Ludek Matyska
Grid middleware stacks, including gLite, matured into the state of being able to
process upto millions of jobs per day. Logging and Bookkeeping, the gLite
job-tracking service keeps pace with this rate, however it is not designed to provide
a long-term archive of executed jobs.
ATLAS---representative of large user community--- addresses this issue with its own
job catalogue (prodDB). Development of such a customized service took considerable
effort which is not easily affordable by smaller communities and is not easily reused.
On the contrary, Job Provenance (JP) is a generic gLite service designed for
long-term archive of information on executed jobs. Its design priorities are:
(i) scalability -- store data on billions of jobs;
(ii) extensibility -- virtually any data format can be uploaded and handled by plugins;
(iii) uniform data view -- all data are logically transformed into RDF-like data
model, using appropriate namespaces to avoid ambiguities;
(iv) configurability -- highly customizable components maintaining pre-cooked
queries provide efficient query interface.
We present first results of experimental JP deployment for the ATLAS production
infrastructure. JP installation was fed with a part of ATLAS production jobs
(thousands of jobs per day). We provide a functional comparison of JP and ATLAS
prodDB, discuss reliability, performance and scalability issues, and focus on the
application level functionality as opposed to pure Grid middleware functions.
The main outcome of this work is a demonstration that JP can complement large-scale
application-specific job catalogue services, as well as serve similar purpose where
these are not available.
Ales Krenek
Ludek Matyska
Frantisek Dvorak
Jiri Chudoba
Jiri Filipovic
Jiri Sitera
Laura Perini
Milos Mulac
Miroslav Ruda
Simone Campana
Zdenek Salvet
Zdenek Sustr