2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

DIRAC: Data Production Management

3 Sept 2007, 17:30
Lecture (Victoria, Canada)


Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Distributed data analysis and information management Distributed data analysis and information management


Andrew Cameron Smith (CERN)


The LHCb Computing Model describes the dataflow model for all stages in the processing of real and simulated events and defines the role of LHCb associated Tier1 and Tier2 computing centres. The WLCG ‘dressed rehearsal’ exercise aims to allow LHC experiments to deploy the full chain of their Computing Models, making use of all underlying WLCG services and resources, in preparation for real data taking. During this exercise simulated RAW physics data, matching the properties of eventual real data, will be uploaded from the LHCb Online storage system to Grid enabled storage. This data will then be replicated to LHCb Tier1s and subsequently processed (reconstructed and stripped). The product of this processing is user analysis data that are distributed to all LHCb Tier1 sites. DIRAC, LHCb’s Workload and Data Management System, supports the implementation of the Computing Model in a data driven, real time and coordinated fashion. In this paper the LHCb Computing Model will be reviewed and the DIRAC components providing the needed functionality to support the Computing Model will be detailed. The experience gained during WLCG's 'dressed rehearsal' exercise will be given along with an evaluation of the preparedness for real data taking.


Presentation materials