2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
Please book accomodation as soon as possible.

Summary of WLCG Collaboration Workshop 1-2 September 2007

6 Sept 2007, 11:30
Carson Hall (Victoria, Canada)

Carson Hall

Victoria, Canada

oral presentation Plenary Plenary


Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)


This talk summarises the main discussions and issues raised at the WLCG Collaboration workshop held immediately prior to CHEP. The workshop itself will focus on service needs for initial data taking: commissioning, calibration and alignment, early physics. Target audience: all active sites plus experiments We start with a detailed update on the schedule and operation of the accelerator for 2007/2008, followed by similar sessions from each experiment. The main thrust of this workshop will be to understand the status of the WLCG Services with respect to the 2007 / 2008 requirements, in particular the 'residual services' discussed at the January 2007 workshop. * SRM 2.2 * Full FTS services * Distributed Database Services * gLite 3.x / SL(C)4 / 64bit * VOMS roles We also review the status / plans of the Dress Rehearsals and initial running. BOF sessions are foreseen in the following areas: * Monitoring * Data Management * Databases * Operations, including experiment / site / Grid operations


A summary of the plenary and parallel (BOF) sessions held at the WLCG Collaboration
workshop held immediately prior to CHEP:


Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) WLCG


Dr Jamie Shiers (CERN)

Presentation materials