Sep 2 – 9, 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

CMS Monte Carlo production in the WLCG Computing Grid

Sep 5, 2007, 2:40 PM
Carson Hall B (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall B

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Computer facilities, production grids and networking Computer facilities, production grids and networking


Mr Jose Hernandez Calama (CIEMAT)


Monte Carlo production in CMS has received a major boost in performance and scale since last CHEP conference. The production system has been re-engineered in order to incorporate the experience gained in running the previous system and to integrate production with the new CMS event data model, data management system and data processing framework. The system is interfaced to the two major computing Grids used by CMS, the LHC Computing Grid (LCG) and the Open Science Grid (OSG). Operational experience and integration aspects of the new CMS Monte Carlo production system is presented together with an analysis of production statistics. The new system automatically handles job resubmission, resource monitoring, job queuing, job distribution according to the available resources, data merging, registration of data into the data bookkeeping, data location, data transfer and placement systems. Compared to the previous production system it considerably improves automation, reliability and performance, eventually leading to a system that can be run and monitored by a small number of production operators. A more efficient use of computing resources and a better handling of the inherent Grid unreliability have resulted in an increase of production scale by about an order of magnitude, capable of running in parallel at the order of ten thousand jobs and yielding more than a million events per day.

Primary authors

Mr Ajit Mohapatra (University of Wisconsin) Ms Alessandra Fanfani (INFN and University of Bologna) Mr Alexander Flossdorf (DESY) Mr Alexis Pompili (University of Bari) Mr Andrei Khomitch (RWTH) Mr Carlos Kavka (INFN Trieste) Mr Carsten Hof (RWTH) Mr Christos Lazaridis (University of Wisconsin) Mr Dave Evans (FNAL) Mr Frank Van Lingen (California Institute of Technology) Mr Giorgio Maggi (INFN and University of Bari) Mr Giulio Eulisse (Northeastern University) Mr Giuseppe Codispoti (INFN and University of Bologna) Mr Gregory Hammad (ULB) Ms Ilaria Villella (VUB) Mr Joris Maes (VUB) Mr Jose Afonso Lajas Sanches (UERJ) Mr Jose Caballero (CIEMAT) Mr Jose Hernandez Calama (CIEMAT) Mr Marcello Abbrescia (University of Bari) Mr Nicola De Filippis (INFN Bari) Mr Peter Elmer (Princeton University) Mr Peter Kreuzer (RWTH) Ms Petra Van Mulders (VUB) Mr Salvatore My (INFN and University of Bari) Mr Sergey Kalinin (RWTH) Mr Stijn De Weirdt (VUB) Mr Stuart Wakefield (Imperial College) Mr Subir Sarkar (INFN Pisa) Mr Wen Guan (IHEP) Mr William Bacchi (INFN and University of Bologna)

Presentation materials