2–9 Sept 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Shaping Collaboration 2006: Action Items for the LHC

5 Sept 2007, 08:00
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 8
poster Collaborative tools Poster 2


Dr Steven Goldfarb (University of Michigan)


"Shaping Collaboration 2006" was a workshop held in Geneva, on December 11-13, 2006, to examine the status and future of collaborative tool technology and its usage for large global scientific collaborations, such as those of the CERN LHC (Large Hadron Collider). The workshop brought together some of the leading experts in the field of collaborative tools (WACE 2006) with physicists and developers of the LHC collaborations and HEP. We highlight important presentations and key discussions held during the workshop, then focus on a large and aggressive set of goals and specific action items targeted at institutes from all levels of the LHC organization. This list of action items, assembled during a panel discussion at the close of the LHC sessions, includes recommendations for the LHC Users, their Universities, Project Managers, Spokespersons, National Funding Agencies and Host Laboratories. We will present this list, along with suggestions for priorities in addressing the immediate and long-term leads of HEP.


The need for a secure, robust, and high-quality collaborative environment for the LHC has been known for some
time. With collaboration membership typically counting in the thousands, and spread over hundreds of institutes
located around the globe, active participation in the experiments will push the limits of our current tools, even if
there were adequate funding for development, installation and maintenance. The lack of dedicated resources
over the past several years leading up to the LHC start-up, however, has left the LHC collaborations in a difficult
position to catch up. Work is needed in all aspects of the field, from the proper equipping of conference rooms to
the creation of robust video and audio systems, to the development of integrated environments that will satisfy
the needs of the experiments for security and functionality. The Shaping Collaboration 2006 conference
addressed many of these issues and provided an excellent forum for charting a course to bridge the gap in the
near and long-term future. Our presentation attempts to summarize this important outcome and to spark
further action within the community.

Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) LHC (ATLAS)


Prof. Homer A Neal (University of Michigan) Mr Jeremy Herr (University of Michigan) Dr Steven Goldfarb (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials