Domenico Giordano
(Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica)
The CMS Silicon Strip Tracker (SST), consisting of more than 10 millions of channels,
is organized in about 16,000 detector modules and it is the largest silicon strip
tracker ever built for high energy physics experiments.
In the first half of 2007 the CMS SST project is facing the important milestone of
commissioning and testing a quarter of the entire SST with cosmic muons.
The full standard CMS software is deployed for the data acquisition, reconstruction,
monitoring and event display.
For the first time the detector performance is monitored using an advanced Data
Quality Monitoring (DQM) system capable of running on a variety of online and offline
environments, in the control room as well as in remote sites.
More than 100.000 monitorable quantities are managed by the DQM system that organizes
them in a hierarchical structure reflecting the detector arrangement in subcomponents
and the various levels of data processing.
Monitorable quantities computed at the level of individual detectors are processed to
extract automatic quality checks and summary results that can be visualized with
specialized graphical user interfaces.
In view of the great complexity of the CMS Tracker detector the standard
visualization tools based on histograms have been complemented with 2 and 3
dimensional graphical images of the subdetector that can show the whole detector down
to single channel resolution.
The functionalities of the CMS Silicon Strip Tracker DQM system and the experience
acquired during the SST commissioning are discussed here.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | CMS |
Domenico Giordano
(Dipartimento Interateneo di Fisica)