management System of Event Processing and Data Files Based on XML Software Tools at Belle
- Dr
Ichiro Adachi
8:00 AM
Metropolitan Area Network Support at Fermilab
- Mr
Philip DeMar
8:00 AM
Monitoring a WLCG Tier-1 computing facility aiming at a reliable 24/7 service
- Dr
Andreas Heiss
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
8:00 AM
Multi-threaded Event Reconstruction with JANA
- Dr
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
8:00 AM
Nightly builds and software distribution in the LCG / AA / SPI project
- Dr
Stefan Roiser
8:00 AM
Online Data Monitoring in the LHCb experiment
- Dr
Markus Frank
8:00 AM
Optimization of dCache MSS tape efficiency through Virtual Volumes
- Prof.
Manuel Delfino Reznicek
(Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
8:00 AM
Oracle RAC (Real Application Cluster) application scalability, experience with PVSS and methodology
Eric Grancher
8:00 AM
Parameterization of the LHCb magnetic field map
- Ms
Geraldine Conti
8:00 AM
Performance Measurement and Monitoring for HENP Applications
- Dr
Sebastien Binet
8:00 AM
Portable Monitoring for Castor2
Miguel Coelho Dos Santos
8:00 AM
Preparation for WLCG production from a Tier-1 viewpoint
- Mr
Martin Bly
8:00 AM
Real-time analysis of the operational state of the CMS strip tracker readout system
- Dr
Stefano Mersi
(INFN & Università di Firenze)
8:00 AM
Release Management - the EGEE project's approach
- Dr
Oliver Keeble
8:00 AM
Remote Management of nodes in the ATLAS Online Processing Farms
- Dr
Marc Dobson
8:00 AM
Runtime memory and data monitoring using Reflex for memory usage evaluation and data quality control.
- Dr
Charles Leggett
8:00 AM
Service Level Status - a new real-time status display for IT services
- Mr
Sebastian Lopienski
8:00 AM
StatPatternRecognition: A C++ Package for Multivariate Classification
- Dr
Ilya Narsky
(California Institute of Technology)
8:00 AM
Survey of the main HEP software components (1970 --> 2010)
- Dr
Rene Brun
8:00 AM
Testing gLite for releases
- Mr
Andreas Unterkircher
8:00 AM
The ATLAS Canada Network
- Mr
Ian Gable
(University of Victoria)
8:00 AM
The ATLAS Software Installation System for LCG/EGEE
Alessandro De Salvo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)
8:00 AM
The CMS Storage Manager and Data Flow in the High Level DAQ
- Ms
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
8:00 AM
The CMS Tracker Control System
Lorenzo Masetti
8:00 AM
The Design and Implementation of BES Grid Computing System
- Prof.
Gang Chen
(IHEP, China)
8:00 AM
The Distributed Parallel Multi-Platform ATLAS Release Nightly Build System
Obreshkov Emil
8:00 AM
The Status of Grid for Belle Experiment
Go Iwai
8:00 AM
The Swiss ATLAS Grid
- Mr
Sigve Haug
(LHEP University of Bern)
8:00 AM
The Tier0 road to LHC Data Taking
- Dr
Tony Cass
8:00 AM
The US LHCNet Network for HEP
Dan Nae
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
8:00 AM
Towards a full implementation of a robust solution of a Domain Specific Visual Query Language DSVQL for HEP analysis
- Dr
Patricia Conde Muíño
8:00 AM
Track based software package for measurement of the energy deposited in the calorimeters of the ATLAS detector
Konstantinos Bachas
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
8:00 AM
US CMS Tier-2 Computing
Kenneth Bloom
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
8:00 AM
Usage and Extension of Maven to build, release and distribute Java and Native Code Projects
Mark Donszelmann
8:00 AM
Usage of LSF for the batch farms at CERN
- Dr
Ulrich Schwickerath
8:00 AM
Use of Cfengine for deploying LCG/gLite middle-ware
- Mr
Colin Morey
(Manchester University)
8:00 AM
Use of Flow Data for Traffic Analysis and Network Performance Characterization
- Mr
Andrey Bobyshev
8:00 AM
User Centric Monitoring (UCM) information service for the next generation of Grid-enabled scientists
- Dr
David Alexander
(Tech-X Corporation)
8:00 AM
Using ROOT with Modern Programming Languages
- Prof.
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
8:00 AM
Using the Grid for Large Scale and Nightly Testing of the ATLAS Trigger & Data Acquisition System
Hegoi Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta
(Instituto de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE))
8:00 AM
VINCI : Virtual Intelligent Networks for Computing Infrastructures
- Prof.
Harvey Newman
8:00 AM
Virtualization applications at the Brookhaven Computing Facility
- Dr
Tony Chan
8:00 AM
Web System to support analysis for experimental equipment commissioning
Andrea Dotti
9:00 AM
Mike Vetterli
(Simon Fraser University / TRIUMF)
(until 10:30 AM)
(Carson Hall)
9:00 AM
Opening Session
(Carson Hall)
9:15 AM
The LHC Machine and Experiments: Status and Prospects
Tejinder Virdee
(CERN/Imperial College)
(Carson Hall)
10:00 AM
WLCG - Where we are now and the Real Data Challenges ahead
Les Robertson
(Carson Hall)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee Break ---
11:00 AM
Manuel Delfino
(until 12:30 PM)
(Carson Hall)
11:00 AM
LHC Expt Computing
- Dr
Ian Fisk
(Carson Hall)
11:30 AM
Data Acquisition at the LHC experiments
Sylvain Chapeland
(Carson Hall)
12:00 PM
Power, Density, Reliability & Performance: customer-driven evolution of cluster computing and storage, in high energy physics and other scientific fields.
- Dr
Eng Lim Goh
(Carson Hall)