Dmitry Emeliyanov
The unprecedented rate of beauty production at the LHC will yield high statistics for
measurements such as CP violation and Bs oscillation and will provide the opportunity
to search for and study very rare decays, such as B→ .The trigger is a vital
component for this work and must select events containing the channels of interest
from a huge background in order to reduce the 40 MHz bunch crossing rate down to
100-200 Hz for recording, of which only a part will be assigned to B-physics.
Requiring a single or di-muon trigger provides the first stage of the B-trigger
selection. Track reconstruction is then performed in the Inner Detector, either using
the full detector, at initial luminosity, or within Regions of Interest identified by
the first level trigger at higher luminosities. Based on invariant mass, combinations
of tracks are selected as likely decay products of the channel of interest and
secondary vertex fits are performed. Events are selected based on properties such as
fit quality and invariant mass. We present fast vertex reconstruction algorithms
suitable for use in the second level trigger and event filter (level three). We
discuss the selection software and the flexible trigger strategies that will enable
ATLAS to pursue a B-physics programme from the first running at a luminosity of about
1031 cm-2s-1 through to the design luminosity running at 1034 cm-2s-1.
Submitted on behalf of Collaboration (ex, BaBar, ATLAS) | ATLAS |
John Baines
Maria Smizanska
(Lancaster University)