2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Deploying HEP Applications Using Xen and Globus Virtual Workspaces

6 Sept 2007, 16:50
Carson Hall C (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall C

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Grid middleware and tools Grid middleware and tools


Mr Ian Gable (University of Victoria)


Deployment of HEP application in heterogeneous grid environments can be challenging because many of the applications are dependent on specific OS versions and have a large number of complex software dependencies. Virtual machine monitors such as Xen could ease the deployment burden by allowing applications to be packaged complete with their execution environments. Our previous work has shown HEP applications running within Xen to suffer little or no performance penalty as a result of virtualization. However, a practical strategy is required for remotely deploying, booting, and controlling virtual machines on a remote cluster. One tool that promises to overcome the deployment hurdles using standard grid technology is the Globus Virtual Workspaces project. We investigate strategies for the deployment of Xen virtual machines using Globus Virtual Workspace middleware that simplify the deployment of HEP applications. Further, we study the feasibility of deploying user-constructed virtual machines for the purpose of executing custom physics analyses.

Primary authors

Mr Andre Charbonneau (National Research Council of Canada) Ms Angela Norton (University of Victoria) Dr Ashok Agarwal (University of Victoria) Mr Daniel Vanderster (University of Victoria) Mr David Grundy (University of Victoria) Mr Duncan Penfold-Brown (University of Victoria) Mr Ian Gable (University of Victoria) Dr Randall Sobie (University of Victoria) Dr Rolf Seuster (University of Victoria) Mr Ron Desmarais (University of Victoria) Mr Ryan Enge (University of Victoria) Mr Tristan Sullivan (University of Victoria)

Presentation materials