Simon Patton
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The Unified Software Development Process (USDP) defines a process for developing
software from the initial inception to the final delivery. The process creates a
number of difference models of the final deliverable; the use case, analysis, design,
deployment, implementation and test models. These models are developed using an
iterative approach that breaks down into four main phases;...
Sven Hermann
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe is one of the largest science and engineering research
institutions in Europe. The resource centre GridKa as part of this science centre is
building up a Tier 1 centre for the LHC project. Embedded in the European grid
initiative EGEE, GridKa also manages the ROC (regional operation centre) for the
German Swiss region. A ROC is responsible for regional...
Alasdair Earl
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The RPMVerify package is a light weight intrusion detection system (IDS) which is
used at CERN as part of the wider security infrastructure. The package provides
information about potentially nefarious changes to software which has been deployed
using the RedHat Package Management system (RPM).
The purpose of the RPMVerify project has been to produce a system which makes use of
Shahryar Khan
(Stanford Linear Acclerator Center)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The future of Computing in High Energy Physics (HEP) applications depends on
both the Network and Grid infrastructure. Some South Asian countries such as
India and Pakistan are making progress in this direction by not only building
Grid clusters, but also by improving their network infrastructure. However to
facilitate the use of these resources, they need to overcome the issues of...
Andrey Tsyganov
(Moscow Physical Engineering Inst. (MePhI))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
CERN, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics, located in Geneva - Switzerland,
is currently building the LHC, a 27 km particle accelerator. The equipment life-cycle
management of this project is provided by the Engineering and Equipment Data
Management System (EDMS) Service. Using Oracle, it supports the management and
follow-up of different kinds of documentation through the whole...
Nick Garfield
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
As computing systems become more distributed and as networks increase in
throughput and resources become ever increasingly dispersed over multiple
administrative domains, even continents, there is a greater need to know the
performance limits of the underlying protocols which make the foundations of
complex computing and networking architectures. One such protocol is the
Ulrich Fuchs
(CERN & Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
ALICE is a dedicated heavy-ion detector to exploit the physics potential of
nucleus-nucleus (lead-lead) interactions at LHC energies. The aim is to study
the physics of strongly interacting matter at extreme energy densities, where
the formation of a new phase of matter, the quark-gluon plasma, is expected.
Running in heavy-ion mode the data rate from event building to permanent...
Belmiro Antonio Venda Pinto
(Faculdade de Ciencias - Universidade de Lisboa)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The ATLAS experiment uses a complex trigger strategy to be able to achieve the
necessary Event Filter rate output, making possible to optimize the storage and
processing needs of these data. These needs are described in the ATLAS Computing
Model which embraces Grid concepts. The output coming from the Event Filter will
consist of four main streams: the physical stream, express stream,...
David Malon
(Argonne National Laboratory)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
In the ATLAS event store, files are sometimes "an inconvenient truth."
From the point of view of the ATLAS distributed data management system,
files are too small--datasets are the units of interest. From the point
of view of the ATLAS event store architecture, files are simply a physical
clustering optimization: the units of interest are event collections--
sets of events that...
Jos Van Wezel
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK/GridKa))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The disk pool managers in use in the HEP community focus on managing disk storage but
at the same time rely on a mass storage i.e. tape based system either to offload data
that has not been touched for a long time or for archival purposes. Traditionally tape
handling systems like HPSS by IBM or Enstore developed at FNAL are used because they
offer specialized features to overcome the...
Kaushik De
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
During 2006-07, the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider launched a massive
Monte Carlo simulation production exercise to commission software and computing
systems in preparation for data in 2007. In this talk, we will describe the goals and
objectives of this exercise, the software systems used, and the tiered computing
infrastructure deployed worldwide. More than half a petabyte...
Monica Verducci
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
One of the most challenging task faced by the LHC experiments will be the storage of
"non-event data" produced by calibration and alignment stream processes into the
Conditions Database. For the handling of this complex experiment conditions data the
LCG Conditions Database Project has implemented COOL, a new software product designed
to minimise the duplication of effort by developing a...
Brice Copy
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The maintenance and operation of the ATLAS detector will involve thousands of
contributors from 170 physics institutes. Planning and coordinating the action of
ATLAS members, ensuring their expertise is properly leveraged and that no parts of
the detector are under or overstaffed will be a challenging task.
The ATLAS Maintenance and Operation (ATLAS M&O) application offers a fluent web...
Nils Gollub
Nils Gollub
(University of Uppsala)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
ATLAS Tile Calorimeter detector (TileCal) is presently involved in an intense phase
of commissioning with cosmic rays and subsystems integration. Various monitoring
programs have been developed at different level of the data flow to tune the set-up
of the detector running conditions and to provide a fast and reliable assessment of
the data quality.
The presentation will focus on the...
Amir Farbin
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The EventView Analysis Framework is currently the basis for much of the analysis software employed by various
ATLAS physics groups (for example the Top, SUSY, Higgs, and Exotics working groups). In ATLAS's central data
preparation, this framework provides an assessment of data quality and the first analysis of physics data for the
whole collaboration. An EventView is a self-consistent...
Bruno Hoeft
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
While many fields relevant to Grid security are already covered by existing
working groups, their remit rarely goes beyond the scope of the Grid
infrastructure itself. However, security issues pertaining to the internal set-up
of compute centres have at least as much impact on Grid security. Thus, this
talk will present briefly the EU ISSeG project (Integrated Site Security for Grids)....
Andreas Gellrich
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
As a partner of the international EGEE project in the German/Switzerland
federation (DECH) and as a member of the national D-GRID initiative, DESY
operates a large-scale production-grade Grid infrastructure with hundreds of CPU
cores and hundreds of Terabytes of disk storage.
As Tier-2/3 center for ATLAS and CMS DESY plays a leading role in Grid computing
in Germany. DESY strongly support...
Artur Barczyk
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Most of today's data networks are a mixture of packet switched and circuit switched
technologies, with Ethernet/IP on the campus and in data centers, and SONET/SDH over
the wide area infrastructure.
SONET/SDH allows creating dedicated circuits with bandwidth guarantees along the
path, suitable for the use of aggressive transport protocols optimised for fast data
transfer and without...
Bockjoo Kim Kim
(University of Florida)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The CMS experiment will begin data collection at the end of 2007 and
released its software with new framework since the end of 2005.
The CMS experiment employs a tiered distributed computing
based on the Grids, the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) and the Open
Science Grid (OSG). There are approximately 37 tiered CMS centers around the world.
The number of the CMS software releases was three...
Dirk Hufnagel
(for the CMS Offline/Computing group)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
With the upcoming LHC engineering run in November, the CMS Tier0 computing
effort will be the one of the most important activities of the experiment.
The CMS Tier0 is responsible for all data handling and processing of real
data events in the first period of their life, from when the data is
written by the DAQ system to a disk buffer at the CMS experiment site to
when it is transferred...
Carl Timmer
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
cMsg is software used to send and receive messages in the Jefferson Lab
online and runcontrol systems. It was created to replace the several IPC
software packages in use with a single API. cMsg is asynchronous in nature,
running a callback for each message received. However, it also includes
synchronous routines for convenience. On the framework level, cMsg is a thin
API layer in...
Rosy Nikolaidou
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The Muon Spectrometer of the ATLAS experiment is made of a large toroidal
magnet, arrays of high-pressure drift tubes for precise tracking and dedicated
fast detectors for the first-level trigger. All the detectors in the barrel toroid
have been installed and commissioning has started with cosmic rays. These
detectors are arranged in three concentric rings and the total area is about...
Ivan D. Reid
(School of Design and Engineering - Brunel University, UK)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Goodness-of-fit statistics measure the compatibility of random samples against some
theoretical probability distribution function. The classical one-dimensional
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is a non-parametric statistic for comparing two empirical
distributions, which defines the largest absolute difference between the two
cumulative probability distribution functions as a measure of...
Georges Kohnen
(Université de Mons-hainaut)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The IceCube neutrino telescope is a cubic kilometer Cherenkov detector currently under construction in the deep ice at the geographic South Pole. As of 2007, it has reached more than 25 % of its final instrumented volume and is actively taking data. We will briefly describe the design and current status, as well as the physics goals of the detector. The main focus will, however, be on the...
Martin Gasthuber
(Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Based on todays understanding of LHC scale analysis requirements and
the clear dominance of fast and high capacity random access storage,
this talk will present a generic architecture for a national facility
based on existing components from various computing domains. The
following key areas will be discussed in detail and solutions will be
proposed, building the overall...
Craig Dowell
(Univ. of Washington)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The ATLAS Muon Spectrometer is constructed out of 1200 drift tube chambers
with a total area of nearly 7000 square meters. It must determine muon track
to a very high precision despite its large size necessitating complex real-time
alignment measurements.
Each chamber, as well as approximately 50 alignment reference bars in the
endcap region,
are equipped with CCD cameras,...
Marco Clemencic
(European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The COOL software has been chosen by both Atlas and LHCb as the base of
their conditions database infrastructure. The main focus of the COOL project in
2007 will be the deployment, test and validation of Oracle-based COOL
database services at Tier0 and Tier1. In this context, COOL software
development will concentrate on service-related issues, and in particular on the
Dantong Yu
(Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr
Dimitrios Katramatos
(Brookhaven National Laboratory), Dr
Shawn McKee
(University of Michigan)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Supporting reliable, predictable, and efficient global movement of data in
high-energy physics distributed computing environments requires the capability to
provide guaranteed bandwidth to selected data flows and schedule network usage
appropriately. The DOE-funded TeraPaths project at Brookhaven National Laboratory
(BNL), currently in its second year, is developing methods and tools that...
Hans G. Essel
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
European FP6 program "HadronPhysics", JRA1 "FutureDAQ" contract number
For the new experiments at FAIR like CBM new concepts of data acquisition systems
have to be developed like the distribution of self-triggered, time stamped data
streams over high performance networks for event building. The DAQ backbone DABC is
designed for FAIR detector tests, readout...
Giuseppe Della Ricca
(Univ. of Trieste and INFN)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The electromagnetic calorimeter of the Compact Muon Solenoid experiment will play a
central role in the achievement of the full physics performance of the detector at
the LHC. The detector performance will be monitored using applications based on the
CMS Data Quality Monitoring (DQM) framework and running on the High-Level Trigger
Farm as well as on local DAQ systems. The monitorable...
Doris Ressmann
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The grid era brings upon new and steeply rising demands in data storage.
The GridKa project at Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe delivers its share of
the computation and storage requirements of all LHC and 4 other HEP
experiments. Access throughput from the worker nodes to the storage can
be as high a 2 GB/s. At the same time a continuous throughput in the
order of 300-400 MB/s into and...
Niko Neufeld
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
Events selected by LHCb's online event filtering farm will be assembled into raw
data files of about 2 GBs. Under nominal conditions about 2 such files will be
produced per minute. These files must be copied to tape storage and made
available online to various calibration and monitoring tasks. The life cycle and
state transitions of each files are managed by means of a dedicated data-...
Manuela Cirilli
(University of Michigan)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The calibration of the 375000 ATLAS Monitored Drift Tubes will be a highly challenging task: a dedicated set of data
will be extracted from the second level trigger of the experiment and streamlined to three remote Tier-2 Calibration
This presentation reviews the complex chain of databases envisaged to support
the MDT Calibration and describes the actual status of the...
Wolfgang Waltenberger
(Hephy Vienna)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
A tool is presented that is capable of reading from and writing to several
different file formats. Currently supported file formats are ROOT, HBook, HDF,
XML, Sqlite3 and a few text file formats. A plugin mechanism decouples
the file-format specific "backends" from the main library.
All data are internally represented as "heterogenous hierarchic tuples"; no
other data structure exists in...
Ian Fisk
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
CMS is preparing seven remote Tier-1 computing facilities to archive and serve
experiment data. These centers represent the bulk of CMS's data serving capacity, a
significant resource for reprocessing data, all of the simulation archiving capacity,
and operational support for Tier-2 centers and analysis facilities. In this paper we
present the progress on deploying the largest remote...
Irina Sourikova
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
After seven years of running and collecting 2 Petabytes
of physics data, PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
(RHIC) has gained a lot of experience with database management systems ( DBMS ).
Serving all of the experiment's operations - data taking, production and analysis -
databases provide 24/7 access to calibrations and book-keeping information
for hundreds of...
Iosif Legrand
Ramiro Voicu
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The efficient use of high-speed networks to transfer large data sets is an essential
component for many scientific applications including CERN’s LCG experiments.
We present an efficient data transfer application, Fast Data Transfer (FDT), and a
distributed agent system (LISA) able to monitor, configure, control and globally
coordinate complex, large scale data transfers.
FDT is an...
Toby Burnett
(University of Washington)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Applications often need to have many parameters defined for execution. A few can be
done with the command line, but this does not scale very well. I present a simple use of
embedded Python that makes it easy to specify configuration data for applications,
avoiding wiring in constants, or writing elaborate parsing difficult to justify for small, or
one-off applications. But the...
Wenji Wu
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The computing models for LHC experiments are globally distributed and grid-based. In
such a computing model, the experiments’ data must be reliably and efficiently
transferred from CERN to Tier-1 regional centers, processed, and distributed to other
centers around the world. Obstacles to good network performance arise from many
causes and can be a major impediment to the success of this...
Elisabetta Ronchieri
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
People involved in modular projects need to improve the build software process,
planning the correct execution order and detecting circular dependencies. The lack of
suitable tools may cause delays in the development, deployment and maintenance of the
Experience in such projects has shown that the arranged use of version
control and build systems is not able to support the...
Alexander Withers
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The PostgreSQL database is a vital component of critical services at the
RHIC/USATLAS Computing Facility such as the Quill subsystem of the Condor
Project and both PNFS and SRM within dCache. Current deployments are
relatively unsophisticated, utilizing default configurations on small-scale
commodity hardware. However, a substantial increase in projected growth has
exposed deficiencies...
Maria Grazia Pia
(INFN Genova)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The Statistical Toolkit provides an extensive collection of algorithms for the
comparison of two data samples: in addition to the chisquared test, it includes all
the tests based on the empirical distribution function documented in literature for
binned and unbinned distributions.
Some of these tests, like the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one, are widely used; others, like
the Anderson-Darling...
Elliott Wolin
(Jefferson Lab)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
EVIO is a lightweight event I/O package consisting of an
object-oriented layer on top of a pre-existing, highly efficient,
C-based event I/O package. The latter, part of the JLab CODA package,
has been in use in JLab high-speed DAQ systems for many years, but
other underlying disk I/O packages could be substituted. The event
format on disk, a packed tree-like hierarchy of banks, maps...
Jose Hernandez
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
CMS undertakes periodic computing challenges of increasing scale and complexity
to test its computing model and Grid computing systems. The computing challenges are
aimed at establishing a working distributed computing system that implements the CMS
computing model based on an underlying multi-flavour grid infrastructure. CMS
dataflows and data processing workflows are exercised during a...
(Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The Spanish ATLAS Tier-2 is geographically distributed between three HEP institutes.
They are IFAE (Barcelona) and IFIC (Valencia) and UAM (Madrid). Currently it has a
computing power of about 400 kSI2k CPU, a disk storage capacity of 40 TB and a
network bandwidth connecting the three sites and the nearest Tier-1 of 1 Gb/s. These
resources will increase with time in parallel to those of...
Tomas Kouba
(Institute of Physics - Acad. of Sciences of the Czech Rep. (ASCR)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Each tier 2 site is monitored by various services from outside. The
Prague T2 is monitored by SAM tests, GSTAT monitoring, RTM from RAL, regional
nagios monitoring and experiment specific tools. Besides that we monitor our
own site for hardware and software failures and middleware status.
All these tools produce an output that must be regularly checked by
site administrators. We...
Alessandro Italiano
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Every day operations on a big computer center farm like that of a Tier1 can be numerous. Opening or closing a
host, changing batch system configuration, replacing a disk, reinstalling a host and so on, is just a short list of
what can and will really happen. In these conditions remembering all that has been done could be really difficult.
Typically a big farm is managed by a team so it...
Chadwick Keith
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Fermilab supports a scientific program that includes experiments and scientists
located across the globe. In order to better serve this community, Fermilab has
placed its production computer resources in a Campus Grid infrastructure called
'FermiGrid'. The FermiGrid infrastructure allows the large experiments at Fermilab to
have priority access to their own resources, enables sharing of...
Manuel Gallas
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Based on the ATLAS TileCal 2002 test-beam setup example, we present
here the technical, software aspects of a possible solution to the
problem of using two differe! nt simulation engines, like Geant4 and
Fluka, with ! the comm on geometry and digitization code. The specific
use case we discuss here, which is probably the most common one, is
when the Geant4 application is already...
Wolfgang Kuehn
(Univ. Giessen, II. Physikalisches Institut)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
PANDA is a new universal detector for antiproton physics at the HESR facility at
FAIR/GSI. The PANDA data acquisition system has to handle interaction rates of
the order of 10**7 /s and data rates of several 100 Gb /s. FPGA based
compute nodes with multi-Gb/s bandwidth capability using the ATCA
architecture are designed to handle tasks such as event building, feature
extraction and...
Kathy Pommes
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
During the construction and commissioning phases of the ATLAS Collaboration, data
related to the installation, testing and performance of the equipment are stored in
distinctive databases. Each group acquires information and saves them in repositories
placed in different servers, using diverse technologies. Both data modeling and
terminology may vary among the storage areas. The...
Sven Gabriel
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
GridKa is the German Tier1 centre in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid
(WLCG). It is part of the Institut für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (IWR) at the
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK). It started in 2002 as the successor of the
”Regional Data and Computing Centre in Germany” (RDCCG)
GridKa supports all four LHC experiments, ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb,
four non-LHC high energy physics...
Christopher Jones
(Cornell University)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
When doing an HEP analysis, physicists typically repeat the same operations over and over while applying minor
variations. Doing the operations as well as remembering the changes done during each iteration can be a very
tedious process. HEPTrails in an analysis application written in Python and built on top of the University of Utah's
VisTrails system which provides workflow and full...
Enrico Mazzoni
(INFN Pisa)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
We report about the tests performed in the INFN Pisa Computing Centre with some of
the latest generation storage devices. Fibre Channel and NAS solutions have been
tested in a realistic enviroment, both participating in Worldwide CMS's Service
Challenges, and simulating analysis patterns with more than 500 jobs accessing
concurrently]data files. Both usage pattern have evidentiated the...
David Bailey
(University of Manchester), Dr
Robert Appleby
(University of Manchester)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Understanding modern particle accelerators requires simulating charged
particle transport through the machine elements. These simulations can be very
time consuming due to the large number of particles and the need to consider
many turns of a circular machine. Stream computing offers an attractive way to
dramatically improve the performance of such simulations by calculating the...
Enrico Fattibene
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy), Mr
Federico Pescarmona
(INFN-Torino, Italy), Mr
Giuseppe Misurelli
(INFN-CNAF, Bologna, Italy), Mr
Stefano Dal Pra
(INFN-Padova, Italy)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
In production quality Grid infrastructure accounting data play a key role on the
possibility to spot out how the allocated resources have been used. The different
types of Grid user have to be taken into account in order to provide different
subsets of accounting data based on the specific role covered by a Grid user.
Grid end users, VO (Virtual Organization) managers, site administrators...
Patricia Conde Muíño
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
ATLAS is one of the four major LHC experiments, designed to cover a wide range
of physics topics. In order to cope with a rate of 40MHz and 25 interactions per
bunch crossing, the ATLAS trigger system is divided in three different levels. The
first one (LVL1, hardware based) identifies signatures in 2 microseconds that are
confirmed by
the the following trigger levels (software based)....
Antonio Amorim
(Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The ATLAS conditions databases will be used to manage information of quite diverse
nature and
level of complexity. The infrastructure in being built using the LCG COOL
infrastructure and
provides a powerful information sharing gateway upon many different systems. The
nature of
the stored information ranges from temporal series of simple values to very complex
Luca dell'Agnello
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
INFN CNAF is a multi experiment computing center acting as Tier-1 for LCG but also
supporting other HEP and non HEP experiments and Virtual Organizations.
The CNAF Tier-1 is one of the main Resource Centers of the Grid Infrastructure
(WLCG/EGEE); the preferred access method to the center is through WLCG/EGEE and
INFNGRID middleware and services.
Critical issues to be addressed to meet...
Manuel Delfino Reznicek
(Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
A new data center has been deployed for the MAGIC Gamma Ray Telescope, located in the
Roque de los Muchachos observatory in the Canary Islands, Spain, at the Port
d'Informació Científica in Barcelona. The MAGIC Datacenter at PIC recieves all the
raw data produced by MAGIC, either via the network or tape cartridges, and provides
archiving, rapid processing for quality control and...
Tomasz Wlodek
(Brookhaven National Laboratory)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Managing large number of heterogeneous grid servers with different service
requirements posts great challenges. We describe a cost-effective integrated
operation framework which manages hardware inventory, monitors services, raises
alarms with different severity levels and tracks the facility response to them.
The system is based on open source components: RT (Request Tracking) tracks...
Jonathan Butterworth
(University College London)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Accurate modelling of high energy hadron interactions is essential for the precision
analysis of data from the LHC. It is therefore imperative that the predictions of
Monte Carlos used to model this physics are tested against existing and future
measurements. These measurements cover a wide variety of reactions, experimental
observables and kinematic regions. To make this process more...
Antonio Amorim
(Universidade de Lisboa (SIM and FCUL, Lisbon))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition systems (TDAQ) to the Conditions databases has
strong requirements on reliability and performance. Several applications were
developed to support the integration of Condition database access with the online
services in TDAQ like the interface to the Information Services and to the TDAQ
The DBStressor was developed to test and stress...
Vincenzo Chiochia
(Universitat Zurich)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The CMS Pixel Detector is hosted inside the large solenoid generating a
magnetic field of 4 T.
The electron-hole pairs produced by particles traversing the pixel sensors will thus
experience the Lorentz force due to the combined presence of magnetic and electric field.
This results in a systematic shift of the charge distribution. In order to achieve a
high position resolution a...
Robert Bainbridge
(Imperial College London)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The CMS silicon strip tracker is unprecedented in terms of its size and
complexity, providing a sensitive area of >200 m^2 and comprising 10M
readout channels. Its data acquisition system is based around a custom
analogue front-end ASIC, an analogue optical link system and an
off-detector VME board that performs digitization, zero-suppression and
data formatting. These data are forwarded...
Ichiro Adachi
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The Belle experiment has been operational since 1999 and we have processed more than 700/fb of data so far.
To cope with ever increasing data, complete automation of the event processing is one of the most critical
issues. In addition, unified management in the processing job and the processed data files to be analyzed is very
important especially to deal with ~400K data files amounting...
Philip DeMar
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Advances in wide area network service offerings, coupled with comparable developments
in local area network technology have enabled many HEP sites to keep their offsite
network bandwidth ahead of demand. For most sites, the more difficult and costly
aspect of increasing wide area network capacity is the local loop, which connects the
facility LAN to the wide area service provider(s). ...
Andreas Heiss
(Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Within the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG), a Tier-1 centre like the German
GridKa computing facility has to provide significant CPU and storage resources as
well as several Grid services with a high level of quality. GridKa currently supports
all four LHC Experiments, Alice, Atlas, CMS and LHCb as well as four non-LHC high
energy physics experiments, and is about to significantly...
David Lawrence
(Jefferson Lab)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The C++ reconstruction framework JANA has been written to support the
next generation of Nuclear Physics experiments at Jefferson Lab in
anticipation of the 12GeV upgrade. The JANA framework was designed to allow
multi-threaded event processing with a minimal impact on developers of
reconstruction software. As we enter the multi-core (and soon
many-core) era, thread-enabled code will...
Stefan Roiser
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The Software Process and Infrastructure project (SPI) of the LCG
Applications Area (AA) is responsible for a set of services for
software build, software packaging, software distribution,
communication and quality assurance. Recently a new tool has been
developed in SPI for the automatic configuration and build of the LCG
AA software stack which is used for nightly builds. In this talk...
Markus Frank
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The High Level Trigger and Data Acquisition system selects about 2 kHz of
events out of the 40 MHz of beam crossings. The selected events are sent to
permanent storage for subsequent analysis.
In order to ensure the quality of the collected data, indentify possible
malfunctions of the detector and perform calibration and alignment checks, a
small fraction of the accepted events is...
Manuel Delfino Reznicek
(Port d'Informació Científica (PIC))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Small files pose performance issues for Mass Storage Systems, particularly those
using magnetic tape. The ViVo project reported at CHEP06 solved some of these
problems by using Virtual Volumes based on ISO images containing the small files, and
only storing and retrieving these images from the MSS. Retrieval was handled using
Unix automounters, requiring deployment of ISO servers with a...
Eric Grancher
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Database applications increasingly demand higher performance. This is especially
true in the context of the LHC accelerator, LHC experiments, and LHC Computing Grid
projects at CERN. Oracle RAC (Real Application Cluster) is a cluster solution which
allows a database to be served by several nodes, and is a technology that is being
exploited successfully at CERN and at LCG Tier1 sites. ...
Geraldine Conti
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The LHCb warm magnet has been designed to provide an integrated field of 4
Tm for tracks coming from the primary vertex.To insure good momentum
resolution of a few per mil, an accurate description of the magnetic field map is
needed. This is achieved by combining the information from a TOSCA-based
simulation and data from measurements. The paper presents the fit method
applied to...
Sebastien Binet
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
LHC experiments are entering in a phase where optimization in view of
data taking as well as robustness' improvements are of major importance. Any
reduction in event data size can bring very significant savings in the
amount of hardware (disk and tape in particular) needed to process
data. Another area of concern and potential major gains is reducing
the memory size and I/O bandwidth...
Miguel Coelho Dos Santos
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
We present our design, development and deployment of a portable monitoring system for
the CERN Archival and Storage System (Castor) based on its existing internal database
infrastructure and deployment architecture.
This new monitoring architecture is seen as an important requirement for future
development and support. Castor is now deployed at several sites which use...
Martin Bly
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The GRIDPP Tier-1 Centre at RAL is one of 10 Tier-1 centres worldwide preparing for
the start of LHC data taking in late 2007. The RAL Tier-1 is expected to provide a
reliable grid-based computing service running thousands of simultaneous batch jobs
with access to a multi-petabyte CASTOR-managed disk storage pool and tape silo, and
will support the ATLAS, CMS and LHCb experiments as well...
Stefano Mersi
(INFN & Università di Firenze)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The CMS silicon strip tracker comprises a sensitive area of >200 m2 and 10M readout
channels. Its data acquisition system is based around a custom analogue front-end
ASIC, an analogue optical link system and an off-detector VME board that performs
digitization, zero-suppression and data formatting. The data acquisition system uses
the CMS online software framework, known as XDAQ, to...
Oliver Keeble
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
We describe an approach to maintaining a large integrated software
distribution, the gLite middleware. We describe why we have moved away
from the concept of regular releases of the entire distribution,
favoring instead a multispeed approach where components can evolve at
their own pace. An overview of our implementation of such a release
process is given, explaining the full life cycle...
Marc Dobson
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The ATLAS experiment will use of order three thousand nodes for the online processing farms.
The administration of such a large cluster is a challenge especially due to high impact of any
down time. The ability to quickly and remotely turn on/off machines, especially following a power
cut, and the ability to monitor the hardware health whether the machine be on or off are some
of the...
Charles Leggett
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Runtime memory usage in experiments has grown enormously in recent years,
especially in large experiments like Atlas. However, it is difficult
to break down total memory usage as indicated by OS-level tools, to
identify the precise users and abusers. Without a detailed knowledge
of memory footprints, monitoring memory growth as an experiment
evolves in order to control ballooning...
Sebastian Lopienski
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Nowadays, IT departments provide, and people use, computing services of an
increasingly heterogeneous nature. There is thus a growing need for a status display
that groups these different services and reports status and availability in a uniform
way. The Service Level Status (SLS) system addresses these needs by providing a
web-based display that dynamically shows availability, basic...
Ilya Narsky
(California Institute of Technology)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
SPR implements various tools for supervised learning such as boosting (3 flavors),
bagging, random forest, neural networks, decision trees, bump hunter (PRIM),
multi-class learner, logistic regression, linear and quadratic discriminant analysis,
and others. Presented at CHEP 2006, SPR has been extended with several important
features since then. The package has been stripped of CLHEP...
Rene Brun
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
A poster (two A0 pages) shows the main software systems used in HEP
in the period 1970 -> 2010 from their conception to their death. Graphics bands
are used to indicate the relative importance of each system or tool in the
following categories:
-Machines and Operating systems
-Storage systems and access libraries
-Networking and communication software
-Compiled languages
Andreas Unterkircher
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
We describe the methodology for testing gLite releases. Starting from the needs given
by the EGEE software management process we illustrate our design choices for testing
For certifying patches different test scenarios have to be considered: regular
regression tests, stress tests and manual verification of bug fixes. Conflicts arise
if these tests are all carried out at the same...
Ian Gable
(University of Victoria)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The ATLAS Canada computing model consists of a Tier-1 computing centre located at
the TRIUMF Laboratory in Vancouver, Canada, and two distributed Tier-2 computing
centres: one in Eastern Canada and one in Western Canada. Each distributed Tier-2
computing centre is made up of a
group of universities. To meet the network requirements of each institution, HEPnet
Canada and CANARIE...
Alessandro De Salvo
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare Sezione di Roma 1)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The huge amount of resources available in the Grids, and the necessity
to have the most updated experiment software deployed in all the sites
within a few hours, have spotted the need for automatic installation
systems for the LHC experiments.
In this paper we describe the ATLAS system for the experiment software
installation in LCG/EGEE, based on the Lightweight Job Submission
Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
With the turn-on of the LHC, the CMS DAQ system is expecting to log petabytes of
experiment data in the coming years. The CMS Storage Manager system is a part of the
high bandwidth event data handling pipeline of the CMS high level DAQ. It has two
primary functions. Each Storage Manager instance collects data from the sub-farm, or
DAQ slice of the Event Filter farm it has been assigned...
Lorenzo Masetti
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The Tracker Control System (TCS) is a distributed control software to operate
2000 power supplies for the silicon modules of the CMS Tracker and monitor
its environmental sensors. TCS must thus be able to handle 10^4 power supply
parameters, 10^3 environmental probes from the Programmable Logic Controllers
of the Tracker Safety System (TSS), 10^5 parameters read via DAQ from the...
Gang Chen
(IHEP, China)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Beijing Electron Spectrometer (BESIII) experiment will produce 5 PB of data in next
five years. Grid is used to solve this challenge. This paper introduces BES grid
computing model and specific technologies, including automatic data replication,
fine-grained job scheduling and so on.
Obreshkov Emil
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The ATLAS offline software comprises over 1000 software packages organized into 10 projects that are built on a
variety of compiler and operating system combinations every night. File-level parallelism, package-level parallelism
and multi-core build servers are used to perform simultaneous builds of 6 platforms that are merged into a single
installation on AFS. This in turn is used to...
Go Iwai
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The Belle Experiment is an ongoing experiment with an asymmetric electron-positron collider at KEK and already has a few PB scales of data in total including hundreds TB DST (Data Summary Tape) and MC data. It’s too much difficult to export existing data to LCG (LHC Computing Grid) physically because of huge amount of data. We setup a SRB (Storage Resource Broker) server to access them by...
Sigve Haug
(LHEP University of Bern)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Since 2005 the Swiss ATLAS Grid is in production. It comprises
four clusters at one Tier 2 and two Tier 3 sites. About 800
heterogenous cores and 60 TB disk space are connected by
a dark fibre network operated at 10 Giga bit per second. Three different
operating systems are deployed. The Tier 2 cluster runs both LCG and
NorduGrid middleware (ARC) while the Tier 3 clusters run only the...
Tony Cass
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
CERN, as other sites, has been preparing computing services for the arrival of LHC
data for some time---more than 11 years if everything started at the First LHC
Computing Workshop, held in Padova in June 1996. With LHC data taking now just around
the corner, this presentation takes a look back at preparations at CERN and considers
some of the key choices made along the way. Which were...
Dan Nae
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
In this paper we present the design, implementation and evolution of the
mission-orientedUSLHCNet for HEP research. The design philosophy behind our network
is to help meet the dataintensive computing challenges of the next generation of
particle physics experiments with a comprehensive, network-focused approach. Instead
of treating the network as a static, unchanging and unmanaged set of...
Patricia Conde Muíño
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
With the project PHEASANT a DSVQL was proposed for the purpose of providing a tools
that could increase user's productivity while producing query code for data analysis.
The previous project aimed at the proof concept and methodology feasability by
introducing the concept of DSLs. We are now concetrated on implementation issues in
order to deploy a final tool.
The concept of domain...
Konstantinos Bachas
(Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
The measurement of the muon energy deposition in the calorimeters is an integral part of muon
identification, track isolation and correction for catastrophic muon energy losses, which are the
prerequisites to the ultimate goal of refitting the muon track using calorimeter information as well. To this
end, an accurate energy loss measurement method in the calorimeters is developed which...
Kenneth Bloom
(University of Nebraska-Lincoln)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The CMS computing model relies heavily on the use of "Tier-2"
computing centers. At LHC startup, the typical Tier-2 center will have
1 MSpecInt2K of CPU resources, 200 TB of disk for data storage,
and a WAN connection of at least 1 Gbit/s. These centers will be the
primary sites for the production of large-scale simulation samples
and for the hosting of experiment data for user...
Mark Donszelmann
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool. Based on the concept
of a project object model (POM), Maven can manage a project's build, reporting and
documentation from a single XML file which declaratively specifies the project's
properties. In short, Maven replaces Make or Ant, adds the handling of dependencies
and generates
documentation and a project website. Maven...
Ulrich Schwickerath
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
LSF 7, the latest version of Platform's batch workload management
system, addresses many issues which limited the ability of LSF 6.1 to
support large scale batch farms, such as the lxbatch service at CERN. In
this paper we will present the status of the evaluation and deployment
of LSF 7 at CERN, including issues concerning the integration of LSF 7
witht the gLite grid...
Colin Morey
(Manchester University)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Cfengine is a middle to high level policy language and autonomous agent for
building expert systems to administrate and configure large computer clusters. It is
ideal for large-scale cluster management and is highly portable across varying
computer platforms, allowing the management of multiple architectures and node types
within the same farm.
As well as being a highly capable...
Andrey Bobyshev
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
At Fermilab, there is a long history of utilizing network flow data collected from
site routers for various analyses, including network performance characterization,
anomalous traffic detection, investigation of computer security incidents, network
traffic statistics and others. Fermilab’s flow analysis model is currently built as a
distributed system that collects flow data from the site...
David Alexander
(Tech-X Corporation)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
Nuclear and high-energy physicists routinely execute data processing and data
analysis jobs on a Grid and need to be able to monitor their jobs execution at an
arbitrary site at any time. Existing Grid monitoring tools provide abundant
information about the whole system, but are geared towards production jobs and well
suited for Grid administrators, while the information tailored towards...
Gordon Watts
(University of Washington)
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
ROOT is firmly based on C++ and makes use of many of its features –
templates and multiple inheritance, in particular. Many modern languages like
Java and C# and python are missing these features or have radically different
implementations. These programming languages, however, have many
advantages to offer scientists including improved programming paradigms,
Hegoi Garitaonandia Elejabarrieta
(Instituto de Fisica de Altas Energias (IFAE))
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Online Computing
The ATLAS Trigger & Data Acquisition System has been designed to use more than
2000 CPUs. During the current development stage it is crucial to test the system on a
number of CPUs of similar scale. A dedicated farm of this size is difficult to find, and
can only be made available for short periods. On the other hand many large farms
have become available recently as part of computing...
Harvey Newman
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The main objective of the VINCI project is to enable data intensive applications to
efficiently use and coordinate shared, hybrid network resources, to improve the
performance and throughput of global-scale grid systems, such as those used in high
energy physics. VINCI uses a set of agent-based services implemented in the MonALISA
framework to enable the efficient use of network resources,...
Tony Chan
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Computer facilities, production grids and networking
The Brookhaven Computing Facility provides for the computing needs of the
RHIC experiments, supports the U.S. Tier 1 center for the ATLAS experiment
at the LHC and provides computing support for the LSST experiment. The
multi-purpose mission of the facility requires a complex computing infrastructure
to meet different requirements and can result in duplication of services with a
Andrea Dotti
9/3/07, 8:00 AM
Software components, tools and databases
During the ATLAS detector commissioning phase, installed readout electronics must
pass performance standards tests. The resulting data must be analyzed to ensure
correct operation. For the Tile Calorimeter, developers plug their code into a
specific framework for physics data-processing,. Collaboration members, taking shifts
on commissioning work, interpret the results, in thousands of...