Sep 2 – 9, 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

Nightly builds and software distribution in the LCG / AA / SPI project

Sep 3, 2007, 8:00 AM
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 49
poster Software components, tools and databases Poster 1


Dr Stefan Roiser (CERN)


The Software Process and Infrastructure project (SPI) of the LCG Applications Area (AA) is responsible for a set of services for software build, software packaging, software distribution, communication and quality assurance. Recently a new tool has been developed in SPI for the automatic configuration and build of the LCG AA software stack which is used for nightly builds. In this talk the design, features and performance of this nightly build system will be presented. Examples for configurations currently in use and their maintenance will be discussed as well as constraints and difficulties in the development of the system (e.g. multi platform, architectures, compilers, configuration tools, performance issues). The nightly build system will also be used to release the whole LHC software stack in one go. There will also be an outlook to future developments like distributed and parallel builds. The latter being important to speed up the delivery times for bug fixes of the LCG AA software stack to the user / experiments. This will become more important as we are nearing the startup of the LHC. The second part of the talk will describe policies of software packaging and software distribution in the LHC environment. As we are coming closer to the startup of the LHC it will be more and more important to be able to distribute the LHC software in an easy and transparent way to the users. The tools in the SPI project which aim to achieve this functionality and possibly can also be used by experiments for their software packaging and distribution will be presented.


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