Adele Rimoldi
(Pavia University & INFN)
The ATLAS detector is entering the final phases of construction and
commissioning in order to be ready to take data during the first LHC
commissioning run, foreseen by the end of 2007. A good understanding of
the experiment performance from the beginning is essential to
efficiently debug the detector and assess its physics potential in view
of the physics runs which are going to take place from 2008 on. The
ATLAS Detector Simulation programs have been developed since the ATLAS
inception and have been developed for easing the detector optimization
and construction: further developments to the simulation suite have
recently been introduced to cope with essential factors like
misalignment, inefficiencies, imperfections but still maintaining a high
level of efficiency and operability to serve the ongoing production
exercises. Emphasis in this talk is put on recent developments and new
features, on validation and production strategies as well as on
performance figures, robustness and maintainability
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | ATLAS |
Adele Rimoldi
(Pavia University & INFN)