Swagato Banerjee
(University of Victoria)
BaBar Abstract #8 - Track 2 (Event processing)
Experience with validating GEANT4 v7 and v8 against v6 in BaBar
S. Banerjee, P. Kim, W. Lockman, and D. Wright for the BaBar Computing Group
The BaBar experiment at SLAC has been using the GEANT 4 package
version 6 for simulation of the detector response to passage of
particles through its material.
Since 2005 and 2006, respectively, GEANT 4 versions 7 and 8 have been
available, providing: improvements in modeling of multiple scattering;
corrections to muon ionization and improved MIP signature; widening of
the core of electro-magnetic shower shape profiles; newer
implementation of elastic scattering for hadronic processes; exact
implementation of Bertini cascade models for kaons and lambdas, and
updated hadronic cross-sections from calorimeter beam tests.
The effects of these changes in simulation are studied in terms of
closer agreement of simulation with respect to data distributions of:
the hit residuals of tracks in the silicon-vertex tracker; the shower
shapes of photons and K_L particles in the electro-magnetic
calorimeter; the ratio of energy deposited in the electro-magnetic
calorimeter and the flux return of the magnet instrumented with a muon
detection system composed of resistive plate chambers, and limited
streamer-tubes; and the muon identification efficiency in the muon
detector system of the BaBar detector.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | BaBar |
Swagato Banerjee
(University of Victoria)