Sep 2 – 9, 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

Experience from a Pilot based system for ATLAS

Sep 5, 2007, 2:00 PM
Carson Hall C (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall C

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Grid middleware and tools Grid middleware and tools


Paul Nilsson (UT-Arlington)


The PanDA software provides a highly performant distributed production and distributed analysis system. It is the first system in the ATLAS experiment to use a pilot based late job delivery technique. In this talk, we will describe the architecture of the pilot system used in Panda. Unique features have been implemented for high reliability automation in a distributed environment. Performance of Panda will be analyzed from one and half year of experience of performing distributed computing on the OSG infrastructure. Experience with pilot delivery mechanism using CondorG, and a GlideIn factory developed under OSG will be described.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) ATLAS


Paul Nilsson (UT-Arlington)

Presentation materials