2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

AliEn2: the ALICE grid Environment

3 Sept 2007, 15:20
Carson Hall C (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall C

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Grid middleware and tools Grid middleware and tools


Dr Pablo Saiz (CERN)


Starting from the end of this year, the ALICE detector will collect data at a rate that, after two years, will reach 4PB per year. To process such a large quantity of data, ALICE has developed over the last seven years a distributed computing environment, called AliEn, integrated in the WLCG environment. The ALICE environment presents several original solutions, which have shown their viability in a number of large exercises of increasing complexity called data challenges. This talk will describe the architecture of the ALICE distributed computing environment, focusing on the challenges to be faced and on the technical solutions chosen to meet them. The job submission system and the data management infrastructure will be described, as well as the user interface. The current status of AliEn will be illustrated, as well as the performance of the system during the data challenges. The presentation will describe also the development roadmap of the system.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) ALICE


Presentation materials