2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

Level-1 RPC Trigger in the CMS experiment - software for emulation and commissioning

6 Sept 2007, 14:00
Carson Hall A (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall A

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Event Processing Event processing


Mr Tomasz Maciej Frueboes (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw)


The CMS detector will start its operation in the end of 2007. Until that time great care must be taken in order to assure that hardware operation is fully understood. We present an example of how emulation software helps achieving this goal in the CMS Level-1 RPC Trigger system. The design of the RPC trigger allows to insert sets of so-called test pulses at any stage of the hardware pipeline. Reading out data from different stages is also possible. Such design allows for easy debugging of the trigger hardware by comparing hardware and software emulation values, since the software and hardware algorithms are identical. In the talk we would like to present the architecture of our test applications, specific test cases and the RPC trigger emulation software itself.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) CMS


Dr Artur Kalinowski (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw) Mr Karol Bunkowski (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw) Dr Marcin Konecki (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw) Dr Michal Bluj (Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies - Warsaw) Mr Michal Pietrusinski (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw) Mr Tomasz Maciej Frueboes (Institute of Experimental Physics - University of Warsaw)

Presentation materials