Helen Hayward
(University of Liverpool)
The inner detector of the ATLAS experiment is in the process of being
commissioned using cosmic ray events. First tests were performed in
the SR1 assembly hall at CERN with both barrel and endcaps for all
different detector technologies (pixels and microstrips silicon
detectors as well as straw tubes with additional transition radiation
detection). Integration with the rest of the ATLAS sub-detectors is
now being done in the ATLAS cavern.
The full software chain has been set up in order to reconstruct and
analyse this kind of events. Final detector decoders have been
developed, different pattern recognition algorithms and track fitters
have been validated as well as the various alignment and calibration
methods. The infrastructure to deal with conditions data coming from
the data acquisition, detector control system and calibration runs
has been put in place, allowing also to apply alignment and calibration
The software has also been essential to monitor the detector
performance during data taking. Detector efficiencies, noise
occupancies and resolutions have been studied in detail and compared
with those obtained from simulation.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | ATLAS Offline Computing |
Christian Schmitt