Robert Stober
(Platform Computing)
Universus refers to an extension to Platform LSF that provides a secure,
transparent, one-way interface from an LSF cluster to any foreign cluster. A
foreign cluster is a local or remote cluster managed by a non-LSF workload
management system. Universus schedules work to foreign clusters as it would
to any other execution host.
Beyond its ability to interface with foreign workload management systems,
the two most important features of Universus are its security and its
transparency. Universus leverages the LSF Kerberos 5 integration to provide
user and daemon authentication, and a Kerberized Secure Shell implementation
to perform encrypted file transfers and to securely execute commands on
remote systems.
Transparency can best be described as making jobs that are actually
executing within a foreign cluster ³look and feel² like native LSF jobs from
the end users perspective. Universus provides transparency on both the
command line and the LSF Web UI level. Universus also provides transparency
to the LSF system by obtaining accurate exit status from foreign jobs, even
when the foreign cluster provides no such functionality.
Chris Smith
(Platform Computing)