Sep 2 – 9, 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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CDF offline computing'07: computing of a HEP experiment in a mature stage

Sep 3, 2007, 3:20 PM
Carson Hall B (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall B

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Computer facilities, production grids and networking Computer facilities, production grids and networking


Dr Pavel Murat (Fermilab)


CDFII detector at Fermilab is taking physics data since 2002. The architechture of the CDF computing system has substantially evolved during the years of the data taking and currently it reached stable configuration which will allow experiment to process and analyse the data until the end of Run II. We describe major architechtural components of the CDF offline computing - dedicated reconstruction and analysis farms, GRID-based Monte Carlo Production system, distributed databases, distributed hierarchical storage system, code development and distribution system. We present technical parameters of the CDF computing system and projected needs of the CDF computing for the next several years. We summarize the operational experience accumulated over the course of Run II and highlight the challenges the experiment had to overcome to reach the state where the CDF physicists are routinely using GRID in their daily analysis work.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) CDF


Dr Pavel Murat (Fermilab)

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